Discussion List
OIC - Best practices for Migration between environmentsSummary Migration of Integrations in Oracle Integration CloudContent Hi, While migrating Integrations from test instance to Prod , what protocols should be followed. Is …
How to manage session ID while invoking cpq webservice through OICSSummary genrate session ID dynamicallyContent Hi All, Im trying to trigger data table soap webservice from OICS, have hard coded ,
Using OIC to Make JDBC calls to AS400Summary JDBC Calls using OICContent Hello Everyone, We have a requirement where we need to intergrate AS400 DB to OIC. AS400 supports JDBC calls. Is there a way we can u…
FBDI File Export to FTPSummary FBDI File Export to FTPContent Hi, We want to start our first integration with File Based Orchestration. For this purpose we first want to schedule a file upload…
ESS jobcall from OICS getting erroredSummary failing to call ess job from OICSContent HI All, Im trying to submit one ess job request from OICS, below are the error and payload. can someone help me. Error: …
Information about MuleSoftContent I am currently working as an OIC Developer with 2 years of experience in IT Industry. I came to know about MULESOFT from one of my colleagues. Is it worth to hav…User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 15 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 Integration
Issue with Error Handling case in Batch Actions of Rest Service in Contract Billing EventsSummary Error Handling based on batch wise in Rest Service of billing eventsContent Hi All Facing issue in catching error message in SOA for batch actions in Billing eve…
Issue on writing a file within a foreach loopContent Hi Experts, I have created an integration that reads a BI Publisher report, my goal is to put the response of the report inside a foreach loop and using a stage …
EFF fileds are reflecting in ERP cloud adapeter connectionSummary Not able to map EFF filedsContent Hi All, There is an integration to create sales order in OM from Commerce application, have used Oracle ERP Cloud adapter in th…
Using an integration to update the description of an expense - Bad response: 401 UnauthorizedSummary Error while dispatching SOAP message to the endpoint…
REST Adapter in Oracle SOA BPEL 12cSummary REST Adapter in SOA BPEL 12c failing for POST MethodContent Hi All, I am using Oracle jDeveloper 12c and Integrated Server to create Work Order in Oracle ERP Clo…
OIC REST Adapter modelling in the flow to send raw dataSummary Getting invalid_format error when trying to send raw data in REST adapter OIC.Content Hi all, The rest API expects to send data in below format Body raw (applica…User_2025-02-08-06-30-58-076 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
How to map "Generic Web Service (SOAP)" in an integration to download an XML file from UCM.Content Hi experts, I am trying to replicate in OIC the exercise done in SOAP UI that is seen in the document but I have not been successful. The operation I want to cal…
Error while reading a single record from stage file in OICContent Hello Everyone, I am getting the below error while reading a file having single record from stage file in OIC. I have checked the schema, it is correct. The same…User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 507 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 Integration
Not able to invoke abstract webserviceSummary getting error while tryin to add ess abstract connection in integrationContent Hi All, I have a requirement to invoke ESS job through OICS, for that i have creat…
Using SOA 12c REST Adapter for Oracle ERP Cloud APISummary Facing issue while invoking POST method using SOA 12c REST Adapter ReferenceContent Hi Experts, I am trying to create Work Order in Oracle ERP Cloud using SOA 12…
How to capture BI Report error in OICSummary How to capture BI Report error in OICContent Hi Experts, I'm calling a BI Report in OIC. https:///xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService Operation : Runrep…
Oracle SaaS Direct REST Call to OIC REST-driven IntegrationSummary Some Oracle SaaS Components have REST Protocol Transmission option that allows the process to execute REST Calls to external systems like OIC.Content Hello, Anyo…
How to invoke Analysis from runReport/any other webservice serviceContent Hi, How to invoke Analysis from runReport/any other webservice service in Oracle Cloud
REST API Invocation ErrorSummary REST API configured with OAuth Resource Owner Password Credentials is erroring out while invoking.Content Hi We have configured REST Adapter with OAuth Resource …User_2025-02-08-06-30-58-076 563 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Calling BIP report and looping through the records with batch processing from OIC integration?Summary Calling BIP report and looping through the records with batch processing from OIC integration?Content Hi Experts, Could you please help with the following, 1. Ca…
What is the maximum size of data we can store in Assign Variable in OIC IntegrationsSummary Maximum limit of Assign VariableContent Hi, We are fetching Report data which is Base64 encoded text. We have kept this operation in a scope, we need to upload t…
Is it possible to run ESS job throuh Oracle integration cloudSummary Not able to register ESS webservice in OICSContent HI Team, I have a requirement to run ESS job in one ointegration, but i'm not able to register webservice in c…
how to convert data format in mapperSummary replace space with ';'Content HI All, need help in knowing the fuction used for below. the data passed from trigger as "ABC DEF" or "ABC DEF XYZ" i want to conve…
Deploy NodejS AngularJs with Mysql on Compute InstanceContent Hello, i have an application, done with nodejs Angularjs and Mongodb and i want to deploy it on oracle. But i want to deploy it on my compute instance and have a…User_2025-02-08-04-00-49-804 13 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-04-00-49-804 Integration
Average of data in OIC mapperContent Hi Experts, Below is the data coming from the source system. Would like to calculate the average of Rating of the same account name. Can you please help you this…
ERP CMK Framework accepting acknowledgment (inbound to ERP)Summary ERP CMK Framework accepting acknowledgment EDI 997 (inbound to ERP)Content We are looking for some inputs on whether Oracle ERP Cloud’s CMK Framework can accept …
Error from the SFTP in OICContent Hi All, I am getting this following error from the SFTP. Can anyone suggest the solution for this.…User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 30 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by ravichander gambhiraopeta Integration
Increase TimeOut Window for OIC WebService Calls (REST)Summary Increase TimeOut Window for OIC WebService Calls (REST)Content Hello, Would there be a way in OIC to increase the TimeOut window for WebService Calls (ex: REST)?…User_2025-02-07-23-59-52-354 412 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-07-23-59-52-354 Integration
OICS and OCI Events Service to Get NotifiedSummary Event rule created but not firingContent Hello everyone, I created a topic in the notifications service, I then created a subscription to get notified on and put…