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How do I resolve errors in cost accounting?Summary: Incorrect subinventory chosen on an interorg transfer caused issues in cost management. I am looking to resolve this error or even delete the transaction. Conte…Yadira 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Arunkumar S-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Unable to search lookup in Manage SCM Common LookupsSummary: Unable to search lookup in Manage SCM Common Lookups Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We created few lookups in Manage SCM Common …Nishanth B Jain 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Decide a value of the revenue's AFF of "Intercompany AR trx. by SLA.Summary: Decide a value of the revenue's AFF of "Intercompany AR trx. by SLA. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please give us knowledge reg…Yukio Kusumi JP-Oracle 77 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yukio Kusumi JP-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Can you set initial transaction number for IC AR Invoice generated through SCFOSystem is not allowing to enter initial transaction number for IC AR invoice generated through SCFO with transaction source as ORA_Supply Chain Financial Orchestration. …
Is there API to query Cost Accounting PeriodsIs there API to query Cost Accounting Periods
Where does the cost end up that added during Transfer Order Shipment?Summary: User performed a Transfer Order between two company and added some shipment cost during Transfer Order Shipment (see below screenshot). Now we are unable to fin…Rinkesh Jha 101 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishna Ghantasala-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Is there any way we can pause/skip the automatic reservation happening for B2B orders at SCOF?Summary: For our Business Scenario, we need to have the reservation step at the end once the supply is completed for the B2B orders. As we all know for B2B orders, it wi…Devi_2403 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Devi_2403 Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Partial Payment via lockbox should not be applied and should be as unapplied on receiptHi Team, Lets say AR invoice balance is 1000 USD and customer pays us only 800 USD and when we receive funds from the lockbox it will apply 800 and against AR invoice 10…
Across LE Internal Transfer SFO-how to generate Intercom. AR Invoice with multiple Ship to locationsSummary: As per our client requirement we are using Inter Org Transfer- In Transit for Inventory movement and as it is between two different LE, SFO is also configured a…Lokesh_619 133 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by SrinivasKota Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Query to fetch the Customer DetailsCan any one Please provide the query to fetch the below details. Customer name (excluding Intercompany Customer) Open Balance amount Status of customer (active or inacti…Srinivasakkkk 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Profit in inventory (Markup) in Source OrganizationSummary: Profit in inventory (Markup) in Source Organization Content (required): In a transfer order (intercompany), Profit in Inventory Cost Element Type (Markup) is sh…Sudeep Mohanty 72 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Mohamedtaha-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
System takes lot of time to generate the SFO events and display in Monitor Fin.Orchestration Exe.UISummary: We have setup SCFO for across the LE Inventory transfers. The Inventory Transaction that we used is Inter Org Transfer- In Transit. Once the Inter Org Transfer …Lokesh_619 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lokesh_619 Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Need to generate the Intercompany AP Invoice based on the GRN for the Internal Transfer SFO TrxSummary: Based on the client requirement, we have to move the goods from one Inventory Org to another Inventory Org across the LE. For this we have setup the SFO Flow an…Lokesh_619 73 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pseshadr-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
how can we disable standard jobs like 'Print Receivables Transactions' from the Schedule job processSummary: how can we disable standard jobs like 'Print Receivables Transactions' from the Schedule job process, so the user can not run this from the Schedule process? Co…Ankush Faye 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deepak Pai-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Need the Table source on Manage Transaction under Billing in ReceivableWe need source table information for the values popping up in the window when we hit the status value on Manage Transaction for any invoice under Billing. Navigation: Re…Tushar Rathi 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arunkumar S-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Advantages and disadvantages of enabling intercompany relationship vs normal supplier customer modelSummary: Hello Experts, Is there any list of Advantages and disadvantages of enabling intercompany relationship using SFO vs normal supplier customer model when there ar…Shivaji Muttarapu 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arunkumar S-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
How to perform custom validation while receiving items in inventoryContent Hello, We have a requirement wherein we want to perform some custom validation before the user can receipt the items through "Receive Expected Shipments" screen …_IshanAgarwal 17 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by _IshanAgarwal Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Intercompany Invoices For Global Procurement Before Receiving the POSummary Intercompany Invoices For Global Procurement Before Receiving the POContent Hi Team - We know that for Global Procurement the SFO tasks gets triggered when we re…Deepak.Padhy 34 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Deepak.Padhy Supply Chain Financial Orchestration