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Item not showing in estimate pdf reportSummary: Item not showing in estimate pdf report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Item lines created in Estimate are not showing on pdf rep…Muhammad Yahya 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bharathi Kanimozhi-Oracle Service Logistics
what is the frequency of oracle doing back up of the environment.Summary: what is the frequency of oracle doing back up of the environment. The business is asking for the frequecy of doing backup in oracle fusion instance. Content (pl…
Can we use dummy Install base in generic Work OrderSummary: Can we use dummy Install base in generic Work Order Content (required): We have a requirement where business is unable to provide correct install base number wh…Nittin Sharma 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandesh Chandrappa-Oracle Service Logistics
Hi Experts, having a requirement to send debrief estimates to Service request contacts.Summary: I am unable to get joins between debriefs(depot repair ) , Service request and RMA orders .I tried joining RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADERS. parent_entity_id with RCL_PARTS_…
Service Logistics OTBI OverviewSummary Presentation on the 3 Service Logistics Subject AreasContent Overview and sample reports for Service Logistics OTBI
How to Transfer Service Request Data to Generic Work OrderSummary: We would like to transfer the Problem Description from the Service Request to Generic Work Order Content (required): As a part of Business process, there are fe…
Print estimates from Manage Depot Repair WorkbenchSummary Can we Print estimates from Manage Depot Repair WorkbenchContent HI Team, Can we Print estimates from Manage Depot Repair Workbench. Business needs to send the e…
VAT Calculation for Estimation in depot repairSummary: Do we have the feature to calculate VAT in Depot repair estimaitons using service logistics Content (required): Client is in repair business and wants to calcul…
How to add Diagnostics for RepairSummary: We want to add Diagnostics details while doing Estimates/Repairs to capture the Actual Repair Activities which is planned for Repairs Content (required): Enterp…
Can anyone help me in finding the SaaS tables mappings for Depot Repair Workbench screen dataSummary: I have received requirement to build BIP/OTBI report on Depot Repair Workbench estimates screen. Could anyone help me in find the either table mappings or otbi …
Request to provide information on "Installed base Assets" 19DSummary Request to provide information on "Installed base Assets" 19DContent Hi All, Request to provide information on "Installed base Assets" 19D. Would like to underst…
Request to provide information on Depo repiar process flow in 19DSummary Request to provide information on Depo repiar process flow in 19DContent Hi All, Request to provide information on Depo repiar process flow in 19D. Would like to…