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Is it feasible to create auto complete rule on Eligible Jobs ?Summary: We have a requirement to default Relief Type and Manual Rate/Frequency (when relief type is Manual) on Eligible Jobs using Autocomplete. In Oracle documentation…Bhardwaj Yash 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Probation Period default based on People GroupSummary: We want Probation Period to be defaulted based on People Group Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): If People Group is 'X' then we wan…Puneet Shukla 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Error when executing the autocomplete rule for Grade restriction in Offer create and EditError when executing the autocomplete rule for Grade restriction in Offer create and Edit. Issue: If I am using Worker Assignment. In ORC it is working fine, but in Core…Challa Ramya-Oracle 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Challa Ramya-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule based on Full time / Part time field and FTESummary: Content (required): Our Customer needs to create 2 validations based on autocomplete rules to check: If an Employee is full-time, then the FTE must equal 1 If a…Evgeniya Repnina 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Caroline Michielsen HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Error validation for Date of Birth in Add Pending WorkerWe have to validate the Date of Birth field for only the Employee worker type if it is empty and not for the Contingent Worker. We created a object validation rule in th…Swetha J Nair 5 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Swetha J Nair HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Best Practice for Changing Home Address Country in Contact InfoSummary: Does anybody have a best practice for changing the country of Home Addresses in Contact Info? The problem we face is that we can't edit the current Home Address…Zachary Cormier 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Zachary Cormier HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
when I as an employee I resign from one assignment automatic the other assignment is not flippedSummary: If an employee has multiple assignment and one assignment is end dated then the secondary should automatically flipped to primary. There is a mention in Oracle …Shreya_Banerjee 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Shreya_Banerjee HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rules throws null pointer exception on Change assignment transactionSummary: There is an autocomplete rule on Worker assignment BO which checks LE entity information from department associated with any position, but it throws null pointe…Tumpa Mandal 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Tumpa Mandal HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Auto complete rule for contact number validation is not working as expectedSummary: We have written a ACR validation to check the format of the phone number. However, its not throwing out the error even after providing incorrect format. It is s…Ganesan M 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - HCM-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Termination Date Does not Default Based on Projected Termination DateSummary: Hi Everyone, I have written a rule which should look at the Projected Termination Date while Hire an Employee Action. It doesn't default, so I tried defaulting …Dhiren7 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhiren7 HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Need to auto-populate dates in fields in redwood page of Resign from EmploymentSummary: Hi, We have few fields highlighted in screenshot which are supposed to be auto-filled upon entering the page based on certain criteria. Below is criteria: We ne…puja suryanarayana 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by puja suryanarayana HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Customer wanted to add new page/section in personal details page in fusion HCM CloudSummary: Customer wanted to add one more section/new page like(Birthday authorization - need to add two fields under this section) below Gender disclosure in Personal de…Rama123-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Autocomplete rule on Quick convert Pending Worker Redwood pageSummary: Validation rule on Quick Convert Pending Worker is not working in redwood page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Object: W…Vijetha.Gurrapu 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vijetha.Gurrapu HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule on Termination Redwood pageSummary: Validation rule on Termination Redwood page is not working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Object: Worker Work Relations…Vijetha.Gurrapu 16 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Vijetha.Gurrapu HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Gender field needs to be mandatory during conversion of an employeeSummary: During conversion, some records had Gender missing. Now if the employee reapplies to organization, the profile in Career site will inherit as it is and they don…Rohan Subgonda 19 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Rohan Subgonda HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Unable to edit termination in responsive UI after implementing autocomplete rules for final closeSummary: Hi There, We have recently implemented 22D feature- AutoComplete rules for final close on termination+90 days. However, after implementing, we are unable to edi…Priya1 71 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Faithe Chu-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
autocomplete rule for contractor validation on projected end date is not working as expectedSummary: autocomplete rule for contractor validation on projected end date is not working as expected when there are future actions and there is current action where adm…gowthami samskruthi 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Rule not Working to Default the DFF based on HourlySalarid FieldSummary: Rule not Working to Default the DFF based on HourlySalarid Field. We have created the below rule to default the DFF based on Hourly/Salaried filed value. We hav…VIKU 54 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Manzoor ilahi-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Default Enterprise Seniority Date from previous Employee RecordSummary: I have created a rule to default Enterprise Seniority Date (Original Service Date) from the previous employee assignment if the person had a non-employee record…Kyle Norris 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule - National Identifier - NID type validationSummary: Hello, In the use case for an autocomplete rule, It's mentioned that I need to build the rule on the person national identifier object. I've tried but I can't m…Constanza 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Constanza HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete Rule: Prevent Move to HR in ORC when Offer Start Date is not Today's dateSummary: Requirement: Do not send Transfers from ORC to HCM until the Transfer effective start date. Goal: Throw an error message when users click Move to HR action in O…Bianca Lei Villareal 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bernard T HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Validation Rule to Make TRU same as Legal EmployerSummary: Hello Community- We have a requirement to write an validation autocomplete rule to check the TRU should be same as Legal Employer in case of Global Transfer. I …VIKU 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete Rule for Worker Assignment >Condition > Ability To Fetch Flexfield on Work RelationshipSummary: Autocomplete Rule for Worker Assignment > Condition > Ability To Fetch Flexfield on Work Relationship Level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…Bernard T 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
auto complete rule to avoid duplicate phone numberSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Praveen Padala 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to populate a Value in the Assigned PayrollHello Community, I need some help please, I recently got my use cases approved to default a value for Payroll Id, below is my set up, but it is not working when I create…Gail Wilmoth 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to create a TDS rule that makes the National Identifier region required when hiring an employeeSummary: Hello, In the use case for an autocomplete rule, It's mencioned that first I need to make the national identifier region required creating a TDS rule, but I can…Constanza 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Constanza HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to Hide Action and Cancel Work Relationship from Employment Info in RedwoodSummary: Hello Team, When we are trying to move on ESS Redwood page . We are seeing lots of challanges. 1. Employment Info Page : This page having Action and Cancel Work…
HR: Autocomplete Rule - Approval Transactions Won't Process The RuleSummary: Hi Team, We are facing issue with Approval Workflow for Promote and Transfer while using retro effective start date for these transactions. We have auto complet…Neha_C-Oracle 71 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by José Valero HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Create Work Relationship autocomplete rule not working as expectedWe are getting an issue in an approved auto complete rule, which is not working. We are trying to configure the auto complete rule in lower environment to test the same …Ananya Singh 48 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
a manager type is defaulted with the same name of the Line ManagerSummary: Hi all, our customer has 2 types of manager: Line Manager Development Manager the customer wants the development manager is defaulted with the same name of Line…Andrea Rubino 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules