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how to write comma separated values to a file each element in new lineContent i receive comma separated values in one attribute , and number of values is dynamic 11,22,33,44 i want to write them to file in that format 11 22 33 44 so i can …
OIC REST endpoint how to select first of multiple repeating xml elementsSummary OIC REST endpoint how to select first of multiple repeating xml elementsContent I have an OIC REST endpoint with a request schema and a response schema. Downstre…
OIC REST endpoint Request xsd error for multi namespace xml - help neededSummary ICS-10064 : An error occurred while preparing mapper object. Invalid reference:Content I have a multi namespace xml payload for which I am trying to create xsd's…
OIC Get User name from authentication header of rest ServiceSummary Get User name from authentication header of rest ServiceContent Hi, Is there an option to get the user name of the invoker of the rest service.I'm only looking f…
transform list of key/value xml to value formatContent i have xml payload that comes to OIC with this format key1 value1 key2 value2 . . . and so on i want to write this payload to a file and convert and read it as d…
FileRead using Fileadapter does not ignore trailer row.Summary FileRead using Fileadapter does not ignore trailer row.Content Hi, I am trying to upload a file into DB using File Adapter. File type is CSV below is a snippet o…
OIC REST endpoint for multi-namespace XMLSummary OIC REST endpoint for multi-namespace XMLContent I am trying to create a REST Integration in OIC to take a 3rd party xml file, map some data elements, and insert…
After activation of integration, mapper showing warning, "variable doesn't exist"Content We are facing an intermittent issue in all OIC instances, where after activation of the integration mapper start popping up a warning message, with the message "…
mapping from multiple repeating elemntsSummary enrich nested payload with values .Content i have this complex mapping i have this payload with 1 or more invoiceLine , each 1 or more child elements called invo…
Integrate OCC and Oracle Responsys with OICContent Hi, Its possible Integrate OCC and Responsys with OIC? I will receive a Payload from Oracle Commerce and i want map the values to Responsys. How i can do this? t…
How to Automatically create a PO on EBS when a PO is approved on Oracle Cloud ERPSummary Basically we want to create the same PO approved on Cloud ERP on EBSContent Hello guys! We want to automatically create a PO on Oracle EBS when a PO is approved …
Month Start DateContent Hi, Is there any function to get the start date of the month if we pass the Current-date in OIC? Thanks, MohanMohana Gopal S-Oracle 128 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Multiple email recipients in OIC MS Outlook AdapterContent Hi, We have requirement to send email to multiple recipients using OIC MS Outlook Adapter. We have created variable and configured multiple emails with colun (;)…
How to post Json (string) value in rest adapterSummary I have a JSON Payload generated by javascript. how to POST this value in rest adapterContent I have a JSON Payload generated by javascript. how to POST this valu…
Java Script Framework in OICContent Hi , What type of java script frame work is supported in OIC...I tried to use some libraries and OIC throws errors and the same is worked in online tools... Is n…
OIC - Dynamic SOAP responseSummary OIC - Dynamic SOAP responseContent I am consuming a SOAP webservice which schema's response has the following element:
OIC custom javascriptSummary Error on custom javascriptContent I've created a really simple custom java script to avoid having to do a very huge mapping. It has two parameters: (1) a date in…
Number sequences in OICSummary Is it possible to control a number sequence in OIC?Content The integration receives some XML data and must create a fixed-length text file in the destination (FT…
JavaScript library function for xpathSummary Unable to activate integration with javascript library function for xpathContent It works if the same function is used for orchestration. Version (191…
Overwrite record in MapperContent Hi Team, I have been trying to figure out a way for the below logic: I have a file, which has records like below: 000PAM222604659MOWBRAY, SWATHY 101456 050 20191…
Map with ForEach Error executing XSLContent Hi experts, I have an input with two sets of records: "DadosCondutor" and "ServicosConsulta". I want to map DadosCondutor to Condutor. In DadosCondutor there is …
Mapping from hierarchical data text file to XMLContent Hello, community. I've just got this really hard integration task. I have a text with the following content: 1,00422,1,Pen,103,4,across the street3,6,across the …
skip record in for-each present in mapperContent I have write adapter in which I have for-each loop for two levels(1. for-each of assignments, 1.a. for each of Global_Card_Components_State). The Global_Card_Com…
Read File in Segments to REST Service insert to ATP databaseSummary Read File in Segments to REST Service insert to database results in all rows written in each segment readContent I have a very large file to import to my integra…
Perform On Table - Select operation is not working as expectedSummary Perform On Table - Select operation is not working as expectedContent Hi , I am trying to fetch data from two tables. I am doing it with "Perform operation on ta…
Generate unique number while reading in segmentsSummary How to generate a unique number in the xslt while reading the file using segment read from stageContent Hi, I am reading an invoice file using the AIC stage read…
Attachment service 'ErpObjectAttachmentService' attaching Invoice PDF Twice in OICSummary Attachment service attaching the InvoiceImage Twice using OIC for few invoicesContent Hi All, We are using the 'ErpObjectAttachmentService' service to upload the…
Get child text from an xml element in a mappingContent Implementing the suggestion in this topic - Include mapped output as the value of another output..., I need to get the text content of an XML node returned from …
Date Conversion errorSummary Getting type/cast error when calculating Date 30 days before.Content Hi - trying to get date 30 days before but getting error FORG0001: invalid value for cast/co…
DateTime Issues : DD-MON-RRRRContent Hi All, My requirement is to format the input date and subtract one day from the given date. The requirement sounds simple but the date is not getting formatted.…