Discussion List
Sorting lov action change assignmentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, we are configuring the various possible actions to be made available to the end u…
HDL file to massively correct salary basis nameSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we need to massively correct salary basis name and amounts for employees with a wr…
How long do the Archived Completed Transactions stay in Transaction Console UI in HCM?Summary: How long do the Archived Completed Transactions stay in Transaction Console UI in HCM? Content (required): We are planning to run the “Archive Transaction Conso…
Make nonworkers not visibleSummary: Is it possible to hide the ability to search the nonworkers for all users and make them visible only to specific super users? Content (please ensure you mask an…Caterina Ruggiero 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Caterina Ruggiero Human Capital Management
Format Address issue for all usersDear All, I have an issue concerning the address format for employees. When I create an employee with an address format from outside the customer's country, the address …George Mattar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Need coorected assignment InformationSummary: Hi All, We have one requirement where we need to revert the corrected location change in fusion, How do we need to fetch the corrected changes in fusion using t…
Absence Plan Deduction - Enrollment End DateHello Experts, We have the following scenario: Context: employees have 2 plans because until December 31st, 2023 they were eligible to the 'UK Annual Leave 25' plan and …
How to assign roles via HDLSummary: How to assign roles via HDL Content (required): Hi, we would like to assign via HDL a custom role to several users (the list of the users is a static one, there…
Internal candidate not receiving respond job offer notificationSummary: I have created job offer for an internal Candidate but the Internal candidate is not receiving respond job offer notification. I have done research and tried af…Aras Noori 111 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by gowthami medam Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Create a future record automatically when employee is progressing in his grade stepThere is a request from the client, if it is possible to look forward to see upcoming changes and place a future-dated step progression. The request is if the system cou…Maria Cristina L. San Jose 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Cristina L. San Jose Human Capital Management
How to change or delete Location Main AddressSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, I made a mistake in the location main address and I need to change country field (which is read-only) or delete it. How can I…Valerio Curzi 69 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Surbhi Jat-Oracle Human Capital Management
HDL file to massively update performance ratings and rating model at the employee levelSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, is there a way to massively correct performance ratings and rating models at the e…
HDL file to correct element entry amountSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we need to mass correct element entry amounts. Is there an HDL file to do it witho…
Person Number automatically generatedSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, if the Person Number generation method is set as Automatically Generated, is it possible to load employees by HDL without fil…
Person Flexfield > Multiple Rows > Ability to Filter One Column Based on the Value of Another OneSummary: Manage Person > Person Extra Info > Person Extensible Flexfield > Multiple Rows > Ability to Filter One Column Based on the Value of Another Column Content (ple…
Dep Tree>Ability to Set and Get the Effective Start Date of the Parent Dep>View PER_DEPT_TREE_NODE_VSummary: Department Tree > Ability to Set and Get the Effective Start Date of the Parent Department > View PER_DEPT_TREE_NODE_V Content (please ensure you mask any confi…Bernard T 23 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Switching to Redwood Pages - Document on Redwood PagesSummary: Switching to Redwood Pages - Document on Redwood Pages Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Switching to Redwood Pages - Document on R…
Grade Rates > Ability to Add a Flexfield in Grade Rate TableSummary: Grade Rates > Ability to Add a Flexfield in Grade Rate Table Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, In the Grade Rate, when addin…Bernard T 12 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Mihaela Cojocariu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Eligibility rule by termination dateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, our customer wants to exclude people with future termination date. Is it possible …
HDL file to DELETE elemententry records without using SourcesystemIDSummary: Hello experts, we should massively delete ElementEntry records by HDL. Is there a way to do it without SourcesystemID? If so, could you provide me the HDL file …
Approval rule logic based on the hike of the employeeSummary: We have a requirement where we have to make approval rules based on the % hike in the salary while promoting. Can the logic in the below screenshot be used for …Hezal_Meshram24 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Unable to access the 23B Redwood Page (Visual Builder Studio) even after updating the Profile OptionSummary: We are not able to see the new Redwood Pages even after enabling the the Profile Options and setting them up correctly as per What's New Document. Content (requ…
Manage Daily Rates in Oracle HCMSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I have some questions regarding Daily Rates Management. I know that it is possible…Valerio Curzi 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karen Florig Financials – General (READ ONLY)
How to Calculate balance of absence plans at specific days under the Front-loaded Accrual Method?Could you please provide guidance on how we can accurately determine the balance of absence plans at specific days( as this day 22/april) under the Front-loaded Accrual …Mostafaaa 48 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Fechete Iustin - Support -Oracle Workforce Management
Manage Locations > Main Address > Ability to have a list of values for the citySummary: Manage Locations > Main Address > Ability to have a list of values for the city Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All, For th…
HDL to change mail address primary flagSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, please, could you share the HDL file to change the employee email address primary flag? Thanks in advance for your time! Kind…
ADD DFF for UserDear All, Is there a way to add a DFF in the user's page? Thank you in advance,
Why we can't see the compensation section in Person spotlight for another employee?Hi all, I have a question. We have created an hr analyst role who views salary data. We can see We can see the QA My compensation but when we search for another employee…Jole Quirino 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by PriyankaAgarwal -Oracle Human Capital Management
Disable email notifications if notification subject contains ‘ABC Company’Summary: Hi Team, I'd like to check how this can be done with BPM configuration. Requirement: For Appointment, whenever there is an update performed on the appointment, …
Aggregate function in Value Set - Using Sum in Value SetSummary: Most of our requirements require to have a value set which returns sum of multiple fields, that can be used to display as field LOV or can be used in the Fast F…Rafatullah BS 1.2K views 11 comments 3 points Most recent by M.cj Kumar-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)