Procurement Contract
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Is it possible to create the additional field supplier2 on the search result page of Contract.Summary: We have a business case where we have added the additional filed 'supplier 2' on Contract Parties page. Now business wants to see the supplier2 on the search re…
System users questioning start date functionSummary: Our policy is that no contract should start before the contract is signed. Content (required): Our attorneys are asking why we can't write signed date to start …Alex Glose 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Gel-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
How to activate the Clause Actions menu within a Contract?Summary: We are exploring the use of the Clause Library so we can add individual clauses to a procurement contract. When we create a contract and add a terms template to…
Can we change Contract Tabs sequence ?In Enterprise Contract the sequence that we get like Overview, Lines, Contract Terms, Fulfillment, Parties, Deliverables, Documents, History, Notes, Related Contracts. C…
How to segregate procurement contract with project contract using roleSummary: We would like to know what is the way to segregate procurement contract with project contract using role. Currently we have assign the user with role "Enterpris…
Contract RenewalsSummary: The Automatically Renew Eligible Contracts and Contract Lines ESS Job is renewing all the contracts for which the Renewal Rule was setup, even after Renew befor…
customize email body when sharing with supplierSummary: Customize body of email when sharing the contract in Supplier Portal Content (required): Is there any way to customize the email notification which is sent to s…
What are minimum requirements for Contract Add-In for MS Word?Summary: What are the requirements for using Contracts add-in for MS word? Content (required): Hi, What are the requirements for using Contracts add-in for MS word? I ch…
Is there a way to upload contract notes in bulk?Summary: Customer is looking for a way to mass upload contract notes information. Is there a way we can achieve this? Content (required): Hi, Client is converting the da…
how to enable contracts and deliverables in supplier portal?Summary: how to enable contracts and deliverables in supplier portal? Content (required): When I activate the feature Enable Contract Terms in Oracle Fusion Procurement …
cancel related contracts of a contractSummary: The LEGAL team wants to close a contract, but that contract has related contracts, can the contract be closed with all the related contracts? Content (required)…
Can contract document link be extracted in fusion BIP??Summary: We need to know if there is any option to extract URL(appearing when hovered over contracts document) using Fusion SaaS BIP report. This link when clicked by th…Suresh Y Reddy 41 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Víctor-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Why can't I see the Terms Library icons after adding the roles?Summary: Hello everyone, My problem focuses on procurement contracts and the following happens: I am adding more than 9 contract roles to a user, then I run the LDAP pro…
Differences between Contract Renew and Contract AmendSummary: New to understand the Contract Renew and Contract Amend to change the End Date of an Contract. Content (required): when to use the Contract Renew and Contract A…Kasinathan Palanikumar - Oracle-Oracle 52 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Chin Chi-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
How to Create Custom Role To Create or View "Buy" or "Sell" Intent Contracts Only?Summary Is there any option to restrict the user access to "Buy" or "Sell" Intent Contracts
How to reactivate a cancelled contract?Summary: We have a contract which was erroneously cancelled by the user but was executed with the supplier and wants the contract to be reactivated. Need a workaround/da…Abhilash G S 46 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Gel-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Sending the purchase contract to the supplier.Hello Experts!, The next query is about procurement contracts. What is the correct way in which the contract should be sent to the supplier? Thank you in advance for you…Jose_Arguedas 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alexandra Rabaea-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
The XML file can't be accessed because it isn't in the correct locationSummary: The XML file can't be accessed because it isn't in the correct location or the security settings are preventing access. Content (required): not able to import t…
How To Create A View Only Custom Role For Contract Using Security Console ?Summary: How To Create A View Only Custom Role For Contract Using Security Console ? Content (required): Hello The company needs to have one role to inquiry contracts an…Cesar Saveedra 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ed Gomez-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
How to create a Supplier Contract Administrator role only view access ?Summary: How to create a Supplier Contract Administrator role only view access ? Content (required): Hello I would like to create a custom role from Supplier Contract Ad…
Default values for standard fields with drop-downSummary: We wanted to check if there is any possibility to have a default value assigned for a standard field with drop-down in Terms library tasks such as Create Clause…
Sales Contract : How to bring the Lines DFF field to BPM Approval flow?Summary: In Sales Contract under Lines Tab, we created an DFF field but the same DFF field is not coming in BPM Approval flow list for the condition. Content (required):…Kasinathan Palanikumar - Oracle-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Bossier-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
While clicking the Sign Contract option from contract action LOV Docu Sign page not opensSummary: 1. Setup DocuSign 2. Create a contract 3. Approve the contract - contract is approved and status is Pending Signature 4. Go Actions > Sign Contract 5. DocuSign …
Procurement contracts overview pptContent Can anyone please share ppt slides on procurement contracts overview that can be typically used in customer demo?
How to see contract approval history when approval history got purged?Summary: We want to know who approve the contract for audit purpose. Currently when the history got purged, we cannot see who approve the contract. Content (required): V…
Impact of creating a custom field on Contract Overview tabSummary: We created a custom field on contract headers and we want to know if it has any impact on the overall system performance. Content (required): We got a requireme…
Unable to find EnvelopeID in Oracle tables for Procurement Contract ModuleSummary: We have implemented Contract module and DocuSign have been used for signature purposes. We are looking to find out envelope id in oracle tables in order to crea…
Master Service Contract functionality and how it will work .Can any one help meSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):VEERAVALLI PRASANNALAKSHMI 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by VEERAVALLI PRASANNALAKSHMI Enterprise Contracts
Search by text functionality not working for attachments in Enterprise ContractsSummary: No result comes up when we search a particular keyword to search for attachments in Enterprise Contracts. Content (required): I have already configured the Atta…
Contract Approver cannot view the actual Contract they are approvingSummary: Contract Approver cannot view the actual Contract they are approving Content (required): When a contract was submitted for Approval, there is a link on the cont…Haydee Mercado 41 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Claudiu Mindruta-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts