HCM CLOUD adapter in ICS
Upload to HCM cloud is failing while LOADING the data setContent
Hi All,
I am trying to upload a Worker.zip file to HCM Cloud by following the below steps:
1. read the file from SFTP
2. upload to UCM
3. Upload to HCM Cloud
i am able to upload to UCM, view the ContentID in Fusion. But the data is not visible in UI. So i called, getDataSetStatus method to check on the error.
Below is the XML trace:
<nstrgmpr:getDataSetStatusResponse xmlns:ns0="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/hcm/common/dataLoader/core/dataLoaderIntegrationService/types/" xmlns:nstrgmpr="http://xmlns.oracle.com/cloud/adapter/hcm/HCMUpload_REQUEST/types">