SaaS Integration
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REST API to add attachment on VBCSSummary We created a mobile app to approve Purchase Requisitions and POs and we want to add the 'Add attachment' function to our app.Content Hello guys, Recently we crea…
Is it possible to do Scheduler Process in Oracle VBCS?Content Hi All, I need to implement scheduler process for Approver flow. In our application we have an approval action, we need to implement auto approval using schedule…Shakila Murugan-90549 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Cursor to point at the Newly ADD Record Row on VBCS PageSummary Cursor to point at the Newly ADD Record Row in the Table on VBCS pageContent Hi, We have created a Table and has multiple records with vertical scroll bar enable…
Send email with ical eventContent Good Noon! Currently we are exploring new opportunities to collaborate Oracle Learn module with Oracle VBCS. The requirement is to fetch new enrollments from Lea…
How to insert JET Progress loading icon to load a list viewSummary We have a list view that is linked into an action chain and it takes about 3-5 seconds to populate the data into the list view and we want to show a loading icon…
VBCS Excel - Fusion Application REST ServiceSummary Error - VBCS plug in for Excel for Fusion Application REST ServiceContent Hi All , I am trying to use Fusion Application REST service in VBCS excel plug-in. Whil…Mirza Nasir Beg Nasir-Oracle 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mirza Nasir Beg Nasir-Oracle Visual Builder
How to filter information from a List View?Summary We are making a mobile app screen on VBCS and we want to filter the information from List ViewContent Hello guys! I'm starting with VBCS and I'm working on a mob…
How to pass parameter to the VBCS page when trying to embed a page in FusionSummary Need a way to pass a few values from fusion application page on which VBCS app is embeddedContent Hi All, Is there a way to pass on values of certain fields from…
Ability to use named cell ranges as query variables in Oracle Visual Builder add-in for ExcelContent Product idea (not sure if this is best placed here or on the OIC Ideas Lab). Where we have a web service endpoint with multiple nested collections (e.g. invoice …Andy May-Coates-Oracle 28 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Visual Builder
Business Object Function - return array with multiple recordsSummary Business Object Function - return array with multiple records to pass to web serviceContent Hello, I have BO called, TrxHdrs, with multiple records. I know I can…Stephen Bryant-131052 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Oracle commerce cloud integration with Oracle VBCSSummary Oracle commerce cloud integration with Oracle VBCSContent Hi All, Currently i am integrating oracle commerce cloud(OCC) with VBCS via Oracle Integration cloud co…
Patch to custom Object created in SaaS failSummary Patch operation failContent Hi There, We have custom object created in financial cloud. This object's row need to be updated when data changes in VBCS screen. I …
Login and Logout fusion application from VBCSContent Looking for way to login and logout fusion application from VBCS screen by entering username and password of fusion application in VBCS.Mohammed Kaja Nawaz L J 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
SSO between VBCS and Fusion ERP CloudSummary SSO between VBCS and Fusion ERP CloudContent SSO between VBCS and Fusion ERP Cloud, is this achievable? We want user only have to log into ERP Cloud, and from th…
Access ERP Role in VBCSSummary Access ERP Role in VBCSContent Hi All, Is it possible to access the ERP role in VBCS? Note; I want to disable buttons on the VBCS screen based on the ERP role. T…
ADF Describe URL for SCM ResourcesSummary ADF Describe URL for SCM ResourcesContent Hi, I am trying to create a Service Connection in VBCS using Define by Specification. I am selecting API Type as ADF De…
How to make a VBCS login page that uses Oracle Identity cloudSummary How to create a login page in VBCS that uses the default oracle identity cloud service to authenticate users.Content Hello, Goal We would like to create a login …
Integrating with Process Cloud: how to add attributes while submitting a taskSummary We don't know how to submit attributes to a process instance while submitting a task from a visual builder web application.Content Goal We'd like to use Process …
Remove the header title bars and navigation from the VBCS applicationSummary Remove the header title bars and navigation from the VBCS applicationContent Hi, I have embedded my VBCS App in Oracle Fusion. How can I remove the header title …
How to access Curl Command using javascript in VBCSContent Hi Team, I want to get Access token from fusion, so i need to pass credentials via curl command. Please inform to me how to access Curl or If there any other way…
The service "HCM Core Setup API" is inaccessible at the moment. VBCS ClassicSummary Add Service on Service Catalog throws "HCM Core Setup API is inaccessible" errorContent In VBCS Classic, I am trying to add a Service Connection using service ca…
Using REST to Get Service Request by PrimaryContactPartyIdSummary Fetching/filtering records of Service Request object using PrimaryContactPartyIdContent Hi, I am fetching data -- records from Service Request -- from our Sales …
VBCS: Not able to get results using get method of /emps/{emps_Id} in HCM REST APISummary Employee details are not being fetched when using get /emps/{emps_Id} HCMContent I created a simple search page with EmployeeID as the parameter and result colum…
Bar Chart with multiple seriesSummary Bar Chart built with WizardContent Hello, Is there a way to create multiple data series using a bar chart built with the wizard? Right now, only one field each c…Stephen Bryant-131052 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
How to bypass login form of instance after deploy the application.Content Hi All, We are integrating our VBCS application into our Fusion. Whenever i opened the application it asking user crenditial for VBCS instance. How to overcome f…
How to get browser URL in VBCSContent Hi Team, I want to get browser URL when i integrate my application in fusion, i attached one image file for your reference. i m using below code const urlParams …Shakila Murugan-90549 86 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Embed OIC VBCS Form In HCM UISummary Need guidance on embedding an OIC VBCS form in HCM UIContent Hello everyone, Has anyone embedded an OIC VBCS UI in HCM? How is this done? Should it be done? What…
Embed OEC - Re deploy ApplicationContent Hi, Assume this scenario. We want to modify something from the existing application which we embedded in OEC / any application, we have to redeploy it again wher…Mohana Gopal S-Oracle 17 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Mohana Gopal S-Oracle Visual Builder
Posting VBCS Screen (header and lines) to REST Service in ICS (upload to FTP)Summary One Header Record, Many LinesContent Hello, I have a VBCS screen composed of a Header section and a Lines Section. The header section is tied to a BO while the l…Stephen Bryant-131052 40 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Is there a limit to how many rows you can load in a Business Object via the BOs Rest APISummary REST API - load business object - limit?Content Hello, I am loading a business object from ICS using the business object's rest API. Is there a limit to the numb…Stephen Bryant-131052 30 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder