Discussion List
Data Safe/Data Discovery/Sensitive Data Model/Sensitive Data Creation is hanging at 65%As a pre-req for Data Masking, I am creating Sensitive Data Creation. It is hanging at 65% Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
data breach responsibilityWho holds responsibility in the event of a data breach involving Fusion data? Could you clarify Oracle's role and obligations in ensuring data security and addressing po…
Where binding variable of a Fusion page is saved ?Summary: Page path: My team --> show more --> Team time card --> enter to anyone time card This is the Time Card page there is a lot of binding variables i want know whi…
How To Login With SYS User As SYSDBA In Oracle Autonomy Database Using SQLDeveloperSummary: How To Login With SYS User As SYSDBA In Oracle Autonomy Database Using SQLDeveloper I Try To Log With Next Methods and It Refuses To Login Database Password Cre…
How to secure ATP (DB Layer) in terms of IP Whitelisting but allow access to APEX App (Web Layer)Summary: How to secure ATP DB in terms of IP Whitelisting but allow access to Web Apps layer i.e. ORDS, APEX Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
MDS NEWS: 19c Adoption WorkshopsOracle Advanced Customer Services (ACS) continues the series of Database 19c Adoption Workshops. These live webinars are available to Market-Driven Support customers at …
Network security groupSummary: NSG on VM database Content (required): Hi all I created a database on a VM , on a public subnet. The security list of the subnet allows ssh from everywhere ( 0.…
Creating CDB/PDB by importing custom keys is failingSummary: Creating CDB/PDB by importing custom keys is failing Content (required): Customer Scenario: Customer has an existing DBs in on-prem that they are migrating to t…
MySQL replication between instance and MDSSummary: Is it possible to replicate from mysql running on an compute instance and a DB System (MDS) Content (required): I have mysql running on a OL8 compute instance. …
Security setup for VMDB/DBCSSummary Security setup for VMDB/DBCSContent I have created a VM database in cloud with default public subnet in VCN. I want to restrict access to the DB and VM OS from l…Shivaji Muttarapu 18 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle Database
Deep Dive (3/18) – Security for Oracle Databases: Both On Cloud And On-PremisesContent Each week, we put our community members in touch with the product managers behind recently launched OCI services. We hope you can join us on 18 March 2021, 8 a.m…
Oracle Get-Together: DBSAT, Backup and Recovery to Cloud LiveLabs with LUXOUGSummary This is virtual workshop associated with LUXEMBOURG ORACLE USER GROUP (LUXOUG).Content January 7, 2020 Please join Francois PONS and Andrei Maoliu learn how to u…
Authenticate a web service using Single Sign On in a PL / SQL blockSummary Authenticate a web service using Single Sign On in a PL / SQL blockContent Hi everyone, I have created a PL / SQL block to manipulate fusion web services (UCM fo…
RESTful on Cloud Database Schema Service - Origins AllowedSummary RESTful, Oracle Database Cloud - Database Schema ServiceContent Hi. I've delveoped few RESTful web services on Cloud Database Schema Service and I want to implem…
APEX Page AuthorizationSummary APEX Page AuthorizationContent Hi Team, I would like to restrict the access to some pages for only Admins, So, I have created Authorization Schemes and applied t…
SQL Developer Web Db UserSummary Who is the 'database user'?Content In order to use SQL Developer Web, the docs say 'Before signing in, enable the database user’s schema for SQL Developer Web'. …
SQL Plus Connection to the cloudContent Hi, i can connect with SQL*Dev and SQLcl but not with SQL*Plus. All the docs I found describe solutions with screenshots that doesn´t match anymore. I don´t know…
How to Enable Database Vault on DBCSSummary DV on DBCS - Configuring and Enabling Oracle Database VaultContent…
DBCS access rules best practicesContent Dears, Kindly find below a document from Oracle, about how to connect Java application using JDBC to Oracle DB in the cloud. They are unblocking the port 1521, s…
How to set the Access Rules in the database cloud serviceContent I am not able to see anywhere that I can set "Access Rules" for my database cloud service. In the service menu I have: - open SQL Developer Web Console - open Ap…
Sign up for Usability Testing at OpenWorldSummary Sign up for Usability Testing at OpenWorldContent If you are attending Oracle OpenWorld this October, please consider participating in a usability test with us -…
Whitelisting IP-ranges for Oracle PaaS ServicesSummary Looking how to limit access to the Classic DBCS when accessing it from Oracle PaaS ServicesContent Hi, We have an Oracle Database Cloud Service Classic running i…
Schema Service: TLS versions for outbound APEXSummary Recent questions around TLS versions supported for APEX outbound web service requests in Schema ServiceContent Q: For APEX *outbound* web service requests in Sch…
Does network group and security list both are same?Summary Does network group and security list both are same?Content I am referring some articles and documents about Oracle cloud database. Some articles are mentioning n…