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How to update rule end date on accounted transaction?Summary: Need to update rule end date for 2 items on an accounted transaction Content (required): Hello, There are 2 items on a transaction with invoicing rule in Advanc…Teodora Bulancea 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marius Neagu - Oracle Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Not able to assign seeded BPM roles to the user.Hi, I am not able to assign any seeded BPM role to the user as it was not showing in the list of values while assigning roles. so i have verified one of the BPM role (BP…
REST - API for AR InvoiceSummary: We have a requirement to populate BILLING_PERIOD_START_DATE and BILLING_PERIOD_END_DATE in the AR lines level while creating AR invoice with REST API. Is there …Sam Samaddar 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Research pending adjustments KPISummary: Explanation on research pending adjustments Content (required): Can anyone tell us when an adjustment is on pending and why does it appear in the research pendi…Cristina 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Upload Receipt using FBDI - SampleSummary Upload Receipt using FBDI templateContent Hi, Anybody has sample template to upload AR Standard Receipt using FBDI, I can find a raw template from fusion OER htt…Suresh.Kumarasamy-Oracle 135 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Treml. Receivables & Collections
Populate Customer Number 'Registry ID' ManuallySummary: Feasibility to populate the customer number 'Registry ID' manually during the customer creation. Content (required): We have a requirement to populate the custo…Ahmed Maher Kadeh 583 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Ali Husseini Receivables & Collections
ERP Event – Feature Highlights for Receivables and Collections in 22B, Jun 8, 9am PTRegistrations are open for the event ERP – Feature Highlights for Receivables and Collections in 22B If you have questions for this event, please post them here or ask t…Maria Centeno-Cloud ERP-Oracle 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Maria Centeno-Cloud ERP-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Is it possible to show the running total when entering manual receiptsSummary: Client receives monies from a customer for various invoices. When they create the manual receipt the receipted amount is entered. But when the individual invoic…
AR How to setup a Context on JG_RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES FlexfieldSummary: AR How to setup a Context on JG_RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES Content (required): AR How to setup a Context on JG_RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES Hello I would like to setup an a…
AR Billing | Consolidated customer invoicesSummary AR Billing | Consolidated customer invoicesContent Does anybody know about the functionality of consolidated customer invoices in Fusion Receivable? Consolidated…Kashif Hussain-Oracle 89 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Ravi Upadhyayulla Receivables & Collections
Knowledge Tip | Fusion Receivables month end ChecklistSummary Fusion Receivables month end ChecklistContent * - Complete month-end activities such as importing billing information, applying receipts and approving adjustment…Kashif Hussain-Oracle 125 views 4 comments 9 points Most recent by Mike Brown-242022 Receivables & Collections
Create Automatic Receipt Batch not picking any TransactionsSummary Create Automatic Receipt Batch not picking any TransactionsContent Hi, I ran Create Automatic Receipt Batch not picking any Transactions but no transactions are …
Multifund Accouting for Refund and Contingency for transcation and RecieptsContent Multifund accounting is working fine all the transactions types, when we apply to receipt and do the accounting for below scenarios are failing, though this righ…Sandeep Kumar-245021 48 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Baskar.Chakravarthi Receivables & Collections
R13 How to change the Transaction Type on the AR Interface before to run Autoinvoice ?Summary How to change the Transaction Type on the AR Interface before to run Autoinvoice ?Content Hello : We have projects Billing Module which send transaction to AR in…gabriel kinovisques-163562 47 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Neil Ramsay-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Use to upload receipt from external billing systemSummary Use to upload receipt from external billing systemContent Hi all, I have a question, if I want to upload receipt from external billing system, apart to have a FB…
Receipts batches for creating receiptSummary We would want to enter receipt in batch but there is no UI we need to use the create receipt from spreadsheetContent Hello, We want to use receipt batches but it…
Customer accounts mergeSummary How do we merge customer accounts 19BContent We are trying to merge customer accounts within the application and there is no available functionality to do so Not…Sylvain Lemay CPA 114 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Sylvain Lemay CPA Receivables & Collections
Visio process map for customer account creationSummary Where do I find the process map for customer account creation?Content I am currently using Oracle Fusion Business Process Models: Homepage (Doc ID 1542019.1) to …Gina Flores-Uko 77 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Brian T. Wolfe-Oracle Receivables & Collections
HELP: Mismatch in columns when filtering for Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation ReportSummary Filtering to Exclude Natural Account Creates Mismatch in Columns for Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation ReportContent Has anyone tried to filter for the Receiv…Hannah Kehring 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Brian T. Wolfe-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Restrict back dated AR invoice & Receipt for particulate business unitSummary Restrict back dated AR invoice & Receipt for particulate business unitContent Hello Team We need solution to restrict the back dated AR Invoice & AR Receipt. e.g…Suresh.Kumarasamy-Oracle 70 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by Karthikeyan Sukumar Receivables & Collections