Discussion List
How to handle REST adapter pagination in ICSSummary REST PaginationContent HI, Wanted to understand if we can handle pagination in ICS REST adapter. We have a REST URI which spits the responses in chunk of 25. How…
File Error handling over OICSummary Need to process multiple files in an integration. If an error file processed then move to Error directory and move on to process next file.Content Need to proces…
FTP Adapter Write operation is not recognising new line characterSummary issue to convert a .txt file delimited by pipes in a .csv file without pipes and order by columnsContent Hi All, I have a requirement to read txt file delimited …
OIC- To write an .csv file provided data at output but header fields not displayingSummary To write .csv file with header fields and data but header fields are not providedContent Hi, We suppose to have an .csv file (data and header field name at first…Janardhan Kothapalli 920 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Passing header parameter for secured WSDLSummary Passing header parametersContent Hello Experts, How to configure secured parameters like Authentication Type/WSS password in OIC connection which is using SOAP a…
ICS | Upload Staged File To Commerce CloudSummary Need to upload ICS staged file to Oracle Commerce CloudContent Hi, I have an ICS integration that needs to pull products from Product Hub Cloud and publish them …
OIC Response Error with EBS on-premiseSummary Gettng SOAP Related errorContent Hello Experts, We have integrated on-premise EBS integration by using Agent. We have used the rest API to send the request param…
SOAP Services with AgentSummary exposing SOAP servicesContent Hello Experts, I am looking for the options to expose the SOAP services from on-premise backend application. Currently on-premise a…
Does OIC have data warehouse features?Summary Does OIC have data warehouse features?Content We need to be able to archive files from source locations. Does OIC have any archival or data warehouse features?
Error connecting to application running on-premise, on same box as connectivity agentContent OIC version 18.3.3 (but occurred in 18.3.1 and 18.2.4 as well) We have a dedicated RHEL 7 box that our production on premise connectivity agent runs on. However,…
OIC vs Apex for PaasforSaasSummary OIC vs Apex for PaasforSaasContent The Oracle ERP Cloud (SaaS) mainly uses FBDI or file based data integration pattern for batch integration and SOAP services fo…
Difference between Integration Cloud and Autonomous IntegrationSummary Difference between Integration Cloud and Autonomous IntegrationContent I am trying to provision an instance and i have two options. PFA the image. 1. Integration…
How to generate random number in ICS integrationSummary How to generate random number in ICS integrationContent Is there a function available to generate random number ? If so, is there a sample code snippet or integr…
Downtime Handling in OICSummary We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime) in OICContent Hi, We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime …
- after R13 UpgradeSummary I intermittently get the following An error occurred even before the REST endpoint could be invoked.[[ I intermittently get the …
Using FTP Adapter to load Invoice records into ERPSummary What file types doe the FTP Adapter support when processing?Content Hi, I have a requirement to take invoice details supplied in a file, and using OICS create th…
Issue with WSDLSummary While activating integration facing issueContent Hi Team, I am trying to activate one integration but I am facing some warnings. WSDL used: https://efep-dev1.fa.…
How to set explicitly Http status: 500 for error response in OICSummary To set Http error status 500 to the response in OIC, where Oracle service returns an response http status:200Content Hi, I got below response from Oracle having …
Custom SQL queries against Cloud ERP via OAICSSummary Custom SQL queries against Cloud ERP via OAICSContent Hi All, I am building an integration in OAICS, based on (I expect a common scenario) where we are creating …
Getting ICS runtime error while invoking Report service through OrachestrationContent Hi, I have created an Orchestration Integration process in client instance. in this integration we are invoking Report service and getting report bytes as respon…
Configure ICS integration to work for different environmentsSummary the ICS endpoint should dynamically push data into different Edge Systems.Content We have built an ICS integration to pull Items from Product Hub and push to dif…
accessing weblogic console in OICSummary accessing weblogic console in OICContent Hello, How do we access the Weblogic Admin Console in Oracle Integration Cloud? The details/options provided in the orac…
patches in OIC consoleSummary old patches not available in OIC consoleContent Hello, We recently applied a patch to the OIC instance via the console in DEV instance and now, we are interested…
starting Oracle ICS agentSummary starting Oracle ICS agentContent Hello, How can we start the Oracle ICS agent in the background, passing along with the connection parameters? The document (E854…
Notification Action failing with errorSummary Notification Action failing with errorContent Integration platform :OIC Version : Logs error message. Parameter map: {pt1:nav-r1:5:mui1:…
While Loop and Error handlingSummary Orchestration not looping thru after Invoke failsContent Hi I have an orchestration with a while loop until the flag is set to success. Within the while loop I h…Sheila Aviles-110234 89 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Certificate IssuesSummary Not able to call the integrationsContent Hi all. Had created the signed certificate and installed on the client location and certificate seems fine/valid. But wh…
User Management: Error Removing Admin/User Roles in OIC Service InstanceSummary Encountering Error with User Management (Assigning Roles) in OIC Service Instance I createdContent Hi, I am exploring the user management part of Oracle Cloud, u…
Running OIC ICS Integration in SoapUI or PostmanSummary Getting "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" when I tried to run the integration in OIC ICSContent Hi, I created a Scheduled Orchestration Integration and ICS was ab…
GetFlowId is not giving the value in numberSummary Integration Cloud Mapper Function GetFlowId is not giving the value in numberContent Hello, I have used getflowid function in mapper to insert into sometable/in …user767305-Oracle 60 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by sriSANKARaswaminathan-OIC/ICS Integration