Discussion List
Auto resize select single componentSummary: Hi, we have a requirement where the user wants to auto-resize the select single component based on the length size of the selected value. screenshot for referen…
CSS not adjusting when using switching to second display its not auto resizing with display sizeSummary: Hi a lot of customers raising concerns when they are using a second display the screen size is not auto-adjusting (auto enlarge in size or auto resolution) disp…
using tooltip in Visual builderSummary: Hi Experts I want to use tooltip concept in visual builder as showing in ojet docs below but i'm not sure how to implement this javascript in visual builder. wh…
How to increase height of horizontal scroll bar?Content Hi All, Is is possible to increase the height of horizontal scroll bar in oj-table? If yes how can I achieve that? Please refer attached image. Regards Muralidha…
Values of $application.user.userId system variable changed unexpectedly?Summary: The value of the system variable $application.user.userId unexpectedly changed from: firstname.lastname@example.com (an IDCS username, basically). To: idcs-/fir…
How to create updateable tableSummary: How can i create a table with headers only that is capable of accepting new inputs which will appear as line items (Row) similar to what we have when creating s…
Lov Shows duplicate valuesSummary: Select Single LOV showing duplicate values Content (required): I have 2 Lov's, the value for second lov depends on the first lov selection. I have an action cha…
Access VBS Extension PageSummary: I have created standalone page in FA Visual Builder but by mistake instead of choosing application as None, I selected Procurement. I deployed the page and it s…
Can't connect extension in a page in Oracle Fusion?Summary: From a week i did put a visual builder extension page in a page in Oracle Fusion when i entered now i found that the page give an error can't connect i tried ot…
Not able to load/preview certain pages in designerSummary Some pages won't load in designer, although they seem to function when running the web application.Content Situation We've built a web application in Visual Buil…Ronald Konijnenberg 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
PDF Returns as blank document when retrieving in VBCS through OCI Object Storage REST APISummary: We have a process to download a file from an OCI Object Storage bucket, which is breaking down when the Content-Type is pdf Content (required): We are leveragin…
Difference between Redwood and Redwood Stable Theme in VBCSSummary: We are currently using SaaS theme in our VBCS Applications which is deprecated by Oracle. So looking for best and stable theme to change from SaaS theme. Differ…
How to get value from fusion page to VB extension ?Summary: I want to get person number from oracle fusion page to be a page parameter for a visual builder extension that i already built. I used page composer to put exte…
Logout in VBCSSummary Logout in VBCSContent Hi Team, We want to achieve logout functionality in VBCS web app. I have used the Logout action in action chain and have not provided any l…
Welcome Page Template in extensions in visual builder is showing "Incompatible JET Version"Summary: Welcome Page Template,Dynamic Table (Extensions) are showing Incompatible JET Version. Content (required): Unable to use Welcome Page Template while creating a …
I want to know how to learn advanced thingsSummary: like how to integrate library like socket.io in visual builder if there any resources if possible i want a link or something for these things Content (required)…
Video Audio upload in oracle VBCSContent Hi All, We have a requirement in oracle vbcs to attach video and audio files, Is there any possible way to have feature for uploading videos and audios from VBCS…User_2025-02-05-07-00-39-312 77 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramprabhu-Oracle Visual Builder
VBCS Authentication for Anonymous usersHave a query with regards to securing the VBCS Web application which allows an anonymous user access SaaS. We have created an application which allows anonymous users an…
How can I embed one VBCS page of one app in another VBCS page appSummary: Hi Experts I want to embed one vbcs page already live in another page of another vbcs application. is this possible? Please help with the steps i need to follow…
How to set a required field value to null.Summary: How to set a required field value to null as well as in UI. Content (required): Hi Team, In my application, I have some input-text and select single fields whic…
I have Visual builder extension built for fusion could but broken SSO after cloneSummary: Hi Experts After clone of Oracle fusion cloud instance the SSO configuration is broken and we are unable to launch Visual builder apps or extensions from fusion…
Purpose of Visual BuilderSummary: Hi, There is a business requirement wherein a custom form or page needs to be designed. This page needs to be launch from SaaS ERP. This page would be used by u…
Printing Functionality in VBCSSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, Do we have functionality of Sending a record from BO to be printed out. (by connecting the application to printer directly throu…
Advantage of ORDS api direct call in vbcs and calling ords services via OIC then call oic in vbcsSummary: Hi experts advantage of ORDS api over OIC calls in vbcs . suppose ORDS being called in OIC for VBCS services what is the disadvantage its better approach or not…
What is DCS? Is it same as VBCS? What differences we have between them?Summary What is DCS? Is it same as VBCS? What differences we have between them?Content Hi All, I have been hearing a lot on DCS, googled it but couldn't get it fully. 1.…
How to Pass Params Value in Call Component's Method ?Summary: I want to understand the structure of input that needs to be passed to params parameter of any method of Call Component Action. Content (required): I have a tab…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 71 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
How to implement Page Navigation Flow on VBCS Page ?Summary: Want to achieve Page Navigation Flow on vbcs page. What are the steps to create Page Navigation Flow. Content (required): Below is the same example I want to im…
Create Template with Header and Line in VBCS Excel PluginSummary: Hi We have a requirement to upload an invoice in VBCS BO but the template contains header values and table line items How to create template this template using…
How to map menu option to oracle fusion page URLSummary: I made a menu and one of the choices should be mapped to External URL. How to make that with navigation option. Content (required): Hi Experts, Is there a way t…
Popstate functionSummary: i want to use the popstate function to make the page reload if user navigate to the previous page back with their browser back button. but it seems that popstat…