Outbound Logistics
Discussion List
Upvoting feature enhancementsSummary Is there a way to upvote some enhancements that were raised by other customers that we also want? Content While raising an SR on error messages for ASN submissio…
Requirement of massive upload into WMS Cloud, from 3PL shipmentsSummary Shipments to Customers are done by a 3PL; we need to upload this transactions to WMS CloudContent For shipping to Customer purposes our Company use a 3PL; after …
Expand Route Instruction FunctionalitySummary Develop RI logic based on cubed OBLPN and for Non-Con itemsContent In a DC that houses a lot of SKU's and where new SKU's are taken on at a great rate, it is dif…
Sorting of Shipped OBLPNsSummary Develop the ability to sort shipped OBLPN's to sorting locationsContent We want the system to develop sorting functionality for Shipped OBLPNs similar to what it…
Commercial Invoices for International (US Export) Shipments when using FedexSummary How are you generating commercial invoices for shipments exported out of the US when using Fedex as a carrier?Content We are going through testing with Fedex as …
Warehouse management APIsSummary list of Warehouse management APIsContent Where can i find list of Warehouse management APIs