Discussion List
Sample HDL file to load document of records with publish dateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, do you have a sample hdl file to load document of record with a future publish dat…
Company propertiesSummary: Do you track assigned property to employees in HCM Cloud? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I'm interested to know if some o…
Steps to revert published sandboxSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, is it possible to delete a published sandbox? I know that the system allows to dow…
Initial Value for flexfield SQL : Ability to set it based on the value selected in another flexfieldSummary: Initial Value for flexfield SQL : Ability to set it based on the value selected in another flexfield Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Why flexfields created in Flexfield Code ‘PER_ORGANIZATION_UNIT_DFF’ are displayed on EnterpriseSummary: Why flexfields created in Flexfield Code ‘PER_ORGANIZATION_UNIT_DFF’ are displayed on Enterprise Level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
How to load open ended Sickness using HDLSummary: Need guidance on the approach to load Open Ended Sickness Absence using PersonAbsenceEntry.dat template. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Update general preference for a user using rest apiDear All, Is there a web service to update the general preferences language for a user? it's urgent if anyone can help, Thank you in advance,George Mattar 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Actions and Action Reasons for Edit Work RelationshipHi, Is it possible to define Action and Action Reasons for Edit WR transaction? Thanks Giada
TalentProfile HDL file with attachmentsSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, do you have a sample HDL file with sample data to load talent profiles with attachments? For example we need to load Certific…
Error when uploading attachment with special charactersSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we are trying to upload by HDL document record with attachment. The attachment nam…
The way to import Context Segment and its value of Lookup Codes in Common Lookups.I would like to import csv file for Common Lookup Values becasuse the values that wa have to register is large quantity. I confirmed doc.ID 2215378.1 but I couldn't unde…
Document Records - Restrict Line Manager from updating documents for selfWe have a need to restrict Line Managers from updating documents for themselves but still have the ability to update documents for users that report to them. We have tri…
Document Records: Saved Search to exclude different Categories / Doc TypesHi, We'd like to create a Saved Search on Document Records page to simplify the number of documents immediately visible to employees when landing on this page; this Save…
Why import Common Lookup Values is failer?Why import Common Lookup Values is failer? I would like to import csv file for Common Lookup Values becasuse the values that wa have to register is large quantity. I con…
Is there a way to prevent users from receiving standard notification?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, a user shouldn't receive any compensation notifications both in the system and per…Valerio Curzi 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ayyanar Paulchamy Human Capital Management
What are other companies doing for their workers who don't have work email addresses?Our client has a large employee population that never get provisioned a work email address when they start with the company based on their company email policy. Because …
Allow segregation of member visibility in the Question LibrarySummary: Can we allow some HR users to create questions in question library for a specific subscriber only? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…Caterina Ruggiero 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Hide Journeys Tasks from Library when Adding ManuallyHello, For the Journeys Task Library, does anyone know if it's possible to hide certain tasks from the Library so that users cannot manually add them? We want to enable …
Custom New Hire NotificationSummary: Hi All, How can i customize New Hire Notification? I want to hide Salary Information which is confidential. Thank you Izliana Content (please ensure you mask an…
Allow segregation of member visibility in the Question LibrarySummary: Can we allow some HR users to create questions in question library for a specific subscriber only? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Ability To Create Alert for Custom Visas and PermitsSummary: Ability To Create Alert for Custom Visas and Permits Content (required): Hello All, Is it possible to create an alert in HCM for custom permit such as Residency…
Ability to add Person Extra Info in Hire an Employee FlowSummary: Ability to add Person Extra Info in Hire an Employee Flow Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All, Do you have any idea if poss…
Send Welcome Email with Credentials to usersSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, I am trying to understand if there is a way to send the Welcome Email to new hires if we change their email through security…
Oracle Excel Add-In not workingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, our customer successfully installed the add-in to manage delivered oracle spreadsh…
Issue with Checklist Eligibility Profile based on Fast FormulaContent We have a business scenario where, 1) Enterprise Onboarding Checklist is tagged to a certain Eligibility profile 2) Eligibility Profile was created using Fast Fo…
Multiple choice option for descriptive flexfieldsSummary: Content (required): Hi, I am looking to see if it's possible to do a multiple choice option for a descriptive flexfield. Basically, I have a use case where I wa…
Is it possible to restrict workflow notifications from going to a personal email address domainI'm curious if there is a way to restrict a workflow from sending to an employee's email address if they have a personal email address domain in the work email address f…
Cloud Common Features Release 13 Transaction Console (Doc ID 2430452.1)Summary: This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" Content (required): Refresh your local copies for the latest updates:…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 563 views 13 comments 5 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to remove buttons on approval notificationsSummary How to remove buttons on BPM approval notificationsContent We have requirement to remove buttons on BPM approval notification for security reasons. Kindly share …
Can you display someone's email address in the approval hierarchyWhen a transaction goes for approval, as the next approver you have the ability to see who is next in line for approval after you approve the transaction. Can you displa…