Tax Calculation
Discussion List
Regarding invalid tax regionHi Team, When importing AP invoices through fbdi / adfdi into the system , the invoices are getting rejected because of invalid tax region. Reviewed the configuration li…
Why Tax Expense account is not being used during Receipt Accounting?Summary: Why Tax Expense account is not being used during Receipt Accounting? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a Tax Rate Code that…
How to use a P&L Type account as the Tax Liability Account?Summary: How to use a P&L Type account as the Tax Liability Account? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We wish to point/update the tax amoun…
AP tax alone invoice, on invoice validation tax lines are getting cancelledAP tax alone invoice, on invoice validation tax lines are getting cancelled we have 3rd party tax integration with Avalara steps followed: Created invoice added header i…
US Sales Tax - Special Tax RateHi I'd like to seek guidance on US Sales Tax. So currently we have tax calculation based on US jurisdiction (State, County and City). However, in some locations, Special…
Regarding Tax calculation on AP and AR invoicesHi Team, We have 4 tax rates for US country and configured tax , tax regime, tax rates with recovery rate , tax status. When raised a AP invoice selecting the tax classi…
How to define threshold amount for TCS Tax - India LocalizationSummary: This is related to india localization. Basically we want to know how we can configure the tcs amount threshold in system. Below is the ask for business requirme…
Can taxes be validated in AP for invoices that come from the supplier portal?Scenery: The taxes were configured so that they are calculated according to the fiscal and regulatory conditions of each supplier when you upload an invoice from the sup…Liliana Goncalves 23 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rama Mohan - Support-Oracle Tax & Global
Include taxes in the calculation of specific tax withholdings (Argentina)Hello, I need to configure a new withholding regime for Argentina: the province of Santa Fe. For this new regime, the withholding calculation must take as a calculation …
The first rebate … $500 Tax Rebate for professional servicesThe first rebate … $500 Tax Rebate for professional services rendered at Puerto Rico and the tax requirement to enforce a $500 Rebate on their withholding tax calculatio…
How to avoid tax calculation for card clearing line for expense reports processed via PayablesSummary: Tax is being calculated for Miscellaneous item line on the invoice that represents the "Credit Card Expense Clearing Account" in a "employer pays" scenario. Thi…
Dynamic WithHolding Tax Rates (India) based on Supplier certificate with a thresholdThe detailed requirement: The are suppliers in India who provide us Lower TDS certificates which will lead to a reduced tax rate. This certificate needs to be stored at …
Options to setup Non-Recoverable Tax other assigning Tax Category to an itemDear Team The business has requested to setup non-recoverable tax for certain item purchases e.g. Gift, and accordingly we have setup Tax Category based determination an…
How to configure Foreign Vendor Invoice WHT applicable in PakistanI have a scenario regarding foreign invoice vendors withholding taxes applicable in Pakistan. In the current instance, I have configured all Pakistan GST and withholding…
We need the tax rule to validate the supplier's load in accounts payable through the Supplier PortalWhen the supplier sends an invoice from the supplier portal (ISP) to accounts payable (AP) with differences in the tax lines, the accounts payable user attempts to modif…
Calculate and Create Tax withholding in the name of a supplier different from the original invoiceSummary: Our client needs to comply with a legal requirement, that the calculation of tax withholding at the time of payment of the invoices, the withholdings are charge…
You must provide a valid value for the (TABLE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME) attribute. (ZX-885076)Summary: Error when updating the invoice for transaction taxes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there an issue with our tax regime setup…
Need Two Jurisdiction Tax calculated on Lease InvoiceHi, I have a scenario regarding lease invoices that will be calculated with two jurisdiction taxes after payment. 1. I have created a rule of lease invoice ITWH tax whic…
Withholding tax calculated on Total invoice amount which is wrong on my RequirementI have configured the withholding tax setup in Oracle Fusion, and withholding tax is calculated on the total invoice amount, but I need withholding tax should be calcula…
Calculate withholding tax on journalSummary: How can we calculate withholding tax on journal just like transaction tax ? Is there any workaround for the same? Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
How to setup Customer Withholding Tax on Receivables ?Summary How to setup Customer Withholding Tax on Receivables ?Content Hello I have already read the following notes How To Set up Customer withholding tax (Receivables w…
Product based fiscal classification are not showing in LOV in ReceivablesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…User_OFP2B 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
How to automatically calculate TCS, once the sales of goods to a given buyer exceed 50 Lacs in FY.Summary: In Oracle Fusion, TCS should be automatically calculated once the sales of goods to a given buyer exceed 50 Lacs in the current financial year. How can this be …
Is there a taxability connection with the Geographic Hierarchy setting under "Manage Locations"?Summary: We are seeing a tax issue where we have 2 different named locations (with the same address) that if one is selected the tax amount populates on a PO/Invoice, an…
Need two different VAT lines when a surcharge is generated on a customerSummary: Some customers need to generate an surcharge at the AR invoice. But the standard surcharge that can be configured at the Customer setup doesn't work because the…
Italy Tax Exemption amount reached warning notificationWe have tax exemption certificates for Italian customers in Receivables, data held in the Customer Tax Profile -> Tax Exemptions. We need to get a warning email for the …M Shiva Teja Reddy-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Is there any Possibility for Slab tax rate lease invoices separately show on AP Invoice in fusion?I am facing an issue regarding lease invoice slab tax rates which are defaulting from the Supplier site, The Issue occurs when the slab tax rate is calculated after vali…
What is the difference between the holds TAX VARIANCE and TAX AMOUNT RANGESummary: We would like to understand the difference between these TWO holds TAX VARIANCE and TAX AMOUNT RANGE Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Need separate tax accounting entries in Brazil taxationWe have a client requirement that needs to cover the below accounting entries (for Eg. AP) : Dr. Expense 1000 Tax Recoverable 92.50 Cr. Supplier Liab 1000 Tax Expense 92…Akhlak 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Need to setup tax rounding (0.01) for specific supplier to avoid line variance holdSummary: The client is noticing many invoices are been placing on Line variance hold due to tax variance (small amounts such as $0.01). They requested to set up tax roun…