Project Billing and Revenue
Discussion List
Functional/Technical Inputs for Billing Type challenges in Oracle PSASummary: Currently implementing Fusion Projects and has multiple Billing Types in their Organization like Hourly Weekly Monthly Capped Monthly (Here we bill fixed $ irre…Vasanthi Kumar-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Issue while Creation of Budgets using planing ratesSummary: Issue while Creation of Budgets using planing rates Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, As per Business use case, labor Budg…
Business Unit Missing in LOV for Generate Revenue ProcessSummary: We created a new business unit for Project Billing and are unable to select it when trying to schedule the Generate Revenue process. Content (please ensure you …
How can we add mark up % or value while generating Revenue against the contract?Summary: How can we add mark up % or value while generating Revenue against the contract? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, The sce…
How to make Bill-to Contact Non Mandatory in Project Contract.Summary: Do you know how to make Bill-to Contact Non Mandatory in Bill Plan of Project Contract? I didn't find setting. Please let me know. Thanks, Mayuko
PJB - Change billing event OrganizationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Revenue events were created with Organization X, some of the Events are processed, revenue recogn…
Can the automatic 'current working' budget version be disabled?Summary: When baselining a budget, a new 'current working' budget is automatically created. Since we are budgeting through the Project Financial Plans, we do not need a …
EAC and ETC in Forecast is generating double the amount of contractSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our contract funding is 6,700.00, However the Revenue ETC and EAC is generating 13,400. Any idea …Dorren Veil Laniog 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
Project Number is not showing when Generating an IC invoice?Summary: Project Number is not showing when Generating an IC invoice? please help. thank you! Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…Dorren Veil Laniog 41 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
Is there any option to do Budgetary Control using Project Driven to Supply Chain?Summary Customer needs budgetary control (in GL or Project). Also, need to control Project InventoryContent Hi! I see that there isn´t Budgetary Control when using Proje…
Add an Attachment to Projects Invoice after its approvedSummary: As per the business process at our client. Every PPM invoice should be printed as a hard copy and then the approver would sign on it and then the same should be…
PPM Invoice Generation based on Accounting Period instead of Bill From and Bill To dateSummary: Our client is a grants customer and for them it's very important that they invoice all the transactions from that accounting period and not based on the Bill fr…
Project Budget should create in 2 linesSummary: HI All, I have below requirement : For my client while executing the project customer will give some amount to execute few tasks. so customer would like to trac…
Contract Line CommentDoes the contract line comment show up anywhere on the PRoject Draft Invoice or AR? Thank you
BILL TRANSACTION CREATION ON BILLING EVENT CREATION- 23D new updateHello, After understanding and exploring the new feature in 23D, we have successfully enabled "BILL TRANSACTION CREATION ON BILLING EVENT CREATION" on our Test Instance …
Can I add custom fields using Page composer and do some calculation on basis of those valuesSummary: There is a requirement to store Units on the Project and use that information on the Contract line level and Event level. Let's say on a Project there are 100 u…
Cannot Find A Bill To Site When Creating Bill Plan For A ContractHi, The LOV is blank for Bill-to Site when creating a Bill plan, though the sites are present for the customer account in Customer details. We are able to create invoice…
Separate Billing invoice for supplier cost and Labor cost under cost reimbursable billing MethodSummary: We have a requirement that the system should generate the separate Billing Invoice for the Supplier cost and Separate for the labor cost against the same Projec…
What is the purpose of Organization Credits in an Award ?Content Hi What is the purpose of Organization Credits in an Award ? Does it have any relation with Internal Funding Source ? If I have Cost Share internal funding sourc…User_2025-02-05-07-43-41-391 56 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Nishant Agarwal Project Management
Billing Attributes while submitting the Award for contractSummary Billing Attributes while submitting the Award for contractContent I observed that while Award submission intrun will trigger an automatic contract creation page …
Contract Lines and Sub-linesSummary Looking for a Contract Lines with Sub-linesContent Hi All, In our Current business application (EBS) we are having Contract with Lines and Sub-Lines, our busines…
Items created in Project should validate in Wherehouse(In Inventory)Hi All, I have requirement as below. In PPM Projects at Project task level items serial number will be mentioned as Task. The moment we entered the item details at task …
Is it possible to use a dependent DFF value set as a source in the project accounting mapping set?Summary: There is a case where I have created a DFF that has a value set with its validation type dependent on another VS. However, when I received a request in which th…Abdallah Alrjoob 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Venkat Patlola-Oracle Project Management
Release Project Billing Invoices out of orderIs it possible to release project billing invoices out of order?
Non billable items on the project billing invoiceSummary Generate non billable expenditure types on the project billing invoiceContent Our client has a requirement bring in non billable expenditure types (both labor an…User_2025-02-04-20-14-28-298 91 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Pradeep Balakrishnan Project Management
where do i capture or record costs for "free form, project" contract line for the ContractSummary: Hi Team, where do i capture or record costs for free form project contract line in Contracts, As i see Invoice Amount and Revenue Generated for the Contract lin…
Is it possible to generate invoices outside of the contract line dates?Summary: We have a contracting scenario in which our contracts allow us to bill as follows: "Upon contract signature and 30 days prior to the anniversary date of subsequ…
Cloud PPM - Project Billing - Not able to Release multiple Project draft invoices.Summary: Hello Experts, Oracle provides the functionality to select multiple draft invoices and Approve/Release it. This functionality is working for one user and anothe…
Project Cost Adjustment FunctionalityWe have a requirement where at every month end cost will be transferred from a project to multiple projects . Using the seeded functionality , we found we can do 'split …
Ability to manage Forecast for Sponsored projects in Grants managementSummary: Ability to manage Forecast for Sponsored projects in Grants management Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Is there any way …