Outbound Logistics
Discussion List
How to see exactly what child items are present inside a KIT?Summary: How to see exactly which child items are present inside a KIT? Content (required): Kitting/De-Kitting Process - How to see exactly what child items(Specific Ser…
Integrate external devices with Oracle ERPSummary: Content (required): In WMS, there is provision to link external devices. We can scan and store the data into ERP. In EBS, this functionality is available so I a…
Find How to and Configuration ContentSummary find the latest links to How to and Configuration contentContent New Tabs on Warehouse Management Cloud Information Center We’ve added two new navigation tabs to…Rachel Walters-Oracle 20 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Rachel Walters-Oracle Warehouse Management
Allow picking to be performed in a different UOM than the UOM allocation WMS CloudContent This improvement will allow control inventory by weight as the principal UOM. Case example: Product item "A" with "Std package quantity" 1.500 kg. The LPN Pallet…
Do we have a Mobile GUI client to see Mobile pages on Desktop for WMS CloudSummary Just like the one available for EBS WMS to access Handheld device window on DesktopContent Hi Team, When doing testing from Desktop, We may need to do some wareh…
Have Expiry Date Range with Work Order Wave TemplateSummary Incorporate a Expiry Date Range with the Work Order Template, similar to the Picking Wave Template optionContent The customer has a requirement to use components…
Conveyor System -Integration with WMS Cloud - & Oracle Warehouse Automation Cloud License feesSummary Conveyor System -Integration with WMS Cloud - & Oracle Warehouse Automation Cloud License feesContent Hi All, I see number of Integration APIs made available for…
Over Shipping functionality. How does it work?Summary Can you provide more details about how to properly work with the shipping tolerance percentage at the order details?Content Can you provide more details about ho…Valentin Zorelle 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajiv Kirani-Oracle Warehouse Management
how to extend Oracle WMS cloud by developing custom screensSummary how to extend Oracle WMS cloud by developing custom screens Content hi, in Oracle ERP cloud, we can easily extend the custom functionality by developing the cust…Sachin Suresh Deshpande -- Infosys 92 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajiv Kirani-Oracle Warehouse Management
SCM – Warehouse Management Cloud 21B Overview and Product Update, 21 April 2021, 8 a.m. PT - SubmitContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Warehouse Management Cloud 21B Overview and Product Update session to have them answered during the live event. Post your que…
Location Types in WMSSummary Limitation of using Active LocationsContent What is the limitation in using only Active Locations in a Facility? What Transactions will be impacted and how major…
Notification (Fulfillment Alert) to Customer upon ShipmentContent Hello Everyone, Does Oracle ERP Cloud (Saas) has a feature to send a notification to customer once ship confirmed to an email address along with Tracking Number?
Perform allocation by Customer, Ship To, CarrierSummary How to perform allocation by generic grouping rules?Content We would like to create wave allocation templates that group sales orders by customer, ship-to locati…Bharathkumar Krishnamurthy 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajiv Kirani-Oracle Warehouse Management
User-Configurable UOMSummary User-Configurable UOM - current UOM customer use casesContent User-Configurable UOM and Assigning a Primary UOM to an Item-Facility is currently on the planned W…
Item substitutionSummary Item substitutionContent Does anyone know if it's possible to perform Item substitution in WMS? (not LPN substitution)
Revised Sales Order Lines are not Interfacing to WMS automaticallySummary Revised Sales Order Lines are not Interfacing to WMS automatically Content Hi All, We are working on an Use Case Revised Sales Order Lines should get interfaced …User_2025-02-11-02-17-21-572 20 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajiv Kirani-Oracle Warehouse Management
WMS Serial Number IssuesSummary Serial Numbers causing delays in inbound and outbound porcesses Content We went live with WMS cloud with host system as Oracle EBS R12.1.3. We are having many is…User_2025-02-10-08-29-32-636 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-08-29-32-636 Warehouse Management
customers shipping notifications with tracking numberSummary Does Oracle Cloud have the ability to automatically email customers shipping notifications with tracking numbersContent Does Oracle Cloud have the ability to aut…
Is there a way to stop deallocating the pallet and OBLPN while shipping?Summary Is there a way to stop deallocating the pallet and OBLPN while shipping?Content I'm palletizing the OBLPNs and then when I ships the load and refresh the OBLPNs,…
3rd Party Drop Ship with Alternative Return Shipping Address on LabelSummary We are trying to get an alternate return ship to address different from our shipping facility on the UPS shipping label.Content We have a new customer that we ar…
FedEx Carrier IntegrationSummary FedEx carrier integration not working in testContent Hi, We tried to configure the FedEx carrier integration in our test environment following Doc ID 2504117.1 a…
Defining OBLPN type parameter valuesSummary Defining OBLPN type parameter valuesContent The current values defined for the OBLPN type are: Maximum Volume: 9,999,999 Maximum Weight: 9,999,999 Length: 9,999,…
Timeout period for RF scannersSummary Is it possible to configure the timeout period for RF scanners?Content Had few queries regarding WMS RF Scanner: 1. What is the timeout period set for the RF sca…
Wrong PO allocation to ordersContent Hi, We have built a process where we are tagging Purchase Order Numbers on the Orders details in the field 'PO_NBR'. Our expectation is that an order should only…User_2025-01-28-18-45-50-135 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Joel George Warehouse Management