Discussion List
form layout and table is not adjusting for smaller sizeSummary: Hi Experts I have added oj-sm classes for form layout and for table component but when i test for smaller screens the components sizes are not adjusting automat…
Read the CSV and excel file both in vbcs and send data to IntegrationSummary: I have a requirement to read both CSV as well as excel file and send data to integration. Please help how can I achieve this. Content (required): Version (inclu…
filtering in Select single as I type is not working for fusion REST APISummary: Hi Experts I'm trying to populate the select single component with below Oracle Fusion rest api, when i type few letters of work center name i must get the resu…
How to animate the dialog opening in VBCS like in OJETSummary: Hi Experts I want to animate the dialog in VBCS like we have in OJET cookbook below, but I didn't understand how to write the JavaScript in VBCS . If I copy pas…
creating a blank option in LOV of select singleSummary: Hi experts I want to create a blank LOV option in the select single LOV i.e. when the user selects one option from the LOV and then changes mind then he must be…
How to Refresh Table once data is editSummary: How to Refresh Table once data is edit Content (required): Hello All, I have created a page where I'm doing the below operation 1) Editing the table Record thro…
what does oj-sm-flex-items-initial doSummary: I have gone through ojet docs as well as css docs but didn't understand what this oj-sm-flex-items-initial have impact on the styling. Please help as i'm new to…
how to show animation until the page loadsSummary: We have embedded vbcs page in oracle fusion cloud, when the user clicks on the page link it is showing white screen for 20 seconds. is it possible to add animat…
SDP variable is not resetting after form submitSummary: Hi Experts After submitting the form i'm trying to reset the variable which is populated with SDP in the action chain. But the SDP variable in reset is not work…
How to center progress bar or any componentSummary: Hi Experts I want to know how to center allign the progress bar or any component in general in visual builder I went through building responsive design with OJE…
I modified header fragment but now its not showing in small devicesSummary: Hi All, I'm new to visual builder. I have modified header fragment like below and added css but now header not showing in smaller devices. Please help ---------…
Change of Theme of VBCS application from SaaS R13 to RedwoodSummary: In VBCS we have applications in SaaS R13 theme, as per Oracle the theme is deprecated but have End of Life support. Content (required): We are also exploring op…
How to disable tab key on editable table for column navigation.Summary: I have a table which is having editable fields as a columns , I am using data provider to update the rows in a table while using tab key to navigate next editab…
How to auto select all rows on data load in a multiselect table.Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
How to force a tooltip on a table column to be opened only if the prev tooltip was closed ?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
How to build Multi form layout pageSummary: Hi, we have a requirement to build this page what is the best component to display the data section-wise on 1 page? what should be the best approach and cookboo…
Navigate between navigation on click of buttonSummary: I have created a page with below navigation (navigation is defined in shell page) On click of cancel button as shown above it has to route to create data page. …
How to release selection from navigation menu if moved outSummary: I have created one VBCS app with navigation menu at the top of page (in shell page) to navigate between the pages as shown below. When I click on flow1 or flow …
How can we make Dialog box auto resizableSummary: Hi- we are facing an issue user wants to pop up the dialog box that should auto-adjust its size based on Data we should not hardcode the height and width style,…
How to reduce the gap between form label value or any fieldsSummary: I'm creating an application having form with input parameters but the gap between the fields is too much. How can I reduce it ? Also, How to know what classes w…
How could I change CSS Style tag dynamically?Summary: Content (required): I tried using the return of a string function containing CSS Style and I tried using it dynamically in the :style tag, but with no success. …
Can we call App1 flow from App2Summary: Can we call App1 flow/ page from App2 Content (required): For example we have two applications like App1 and App2. Can we call App1 flow/ page from App2 at butt…
How to use rich text in VBCS applicationSummary: Hi Team, I am try to use rich text in vbcs application, I cant use component plate feature Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
What is the significance of "routerStrategy" in app-flow.jsonSummary: Content (required): We created a sample app using the new Redwood Starter Template. Under app-flow.json we see the following entry along with many more new conc…
Trigger validation from an action.Summary: Content (required): Hi Team, Is it possible to trigger a validators property from an action. The inline validators functionality is working as expected, now I w…
How to export Data in multiple sheets ?Summary: The requirement is to export data of two different tables in two sheets of a same excel file. Content (required): I am using an oj-sample-export-data component …Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 144 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vishal Singh Rajpurohit Visual Builder
What are the security best practices for building web application using VBCS for public useSummary: We are building a web application for public usage using VBCS. It is a standalone application and has no relation to ERP. What are the best practices for securi…Vidya Sagar Kothapalli 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vidya Sagar Kothapalli Visual Builder
VBCS Embedded in Fusion - Refused Connection MessageSummary: I have embedded a VBCS page in Fusion apps, but the page shows refused connection message. Content (required): What settings/configuration needs to be applied i…
How to add scrolling text in vbcs pageSummary: I want to add hint or scrolling text horizontally left to right direction to guide user to perform task how to achieve this in VBCS Content (required): Version …
VBCS Offline Mode & Best Browser RecommendationsSummary: Content (required): Hi, I've got 2 questions. 1. Can VBCS codes run offline or it always requires internet connection? 2. What is the best browser suggestion to…