Discussion List
Java method calls in VBCSSummary Can we write java code in VBCS. would like to execute a java method before VBCS page loads for the first time.
Using Rest Endpoints in Visual Builder Cloud ServicesSummary I can't use any Rest Endpoints in VBCSContent Hi to all, I have Rest Endpoints for sample hr schema's Departments table. I want to use this endpoints in my VBCS …
Security when embedding a Visual Builder application in Oracle Fusion page integratorSummary Security when embedding a Visual Builder application in Oracle Fusion page integratorContent Hi I have embedded an application of Autonomous Visual Builder with …
SelecOne (LOV) in VBCSSummary SelecOne (LOV) in VBCSContent Hi All, I am calling a REST populate LOV...but data is not getting populated....below is the process followed 1. Registere…User_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 Visual Builder
UserName from VBCS( OIC) Login ScreenSummary UserName from VBCS( OIC) Login ScreenContent How to get a username to pass it one more REST service....with Basic Authentication enabled for the login screen..User_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 44 views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-14-58-25-903 Visual Builder
error trying to add integration service connection in VBCSSummary Cant get list of integrations from VBCSContent Was wondering how do I add a service connection to an integration in VBCS .When going through the process of add s…User_2025-02-04-13-35-35-440 37 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-13-35-35-440 Visual Builder
Error in main-start HTMLSummary Error in main-start HTML errorsContent Please comment - As shown the attached screen shot. main-start HTML page shows 5 errors on the page, How do I debug which …User_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header issue with VBCSSummary Access-Control-Allow-Origin header issue with VBCSUser_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 29 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by JT Thomas-Oracle Visual Builder
Dynamic data with nested table data implementationContent Hi, I need to code the functionality involving displaying data, obtained from API service when user opens the details view of a parent record. The parent record …
Service Data ProviderSummary Service Data ProviderContent * First I'm assuming that Service Data Provider (SDP) variable is what is used to call the for the data, be it a Service Connection …
Connection returns unauthorized error (401) via browser but in test in service conection is successContent I have a visual builder application that has a service connection for endpoint rest, after we changed the Basic Authentication user password (OIC) in the authent…
Service call in Groovy ScriptSummary Having issues calling a service call in a groovy script.Content There was a nice blog showing how to do this in an old version:…
502 Bad Gateway error while creating Service COnnection in VBCSSummary 502 Bad Gateway errorContent Hi, We have some REST API's exposed for CRUD operations on DBCS tables using ORDS. We also applied trusted SSL on DBCS so that the H…User_2025-01-29-01-03-09-178 53 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-01-03-09-178 Visual Builder
Service Connections - TestingSummary Suddenly started getting errors testing my service connectionsContent This is very odd. I just started getting errors while testing my service connections. The b…
Call a Rest service with parameters from a pageContent Hi team, do you have a tutorial/example showing how to call Rest service passing variables? Trying to build a search page and when I click on the Search button h…
REST endpoint viewer not workingSummary The REST Endpoint viewer for business objects in not working as documentedContent I am going through his document.…
Populating a table using REST endpoint in VBCS Classic ApplicationSummary Populating a table using REST endpoint in VBCS Classic ApplicationContent Hello, Is there a way to populate a table data using an external REST service endpoint …User_2025-02-01-01-38-47-234 35 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Adding PCS Embedded UI Components as RequireJSContent I have a VBCS application that is connected to a process server (PCS). I am able to use the embedded UI components via iframes because they are in the same ident…User_2025-01-31-15-40-56-878 17 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-31-15-40-56-878 Visual Builder
How to expose a Soap service as Rest using OICS and call it in a Visual Builder applicationSummary How expose Soap Service as REST using OICSContent Hi, I need to call a WSDL in a Visual Builder application, reading the documentation I realize that Visual Buil…Cesar Tepetla 37 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-05-07-26-222 Visual Builder
Using $regex in AttributeFilterOperatorSummary How to use regex in filter filterCriterionContent Hello Experts, I have a webservice endpoint which has some filterCriterion defined to restrict the data. The fi…
Exception handling for ICS Rest Service post callSummary action chain gets stuck when ics service is downContent Hi, I am using a form to feed some data to a ICS Rest service using the "call rest service" action. When …
Direct (Bypass Authentication Proxy) use in service call for mobile applicationContent I am building a hybrid mobile application for Android in VBCS. I was able to get it working anonymously through the help of another poster, but I was using basic…User_2025-01-31-15-40-56-878 37 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by JT Thomas-Oracle Visual Builder
Calling parametrized REST url from VBCSSummary Calling parametrized REST url from VBCSContent Hi I have the below requirement 1) Landing page has text box, button, table format for output. 2) when I click the…
How to consume REST API in oracle vbcsContent Hi all, i need to consume rest api in oracle vbcs.i want to perform CRUD operation based on that consumed rest api. kindly help me.User_2025-01-31-15-10-49-714 80 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Accessing ORDS Rest API in VBCS with Internal CertificateContent Hi, We are trying to create a rest api in ords and want to consume same in VBCS application through Service Connection > Define by EndPoint. Below is the rest AP…User_2025-01-30-17-11-17-806 52 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How can I create a paid VBCS instance?Summary How can I create a paid VBCS instance?Content I've signed up for a paid Oracle Cloud service in order to run VBCS. However, I'm unable to work out an easy way to…