Discussion List
OCI – Resource Manager Integration with GitHub and GitLab, 25 February 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestContent Submit your questions for the OCI – Resource Manager Integration with GitHub and GitLab session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions …
OCI – Integrating and Extending SaaS using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), 14 January 2021, 8 a.mContent Submit your questions for the OCI – Integrating and Extending SaaS using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) session to have them answered during the live event. P…
OCI – Using Terraform to Provision Infrastructure and Services, 7 January 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuContent Submit your questions for the OCI – Using Terraform to Provision Infrastructure and Services session to have them answered during the live event. Post your quest…
Setting up a Reserved Public IP on a OCI Load BalancerContent Hi I'm setting up an OCI Load Balancer but want to put a reserved Public IP on it so that it's static in DNS. However I can't see how to do that in either Terraf…
Provision EBS Cloud manager for DemoSummary Provision EBS Cloud manager for DemoContent Hi Using the link, https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26401_01/doc.122/f35809/T679330T679339.htm#T679483, section-Oracle E-B…
Demo Replay: using Terraform on OCIContent Terraform is a tool that allows you to programmatically manage, version, and persist infrastructure through the "infrastructure-as-code" model. You can manage re…
OCI – Terraforming the Cloud with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager, 16 December 2020, 8Content Submit your questions for the OCI – Terraforming the Cloud with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager session to have them answered during the live event.…
Feedback, suggestions/ideas for reference architectures on the Oracle Architecture CenterSummary Feedback, suggestions/ideas for reference architectures on the Oracle Architecture CenterContent Hi, Please use this topic to share your feedback for reference a…
Demo Replay – Using reference architectures on the Oracle Architecture CenterContent If you missed our demo on 11/13/20, you can watch the replay here: https://ora-fusion-apps.custhelp.com/euf/assets/fusion/videos/replays/300873/presentation.html…
Oracle Cloud - Can not delete OCI Load balancerSummary Shows ACTIVE load balance in my resources, but does not exists when try to load balancer pageContent I had create a free trial cloud account and deployed sample …User_2025-02-10-10-27-54-719 51 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-10-27-54-719 OCI - General
Terraform ON OCISummary Tutoral for terraformContent hi all i want to know if there is a tutorial in order to upload a terraform file an execute in a resource manager task - I need to u…
Mushop deployment fail via terraformSummary Terra form deployment fail with Error: unexpected state 'UNAVAILABLE', wanted target 'AVAILABLE'. last error: %!s(Content oci_database_autonomous_database.mushop…
Accessing terraform remote state using S3 providerSummary How to access remote state using Oracle's S3 serviceContent I am able to create a terraform backend using the Oracle S3 object store provider and use this to sto…
Me ayudan a configurar un MV totalmente GratuitaSummary Quiero configuirar una maquina virtual totalmente gratis, que no me cobre nada despues de la pruebaContent Hola, mi nombre Edison Diaz Primero solamente se habla…User_2025-02-07-18-21-46-765 8 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Richard Jacobs OCI - General
DevOps for EBS 12.2 running on OCIContent Hi All We have some plans to implement DevOps methodology for our EBS 12.2.8 running on top of OCI. Does anyone have any link for reference.
500 Internal Server Error - URL returns error (OCI Essbase 19)Summary Instance configured but cannot access the web URLContent I deployed Essbase 19 on OCI. The instance was deployed, and the related services are started (Essbase &…
OCI Load Balancer vs OTDSummary Question : Load Balancer in OCI vs OTDContent Hi All, I understand from docs as OCI has dedicated LB for each region/VCN/AD (either region level or ADSubnet leve…User_2025-02-04-11-35-24-771 63 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by subhash.agarwalla OCI - General
Cannot cancel a resource manager apply stack jobSummary resource manager job state is locked for a stack that is in a continous loopContent I've used a wrong zip file for a stack, which led to the job being running in…
Terraform: oci_containerengine_node_pool: subnets and node_config_detailsSummary Terraform: oci_containerengine_node_pool: subnets and node_config_detailsContent As per current doc, subnets property in node pool is deprecated and we need to u…
Looking for clear step to provision a Oracle Messaging cloud platform from OCI servicesSummary We are not able to locate right navigation in services of dashboard to create messaging resourcesContent Can someone working to Integrate messaging cloud Infra s…
Terraform module for InfluxDbContent I m unable to find any Terraform module to deploy InfluxDb(https://www.influxdata.com/) on Oracle Cloud. Can anyone please share some useful script?
Simple Terraform scriptSummary Kubenetes terraformContent hi all i need a terraform script in order to create a kubernetes cluster the cluster will be one master node ant tree worker nodes , u…
Using TF to attach block volumes over a loopSummary I can use Terraform to create a set of identical compute instances but am struggling to attach a block volume to eachContent I have used Terraform's count meta-p…
OCI Load balancer - Private & Public networkContent I have one question regarding OCI Public load balancer. if I create a Load balancer in the Public subnet and then there should be one Public IP associated with t…User_2025-01-31-16-08-53-516 29 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Sherin Chandy OCI - General
OCI Load balancer - VNICContent Can I fetch all the details of the VNIC set associated with the load balancer?. I meant, get the private IP associated with the VNIC. I assume there should be on…User_2025-01-31-16-08-53-516 50 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Robin Chatterjee OCI - General