Discussion List
Unable to Add Prod Environment using CredentialsSummary: We want to setup the Production environment in order to manually use pipelines to push over the changes from Development. However, when I use my login credentia…
Merge Request not publishingSummary: We are working on a project in VBS, once the changes are approved by a reviewer and then merged the changes are not pushing into the environment to publish. Are…
Invoking PCS workflow from VBCS is deprecated , So any alternate workaroundSummary: Hi team, Invoking PCS from VBCS in Gen 3 is deprecated. as an alternate is it possible to manage all the approvals from VBCS itself to eliminate the OPA .Please…
Clearing Selected Rows in `oj-table` After Data RefreshSummary: I am using an oj-table component where users can select single or multiple rows. Since multiple selection is enabled, the table automatically adds a checkbox co…
How to update integration connection URL on Oracle Process Automation after migrationSummary: We have recently migrated our Process Application from the SIT instance to the UAT instance. However, we have encountered an issue where the integration connect…
The oj-sp-smart-filter-search page template issuesSummary: Is there any documentation on the numerous variables that are shown in this page template? When populated, the suggestionFiltersDP should probably make an API c…
What are the limitations of using Visual Builder Studio free version ?Summary: I want to create a custom simple page using the free VBS that comes with Fusion 1- What are the limitations of VBS 2- Is it ok if i copied the link of the devel…
Error when trying to create a service connection from service catalog with backend Integration AppliSummary: Property Schema.description expects values of types [string] but got null Hi everyone, I am working on a Visual Builder application, I have built an OIC integra…
Can we send approval notification from VBCS to user in Fusion Application as bell notification?Summary: I'm building an extension using VBCS in which the transaction has to undergo two levels of approval. Is it possible to send the approval notification from the c…
401 Unauthorized to process cloud. Authorization header not being passedSummary: This was working fine last week and something changed recently or I messed it up somehow… I can no longer successfully make a call from my development visual bu…
Approver id is not fetched if the human task assigned in parallel and if user takes actionSummary: Hi Experts In below screenshot for OPA, if the task is assigned in parallel to more than 1 user then the approver id is not returned / captured and in data asso…
Warning with visual application in VBCS while selecting VB InstanceHello All, I started learning VBCS. My VBCS is from Oracle fusion applications and VB is from OCI - OIC (Integration cloud). Both VBCS and VB are from different identity…
Warning with visual application in VBCS while selecting VB InstanceHello All, I started learning VBCS. My VBCS is from Oracle fusion applications and VB is from OCI - OIC (Integration cloud). Both VBCS and VB are from different identity…
Does Oracle visual builder excel add on is replacing ADFDI in Oracle Fusion release in 25A ?Summary: Currently our client is using Oracle Fusion Cloud 24B Could you please let us know all the information on the Oracle visual builder excel add on?? In the future…
How to attach and send document to Oracle Process Automation from VBCS?Summary: We are populating the form details and submitting to Oracle Process Automation. Along with the form, we want to attach a document while submitting the request. …
Failed to access the production instance with Visual Builder Excel Add-in to mass upload itemsFailed to access the production instance to upload items in bulk in public shopping lists through Visual Builder Excel Add-in. I was able to do it with the previous inst…Mohammad Akbari-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohammad Akbari-Oracle Visual Builder
Can we preview the whole process and add new approver/FYI user when embed process to VBCS?Hi all, I am going to build a VBCS page with process approval function. May I know that can requester preview the whole approval flow before submit? like user A → user B…
BPM Workflow In Fusion Application Extension.Summary: In my case I have developed a UI Using Fusion VBS APP Extension and given the separate role. Added it to the Fusion Page. but i have requrement for that UI to a…
VB & Creating Innovative User Experience for Fusion Cloud Applications Scheduled ProcessesSummary: hi this was a very interesting article … is it possible VB standalone apps could have a similar method for scheduling processes with VBS? Content (please ensure…
How to solve can't upload any file in the file picker ?Summary: Everytime i upload a file in file picker it gives me null no file was uploaded how to solve it
how to change the status of test instance from on to off for a PCS in VBCSSummary: How can i change the test instance status from on to off Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…
Automatic user creation and role propagationSummary: Oracle Fusion Application (FA) will have all enterprise users. Multiple FA instances and Gen3 OCI exists with same oracle cloud account. Only selective FA Users…
OIC Visual builder extend Oracle Cloud AppsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, we're looking at Visual Builder in terms of integrating with Fusion cloud apps. I kno…
Can we use Visual Build (VBCS) to extend Oracle HCM Cloud Redwood Page instead using the VBSSummary: Can we Use Visual Builder ( VBCS ) instead of the the Visual Builder Studio (VBS) We are having multiple subscriptions for HCM, ERP etc., under the Oracle accou…Paidiparthi Ravindra 93 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Paidiparthi Ravindra Visual Builder
Choosing the Correct Redwood Template for VB AppSummary: We are Upgrading the Exiting VB App to Redwood. The Existing App is based on Creating/Replacing Orders, Searching the Existing Orders, Editing Orders, Changing …
Error when staging an app in VB. (Parameter 'destinationDir' is not a directory)Summary: Error when staging an app in VB Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Experts. I exported the code for my application from VB Studi…
Filter criteria $or operator not workingSummary Rest endpoint filter criteria with $or operator doesnt workContent I am trying to filter REST endpoint of BO. I am successful when there is only one criteria. Bu…
How to automatically login to VBCS as the same account from Oracle fusion ?Summary: If this question related to make single sign on in VBCS i want to know the steps in details Note: Fusion has no single sign on in it
What this error means ?Summary: I am trying to access visual builder from a Fusion instance and this error came so what the meaning of this error and how to solve it
Visual Builder has not been enabled to communicate with Process in Oracle Integration. Please contacContent Hi Experts, I have an independent instance of Visual Builder instance and trying to add the business processes which are in different PCS and different IDCS. Hav…