Discussion List
zero amountSummary: Addressing the impact of cost modifications on assets created from Payables during mass addition preparation. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Mass Addition Submission by Period WiseSummary: Hi there, When we submit Mass Addition Process, current parameters are Accounting Date and Asset Book. But Business needs Period wise submission, does not date …
Why Fixed Asset Number as a column not available in Audit Report for Fixed Asset ?Summary: In Fixed Asset Audit report for business object "Descriptive Details", why Fixed Asset Number as column not available instead it displays Asset ID, user doesn't…
How to flow a DFF field from AP Invoice Distribution to Asset Categories DFF under Asset AdditionsSummary: How to flow a DFF field from AP Invoice Distribution to Asset Categories DFF under Asset Additions page? Content (required): We have a requirement to flow the p…
Asset Accountant Role CustomizedSummary: Asset Accountant Role Customized Content (required): We have modified the role to remove the task 'Adjust Asset' by creating a custom role and removing Data Sec…
Is it possible to journal the depreciation expense in old company code at the month of asset transfeCompany A and Company B is sharing the same Asset Book. Is it possible to realize the following: 1. Transfer an asset from Company A to Company B by changing the balanci…
Where can user view the Descriptive Details updates to fixed assets in the systemSummary: 1. Where can user view Descriptive Details updates to the fixed assets in the system? 2. In which backend table are changes in descriptive details of fixed asse…Sparsh.e.jain 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Asset Transfer Approvals - Asset transfer approval is based on the cost center managers.Summary: Asset transfer between cost centers is functioning, but while the source cost center manager is receiving the approval notification, the target cost center mana…
Asset Approval Infotile is not displaying the Withdraw or Delete buttonsSummary: I've enabled asset approvals in our Dev environment but the Approval Infotile is not displaying the Withdraw or Delete buttons. How do I get those enabled? Cont…
Retirement transactions are stuck under incomplete statusSummary: The three assets that were retired and user executed the process correctly, but these are still in incomplete status. Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Is there a profile option to allow multi-threading for Source Line Transfers/Adjustments?Summary: While performing source line transfers that include 1000-1500+ lines we are seeing dramatically reduced processing times. Sometimes these processes do not end a…
If assets are capitalized at receipt, in case of return, would it automatically update assets?In the recent 23B-23D updates, new features enable us to capitalize expense/inventory destination POs at receipt; how would the system currently handle in case of return…
💡Which are the conditions for Mass Additions to transfer Payables transactions to Assets?Summary: 💡Which are the conditions for Mass Additions to transfer Payables transactions to Assets? Content: In order for an invoice distribution amount to be transferred…
💡How to purge asset transactions from the interface?Summary: 💡How to purge asset transactions loaded via Fixed Assets FBDI templates or ADFDI spreadsheets / How to remove non-FBDI data from Interface tables when Prepare c…
how to add asset categories massivelyHello, I need to create something like 60 thousand asset categories, only for one asset book assigment. Which is the best way to achieve this? Is there an spreadsheet or…
Asset Approvals -Source lines needs to approved based on the asset category &cost clearing account.Summary: The customer wants to implement asset approvals, and the asset needs to be approved according to the requirements below. Asset Approvals - AP Source lines needs…
Where to modify Asset Category Account RulesSummary: We need to default the department in Asset depreciation from 0000 to 5210 in two asset categories. They are shown grayed out (see screenshot). Where the two hig…
Can single-unit mass addition lines be split into multiple units?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can single-unit mass addition lines be split into multiple units? Version (include the version yo…
currency precisionSummary: There is a rounding issue when posting an FA transaction (in local currency) from the Primary Ledger (in USD) to the Secondary Ledger (in local currency). Since…
💡Assets Approvals workflow configurationSummary: 💡Assets Approvals workflow configuration Content: User wants to configure asset approval workflows (Additions, Retirements, Transfers, Adjustments) Solution: Do…
Unable to Convert the Source Lines to Capitalized AssetsSummary: Hi Team, FA has source lines from AP that were processed with the expense account combination. We tried to edit the source line to fill in the missing informati…
Null Asset_ID in Asset_ID column of FA_APPROVAL_SUMMARY table impacts approval reportsSummary: I am trying to create a report that would list all the approvals that occur for our asset transactions. When I ran the table for FA_APPROVAL_SUMMARY for additio…
Life of an Asset getting defaulted from Asset categorySummary: We are uploading the assets from the Legacy system and giving asset category and life of the asset while filling up the FBDI template. After uploading the asset…
💡How to use Oracle Assets Cloud REST API for Asset transactions?Summary: 💡How to use Oracle Assets Cloud REST API for Asset transactions? Content: You can use the fixed assets REST operations to perform asset management functions. He…
Asset Approval for Tax bookSummary: We have enabled Asset approval feature for Corp book. Can we enable this for asset addition on Tax book too from corporate to Tax book or by direct upload with …
Added two new assets we don’t see that any journal entry hit our GL after they were approved ?Summary: We added two assets today, D123 and D124, but we don’t see that any journal entry hit our GL after they were approved and we ran create accounting. Are you able…
How to delete Mass retirement transaction in asset retire pageSummary: We have many transactions in Mass retirement screen where we have tried to delete with Delete option in worksheet setting up delete option. but still we can see…Vaibhav Wagh 1 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Which License is required to access Transaction Console?Summary: I would like to enable asset approval for transactions. So, I would like to know which license would be required to access the Transaction Console to enable the…
How to migrate all the Source lines in Fixed assets in data migrationHi, Our client in upgrading from Oracle ebs to fusion. So, for 50% of the assets, there are multiple source lines and we are unsure how to migrate all of this data from …Bhagchandani Nayan 31 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
How to split CIP assets into multiple assetsSummary: How to split CIP assets into multiple assets Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There are few CIP assets created and the user would …