SaaS Integration
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Embed OEC - Re deploy ApplicationContent Hi, Assume this scenario. We want to modify something from the existing application which we embedded in OEC / any application, we have to redeploy it again wher…Mohana Gopal S-Oracle 17 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Mohana Gopal S-Oracle Visual Builder
Posting VBCS Screen (header and lines) to REST Service in ICS (upload to FTP)Summary One Header Record, Many LinesContent Hello, I have a VBCS screen composed of a Header section and a Lines Section. The header section is tied to a BO while the l…Stephen Bryant-131052 40 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Is there a limit to how many rows you can load in a Business Object via the BOs Rest APISummary REST API - load business object - limit?Content Hello, I am loading a business object from ICS using the business object's rest API. Is there a limit to the numb…Stephen Bryant-131052 30 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
upsert based on another fieldSummary Posting to Business Object from ICSContent Hello, I am extracting data from our SaaS system via an OTBI Report. This works nicely. However, I have an identifying…Stephen Bryant-131052 14 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
How to read from 2 Business Object in 1 Action ChainSummary How to read from 2 Business Object (parent and child) in 1 Action Chain and contruct a single payload?Content Hi OVBCS Guru’s I need some help with my OVBCS Appl…Mark Chappell-112191 26 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
Integrating with HCM WorkflowSummary Building a Customized SelfserviceContent Hi All, One of our customers are trying to add some sophisticated validations to the current Self Service Screens, so ou…
How to pull Cloud ERP Report data in VBCSSummary How to pull Cloud ERP Report data in VBCSContent Hi, We are trying to create a service connection via REST end point to Cloud ERP SaaS which would fetch BI Repor…
Batch Request: Providing authentication credentialsContent Hi All, I'm trying to batch update a Business Object. It may be that the endpoint is not being updated since username and password aren't provided. Is there a vi…
Rest end point with parameter value containing single quote is not workingSummary When Business object rest endpoint is queried with parameter value containing single quote, bad request error is throwedContent I have a Business object containi…
Matrix Table Possible?Summary Create a table where intersection of Column Value and Row Value is based on another fieldContent Hello, I am attempting to create a Matrix style table where the …Stephen Bryant-131052 16 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Couldn't connect to integrations from VBCS in staged application.Content I have my VBCS application and we do a service call via service connections which will fetch the data from Integration (service connection created through catalo…
Cannot Select ID Attribute on my ADPSummary Created ADP Variable to be populated by REST Service CallContent Hello, I've created a connection to our ERP for payables payments. No problem there. I can displ…Stephen Bryant-131052 22 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
*** Solved *** Getting the Label on an LOV to pass to REST ServiceSummary Accessing the Label on an LOV to collect in a VariableContent Hello, I've created a VBCS application that takes data from the page variables and passes them (as …Stephen Bryant-131052 19 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
VBCS Vs JCS SXSummary PaaS extension using VBCS vs JCS SXContent We are working with one of our customer and doing analysis on extension creation using JCS SX vs VBCS. We are consider…
Using Oracle Rest APIs in VBCSSummary I can't use Fusion Rest APIs in VBCSContent Hello everyone, I'm newbie at VBCS. Today I have to use one Oracle Rest Api in my application for one of Oracle Custo…
Oracle Visual Builder to extend ERP CloudSummary Oracle Visual Builder to extend the UI of ERP CloudContent Hello Everyone, In regards to using Oracle Visual Builder to extend the UI of ERP Cloud, is that somet…
Batch Update a Business Object: Bad Request ErrorContent Hi All, I'm trying to batch update a business Object by calling the REST endpoint business objects/batch. As a filepath I inserted: https://mightyzeus-mightyzeus…
Posting to Business Objects by ForEach Iteration over an arrayContent Hi All, I have the Business Object ShipmentHistory3 and function "createDataArray" which retrieves an array of items of the get_ShipmentHistory3 type. Array cont…
Single Sign onSummary How to enable Single sign on (SSO) between SaaS(ERP) and OIC(VBCS) custom pagesContent we need a Single sign-on (SSO) between SaaS(ERP) and OIC(VBCS) custom page…Nazeer Anantha-145553 81 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How setup the security between the SaaS and VBCSSummary Unable to access the saas application in VBCS(OIC)Content Hi All, We are trying to access the SAAS application catalog from VBCS(OIC subscription) with below URL…sandhani shaik-147107 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Fetch users who have access to particular application in combo-boxSummary Need to fetch the user names who have access to that particular application and show them in dropdownContent I want to show the user names who have access to my …
How to call long running sync job (ADF BC method) on page load in VBCSSummary Need to call Java method(exposed in AMImpl) on VBCS page load and show busy / loading iconContent Hi, We have a requirement to process and load batch of invoices…
Fetching records from a REST endpoint not working in GET methodContent Hi All, I set up a REST end point. I need to select only one field. The two problem I encountered are: 1. The loading is very slow. 2. It only lets me to select …
VBCS Classic Application in Oracle SaaSSummary VBCS Classic Application in Oracle SaaSContent Hi, We would like to embed VBCS Classic Application in Oracle SaaS cloud. Can anyone outline steps to achieve the …
Security when embedding a Visual Builder application in Oracle Fusion page integratorSummary Security when embedding a Visual Builder application in Oracle Fusion page integratorContent Hi I have embedded an application of Autonomous Visual Builder with …
Embed SaaS Look and Feel in VBCS ApplicationContent Hi All, Could you kindly provide me some pointers around how to add the SaaS look and feel within VBCS application? Are there are any resources which can be read…Nagesh Manda-45257 45 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Fernando Boechi-140164 Visual Builder
VBCS Features to Work With Oracle CloudSummary Use cases for fetching data from the Cloud into Visual builderContent Hi All, I'm interested in Saas\PaaS integration between the Oracle Cloud and the VBCS. The …
How to expose Custom Methods in AMImpl in ADF as REST API to consume in VBCSSummary Exposing existing business logic written in ADF AMImpl as RESt API'sContent We have a requirement to re-use the existing custom business logic written in ADF AMI…
Popups in VBCS?Summary How do we get Popup windows in VBCSContent How do we achieve popup's in VBCS, we are looking to input the COA field for which we would need something similar to …
Call a DLL from VBCSContent Hello, I'm trying to understand how to call and show the return data to a dll. How can I do? The URL is similar to this one:…