Discussion List
How to load overtime information into Oracle HCM?Summary How to load overtime information into Oracle HCM?Content Hi Everyone, I have a requirement to load overtime information of an employee from a 3rd party system to…
How to run a integration by clicking a single url/linkContent Requirement: I want to send the url of integration in a mail notification. On click of that url, the integration should be triggered in OIC. I initially used the…
Array variable OIC (ICS)Summary Array variable OIC (ICS)Content Hello, We have a "foreach integration" and I would like to create an array variable with the result of that integration. After th…
Subtraction functionContent Hi, Requirement: I want to subtract two value from various response and show in the final response. Problem: One value coming as string, so I tried to convert as…
I made a get call-in REST adapter. I am providing XML SCHEMA (XSD) as response payload format. butSummary I made a get call-in REST adapter. I am providing XML SCHEMA (XSD) as response payload format. but Live payload is JSON.Content HI, I made a get call-in REST ada…LoguPrasanth-LP 36 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-10-48-20-265 Integration
Handling Null value in the mappingContent Hi, In my integration, I got the Null value as response in one of my source as shown below. I used this field in my mapper to map to target. { "x_total_deposit":…Mohana Gopal S-Oracle 1.4K views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Mohana Gopal S-Oracle Integration
OIC add millisecond to dateTimeSummary Add a millisecond to a given dateTime Value in OICContent I have an Integration where I need to add a millisecond to a given dateTime Value. For example: I get t…
How to send HTTPS 200 response Immediately to When Client make POST call? in App driven OrchestratioSummary We are using APP DRIVEN ORCHESTRATION to Create a Purchase orderContent My Workflow Step 1 - Client post the metadata to OIC Endpoint. Step 2 - In the same flow,…
LookupContent Hi, We have requirement like, based on the input parameter value, we have to pass different value to 5 columns. If the BU = Sales then Owner = Sales Admin, Proce…Mohana Gopal S-Oracle 24 views 10 comments 2 points Most recent by Mohana Gopal S-Oracle Integration
Using Newer version of PCS application in OICContent Hi All, I could see that when we try to use a newer version of PCS application in OIC the mapping seems to be deleted automatically. Is there any work around ava…User_2025-02-04-15-03-25-028 5 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Search VBCS BO in ICSSummary Need to retrieve a specific record of a BO based on a non id fieldContent Hi, I'm trying to search for a specific record in a BO in ICS. I created a REST Endpoin…
Call VBCS BO Rest Endpoint in ICS MapperSummary Patch Operation on VBCS Business Object using field other than IDContent Hello, I am retrieving from ERP Cloud using an OTBI report using ICS and loading a VBCS …
Using Local Variables in nested for-each loops in Mapper UISummary Using Local Variables in nested for-each loops in Mapper UIContent Product: Oracle Integration Cloud Version: Latest 18.1 Hi, We are trying to get all the addres…
Issue with Array in JSONSummary Arrays not being handled correctly with in Json requestContent Hello, I hope you can help me with the following. I have an integration where I need to push Oppor…
Transforming XML string to XML file using Stage ActionSummary While transforming XML to XML file using stage action Write File approach, XSL I uploaded for the mapper complains about variable not defined.Content Hi All, I a…User_2025-01-31-21-07-36-398 69 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-31-21-07-36-398 Integration
How to write FTP in Stage File Read (in Segment)Summary Issue with stage read in segment and with FTP write in Stage File Read (in segment)Content I am getting stuck with writing CSV records to FTP in a Stage File Rea…User_2025-02-05-02-28-46-555 91 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Yazan Mohammad Integration
When i am update Endpoint adapter it showing Error "A connection to the server has failed. (Status 5Summary I m Using App Driven Orchestration, When i am trying to update the Endpoint adapter its taking time and showing status as 504Content I m Using App Driven Orchest…
OIC - Cant map to list of items inside foreachSummary In a integration orchestration, list of items becames one element list after for-eachContent Hi, How can I map the current element of a Foreach to each item of a…
Mapping Output of an Operation in For Each Loop to ResponseSummary Output of Find Operation in For Each Loop needs to be mapped to Response as repeating ElementContent I have a for Each Loop in my ICS orchestration, in which I h…
Integration-AICContent By listing from FTP adapter, I got several filenames. I want to read any one file.User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 Integration
Read in segments issueSummary Read In SegmentsContent Below is the scenario. 1. getting the input xml file 2. performing read in Segments. 3. within read in segments, i am converting the xml …User_2025-02-04-21-30-51-376 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-21-30-51-376 Integration
XPath Date and Time Functions/Operators in OAICSSummary How to add hours or minutes to the current time?Content Hi Experts I'm hoping some of you can help me with Xpath Date and Time functions? I have a requirement to…
Mapping to complex JSON for REST postSummary Mapping to a complex json in OICContent Hello Cloud People I was wondering if someone can give an example of how to map to a complex 3 level json for a REST post…User_2025-02-04-13-35-35-440 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
how to update database with the database adapter?Summary need to update rows based on a value found in one of the fieldsContent Hello Gurus, I'm processing data from a database using the DB adapter. I'm able to get dat…User_2025-02-04-13-35-35-440 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-13-35-35-440 Integration
REST adapter PATCH throws errorSummary REST adapter PATCH throws REST_REQ_PLD_ERR and ORABPEL-15236 errorContent I have inserted a Rest adapter with Patch method. It also includes a path parameter. RE…
How to extract UCM checkin file response in OIC mappingContent Hi experts, I'm working on a Integration in which WCC SOAP service is being called for file check-in. The file has been checked-in successfully in WCC and got th…
ESS Service InvocationSummary Oracle Cloud ESS Job invocation from OICContent I'm having tough time while invoking ESS Job service described by the attached WSDL file from Oracle Integration …User_2025-01-31-15-15-19-379 225 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Conditional Mapping in OICSummary Issue in conditional MapContent Hi Team, Below is the input XML structure which i am trying to have conditional mapping. test test 978-5567 …User_2025-02-04-21-30-51-376 55 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
REST API Response text/htmlSummary REST API Response text/htmlContent Hi, I have REST API with POST method when invoked it provides resposne in the json format but the content type of API is text/…
How to remove empty XML tags from payload in OICSummary How to remove empty XML tags from payload in OICContent Hello, I am using mergeContract SOAP API to create and update contract lines. We are getting new lines as…Hemen Shah-90655 334 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-13-37-523 Integration