Discussion List
Using Oracle Rest APIs in VBCSSummary I can't use Fusion Rest APIs in VBCSContent Hello everyone, I'm newbie at VBCS. Today I have to use one Oracle Rest Api in my application for one of Oracle Custo…
BO TransactionContent i updating complex list.. But i want start transaction. if it failure i want rollback or commit. Should I use ORDS or BO? ords difficult to use. Table may change…
Using Oracle Rest APIs at Physical Android Devices which developed from VBCSSummary I can't use Fusion Rest APIs in Physical DevicesContent Hello everyone, I'm newbie in VBCS. I'm try to use Oracle Rest API in one of my application. Here the api…
VBCS : Service Data Provider to Array Data ProviderSummary Converting Service Data Provider to Array Data ProviderContent Hi All, I have a ServiceDataProvider variable which is holding the table data in the page. I just …Nazeer Anantha-145553 462 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Not able to create a type of a variable from a end pointSummary Facing issue while creating variable type from an endpointContent I'm creating an application using VBCS Tool, For this task i'm creating service connection thro…
Batch Update a Business Object: Bad Request ErrorContent Hi All, I'm trying to batch update a business Object by calling the REST endpoint business objects/batch. As a filepath I inserted: https://mightyzeus-mightyzeus…
oj table data shrinksSummary Data in oj-table shrinks when columns have data of varied lengthContent I have used a table component in our VBCS screen. When the table populates with column da…
Posting to Business Objects by ForEach Iteration over an arrayContent Hi All, I have the Business Object ShipmentHistory3 and function "createDataArray" which retrieves an array of items of the get_ShipmentHistory3 type. Array cont…
Accessing Business Objects via REST and SOAP UISummary Need some Newby help on Cross-Origin Resource SharingContent Hi I'm relatively new to OVBCS and REST, and a little help please... I've created a simple VB App an…Mark Chappell-112191 30 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Getting 404 (Not Found) error for a valid Get rest URL when trying to call in VBCSSummary Getting 404 (Not Found) error for a valid Get rest URL when trying to call in VBCSContent Getting 404 (Not Found) error for a valid Get rest URL when trying to c…
unable to access REST service from Visual BuilderContent Hi all, My requirement is to develop an application using oracle jet(Visual Builder) as Front End and oracle ADF as Back End. I am in my very first month of orac…
VBCS: expanded REST problems, One-to-One relation, and settings with Business ObjectsSummary VBCS: expanded REST problems, One-to-One relation, and settings with Business ObjectsContent Dear all, I have Business Objects in one Application and am consumin…
Fetch users who have access to particular application in combo-boxSummary Need to fetch the user names who have access to that particular application and show them in dropdownContent I want to show the user names who have access to my …
How to call long running sync job (ADF BC method) on page load in VBCSSummary Need to call Java method(exposed in AMImpl) on VBCS page load and show busy / loading iconContent Hi, We have a requirement to process and load batch of invoices…
Using Rest Endpoints in Visual Builder Cloud ServicesSummary I can't use any Rest Endpoints in VBCSContent Hi to all, I have Rest Endpoints for sample hr schema's Departments table. I want to use this endpoints in my VBCS …
Create an event to show a table after a button eventSummary Create an event to show a table after a button event.Content Hi everyone, I have a table where I show a list of files in an FTP directory. I have created an even…
Dependent LOV based Rest API(VBCS)Summary Dependent LOV not Working which is based on Rest API(VBCS)Content Hi All, I have a REST API. based on REST API, I have created 2 LOV's. which is dependent. I can…Nazeer Anantha-145553 109 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Issue to send content Visual Builder to integrate OIC.Summary Issue to send content Visual Builder to integrate OIC.Content The application in which I work consists of a table and a button. The table contains only two colum…
SelecOne (LOV) in VBCSSummary SelecOne (LOV) in VBCSContent Hi All, I am calling a REST populate LOV...but data is not getting populated....below is the process followed 1. Registere…
Access Data iteratively from Service Data ProviderSummary Access Data iteratively from Service Data ProviderContent Hi, Is there a way to access data from SDP variable? I am reading data from a REST service in a SDP var…Preetesh Dongre-133500 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Preetesh Dongre-133500 Visual Builder
Chart not displaying any dataSummary Chart not displaying any data (based on REST endpoint)Content Hi, I have a REST endpoint providing this format of data [ { "BalId": "1000003", "BalName": "Includ…Jean Francois Dechamp 25 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Jean Francois Dechamp Visual Builder
How do we scan attachments for viruses and malware in VBCS applicationSummary How do we scan attachments for viruses and malware in VBCS applicationContent Hi Experts, We are building an application using VBCS and intend to provide the fun…
How to consuming API with parameter 'q' in VBCSContent I have an API with which I pass certain parameters with 'q' to filter the data. The tests I did in Postman and I already have the API with the corresponding para…
oj-table in VBCSSummary oj-table in VBCSContent Hi, Method1: I have a oj-table for which added the data using data source option......At what point data would be populated onto this tab…
UserName from VBCS( OIC) Login ScreenSummary UserName from VBCS( OIC) Login ScreenContent How to get a username to pass it one more REST service....with Basic Authentication enabled for the login screen..
Registering VBCS application in product cloudSummary Registering VBCS application in product cloudContent Hello, i am am looking for an approach to register VBCS application in another cloud services for example pr…
Error in main-start HTMLSummary Error in main-start HTML errorsContent Please comment - As shown the attached screen shot. main-start HTML page shows 5 errors on the page, How do I debug which …
POST REST Call in VBCSSummary POST REST Call in VBCSContent Please comment on this issue, what is the solution for it.. 1. I registered as Service Connection for creating webApp - When we do …
Displaying data from a REST call returning data in parent child structureSummary Displaying data from a REST call returning data in parent child structureContent Hello Experts, I am just starting on VBCS, building a page which shows data in a…Preetesh Dongre-133500 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Preetesh Dongre-133500 Visual Builder
VBCS Database MonitoringContent Hi All, I know that VBCS comes with a internal database of around 5GB. Is it possible to monitor the size of the internal database as we start using the applicat…