Project Contracts
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How to get custom Contract Invoice format as an attachment in workflow email notificationWe have built custom Contract Invoice template and want to see that as an attachment in email workflow notification when Contract Invoices are sent for approval. At pres…Praveen K N-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Project Management
Rakesh K Menon-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rakesh K Menon-Oracle Project Management
How to create DFF depends on another DFFI want to create a DFF that shows Project Number then another DFF to show Tasks that are associated to that project , how to achieve this requirement
how to create a award dff that fetches dff information from the project dff and contract dffSummary: how to create a award dff that fetches dff information from the project dff and contract dff Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I wa…
IC Invoice Approvals failingSummary: IC Invoice Approvals failing Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Teams, We have configured,Invoice approval rules for Project Invo…
Do you know usage of Sales Credit in contract?Summary: Do you know usage of Sales Credit in contract? I didn't find document for what can we do by use Sales Credit. If you have any information, please let me know. T…
Can we create Intercompany contract between two legal entities under same Business unit?Summary: Can we create an intercompany contract between two legal entities If two LE's mapped to one Business unit and if yes, then how the cross charge will work in thi…
Redwood for Project ManagementSummary: Is there any available information about the rollout of Redwood in the Project Management area. We would like to start planning beyond HCM and a roadmap or time…
Contract validation error - You can't associate this project and task to this contract lineSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Created a new contract, Added Line 1 and line 2, associated project and task to these lines. Gett…
How to update Project progress and revenue recognition to previous month or period??Hi Team, The user wants to add the physical percent completion percent manually on the contract "Track Completion" on the basis of that the user wants to generate invoic…
Budget received from EPM should be non-editable in PPMPlease see the below business scenario and advise how we can handle this requirement - Step1) Budget Version1 is created in PPM. This Budget will be submitted for approv…
Need to closed accounting for revenue reconciliationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Can't derive natural account in SLA for AR Retainage.Summary: When processing project billing invoices we receive a billing event for Retainage and one for Gross Invoice. We are unable to derive the retainage AR account se…
Transfer rejected status invoiceOracle Fusion Cloud Applications 23D ( ran the el Import Receivables Transaction Using Autoinvoice , then the Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report …
Calculation of Line amount based on PercentageSummary: In Enterprise Contracts, Line Amounts are expected to be calculated value based on a percentage specified in DFF. As of now system is allowing to enter line amo…RAMESH VANGA 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Limitation on importing number of Contract Parties data using Import ManagementSummary: Is there any limitation in importing contract parties details using import management (bulk import) mechanism. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Expenditure type mapping with GL AccountSummary: Whenever this a new value created in the value set for the Natural Account, it necessitates creation of new expenditure type in Projects. This is resulting in d…
Value set in date format - DFF on Contract lineContent Hi Experts I'm setting up a DFF on contract lines. Input value must be a date (DD-MM-YY or similar). I can't find any standard value sets - why is that? I have a…
Bell notification title language differs from default language in preferenceSummary: In our environment, user sometimes receives bell notification with language different from the default language in preference. Below is an example. User with th…
How to update an Invoice which is in Approved status to Accepted DirectlySummary: Hi Team, We need to update an Invoice which is in Approved status to Accepted. When we tried using below SOAP Service it is updating status as Released. https:/…Tamilselvan Natarajan 84 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Tamilselvan Natarajan Project Management
Rest API for Manage Capital AssetsNavigation: Projects -> Assets -> Manage Capital Project -> Action: Manage Capital Assets Please help with Rest APIs to insert data in the Manage Capital Assets and Asse…
Can we transfer descriptive flexfield from Billing event created on a contract to Receivable InvoiceCan we transfer descriptive flex field from Billing event created on a contract to Receivable Invoice. We want to differentiate different invoices based on a custom fiel…
How to enable RMCS with Contracts? What Setups to be done in RMCS?Summary: We have requirement to integrate Project Contracts with RMCS. I have done the Opt-in, what other setups i need to do in RMCS except to enable and the extraction…
Fusion Project Contacts to RMCS IntegrationSummary: I am looking for possible technical solution options to populate some of the Extensible Header attributes in Fusion Project Contact module side while sending ac…
Store pdf invoices on contractSummary: Our business requirement is to allow contract administrators to be able to download receivable invoices pdf of the invoices of their contrac. How can we allow t…
Contract Management Invoices Sandbox CustomizationMake "Release All" available only after selecting Billing Type, Invoice Type, Status, and Contract Owning Organizations. This is to restrict users releasing other agency…Venkateshwar Parchuri 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
Contract in currency different from ledgerI have a project contract in a currency different from the Ledger , a revenue was created 3 months ago based on a specific rate then credited recently in a different rat…