SaaS Integration
Discussion List
How to Restrict BO Records for which transaction is already done /UpdatedSummary: We are fetching the data of BO through a User Name Page URL Parameter and Updating Certain Records available under that User Name in the Page. We are looking to…
How to create custom object and store data from appuiHi Experts customer is asking me to create custom objects in fusion and insert, update, delete data in custom object table like we do with database tables is this possib…
How to enable visual builder in Oracle Fusion for appuiSummary: Hi Experts I have added below roles added to my user but still unable to see the visual builder option in configuration in Oracle fusion. please help me as i'm …
VBCS Embedded inside Fusion SaaS- Refused Connection errorHi, I have setup SSO between fusion SaaS as identity provider and PaaS as service provider and SSO is working as expected. Embedded VBCS application inside fusion SaaS a…
On click of a hyperlink open a VBCS page in a popup window from Oracle SaaS PageSummary: Till January 2024. Once I click on a hyperlink in Oracle SaaS Page a VBCS page opens up in popup window. It was working fine. From March 2024 we can see when we…
VB Excel add-in project DFF context missing after publishSummary: The projectDFF Context fields are missing after the add-in is published. See below screenshots Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Be…
Customize the action chain while customize the existing page of Oracle FusionSummary: Hi Experts, Working on one of the extension to customize the existing page in Oracle Fusion using Visual Builder. There is a Save button which save the data in …
How to do table Inline EditSummary: Can nay body Please share a Sample App for an Inline Edit using SDP/ Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version…
VB Excel add-in projectDFF details not visible on Movement RequestSummary: Set up a Form based layout workbook for the FA BO /fscmRestApi/resources/ with child added as lines and lines/projectDFF. W…
How to automatically login to VBCS as the same account from Oracle fusion ?Summary: If this question related to make single sign on in VBCS i want to know the steps in details Note: Fusion has no single sign on in it
VBCS Excel Plugin Length ValidationSummary: Hi, I'm working in one VBCS Excel Plugin Template and the customer want a validation in the fields, to make sure the user will include the right values. This va…
Standalone Application embeded in FA but I got openapi3 errors and Exception During RestActionSummary: Hi Experts, I have a standalone App to be embedded in FA by using page integration. I am using the embedded database (BO). In the landing page there should be s…
Hide App Extension from Menu for Unauthorized UserSummary: Hi experts, Is there any way to hide an App Extension page from navigation menu in Fusion, similar to Page Integration? Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
VBS Oracle integrations backend throwing error in VBS if used Oracle Cloud accountSummary: Hi Experts I'm getting below error while searching for API's in service connection with Oracle integration catalog if I use Oracle Cloud Account as the authenti…
Unable to mark rows to be updated in VBCS Excel MacroSummary: We have a requirement to automatically copy the values of one of parent table's column to child table's column. Inorder to achieve this requirement i have writt…
Filter not working in oj-select-single with data source as SDPContent We are implementing an LOV for Suppliers, the data for which comes from SaaS. Steps followed: Defined a service connection of ADF describe. Created a oj-select-s…
Call OIC REST APIs from VBCS Excel PluginSummary: How call a REST API (GET and POST actions) created in OIC from VBCS Excel Plugin? Content (required): Hi, I have one integration on OIC, which have requests to …
Visual Builder Add-In for Excel: Effective-Of Headers?Summary: When using Visual Builder Add-In for Excel to Manage a Date Effective Object, how do we add an Effective-Of header? Content (required): Does the VB AI For Excel…
VB Excel add-in - Extend capability of "Send Descendant Rows in Parent.." feature for Table LayoutsSummary: Currently the "Send Descendant Rows in Parent" feature is supported only for the "Form-over-Table" layout. This feature works well for the use case where the ch…
Build Package got failedSummary: Hi Experts, KIndly, this is the log when build a package: 2024-01-10 07:57:58] Warning: Task "vb-process-local" not found. Use --force to continue. [2024-01-10…
Visual Builder Studio Envirnment (Create Project)Summary: Hi Experts, It's been long time. Kindly, I started with create project. And I defined the environment. I am using test instance configuration Visual Builder the…
VB FA extension to PROD.Summary: Please, any help would be appreciated with the following. I have a small extension for FA developed with VB, it is planned to move to PROD shortly and I would l…
Unable to dynamically configure Oracle Fusion instance URLs in VBCSSummary: Hello Everyone, I'm currently working on developing a mobile application using VBCS that involves calling Oracle Fusion REST APIs. The URL structure for these A…
Standalone VBCS application using Oracle Fusion REST API call - Authentication for Logged-In Users?Hi Experts, We have built a standalone VBCS application using Oracle Fusion REST API calls. For authenticating the REST API, we have Oracle SaaS application service acco…
What this error means ?Summary: I am trying to access visual builder from a Fusion instance and this error came so what the meaning of this error and how to solve it
Updated. A new approach to visualizing data.Summary: Usually, we have conversations with our customers about how to better connect their organisations' systems to get more value from the data they manage. In today…
fetching data from APIInvokationErrorSummary: hi all , pls advice ASAP. OIC, gen2 ,i call to REST/SOAP and it retrive me the error.i am catching the error with FAULT HANDLER . i success to get "title" and "…
Authenticating SaaS API's with VBCS App userSummary: Hi All, I am building a page in vbcs and authentication is done via SSO account (Users configured in OIC IDCS ). In my application I am calling SaaS APIs and wa…
Getting 401 when calling SOAP using VBCS JS methodSummary: I have done all the setup and configured BIP webservice as service connection. I am able to test the endpoint properly in connection menu. but when i am running…