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Need Syntax for DAVE_TIME_SCAN_SET functionContent We are trying to use the DAVE functions mentioned in Doc ID 1990057.1 in our Time Calculation rules rules and tried below syntax; Syntax 1: l_dave = DAVE_TIME_SC…
How to fetch accrual balance for an employee at end of a specific period ( 01-04-2023-01-04-2024)Summary: The seeded absence accrual report has the accrued column which returns the value of accrual for the last month for which the process is ran. There is a requirem…
How to restrict the user to apply for leave only once in a specified year.Summary: Hai Folks, I need to restrict the user to apply leave only once in a specific year. Please help me with the conversion Fast Formula in the Absence Type. Content…
Automatic Plan Enrolments using FF and Eligibility Profile.Summary The Client has a leave plan which has eligibility criteria based on DFF on assignment. I have a FF attached to eligibility profile and if I run update plan enrol…
Custom resource alert code to trigger absence approval reminderSummary: Custom resource alert code to trigger absence approval reminder Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, May I know if anybody…
Maternity leave should only be applied between 28 & 45 calendar days prior to childbirthSummary: Our customer has the following condition to apply for Maternity Leave: 28 calendar days prior to the expected delivery date but not earlier than 45 calendar day…Aahiri_Sarma 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fechete Iustin - Support -Oracle Workforce Management
Project Manager Access for TimecardContent We have a requirement to provide access for TIme Cards to Project Managers. Below are the two possibilities which can work, either creating a Line Manager Type A…Saloni Pandya-Oracle 30 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Daniela Di Mauro-Oracle Workforce Management
how to extend the days for purging and archiving the transactionsSummary: If we extend the days for purging and archiving the transactions and what is the impact of extending the days in the system Content (please ensure you mask any …Subhashini Devarala-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cojocariu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can a single business unit (BU) be used across LEs, impact on costing transfer, Time ManagementSummary: Can a single business unit (BU) be used across LEs, impact on costing transfer, Time Management Content (required): Having additional new LE(PSU), PL, BU, and t…
Project Number LoV not showing up in Responsive UI Timecard LayoutSummary: Hi, we are using the filtered list of values for Project numbers in OTL timecard layout - but the assigned projects fail to show up in RUI with the message 'No …AnindyaBasu 75 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudan Rajashekar-Oracle Workforce Management
Transfer action - How to select who should be allowed to select/deselect checkbox?Summary: Our purpose is to allow only a few selected people to check/uncheck these boxes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we perform a…Giuseppe Casalino 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Casalino Human Capital Management
Can we create an absence plan without setting legislation?Summary: Is it possible to create one simple absence plan to track vacation and use across multiple countries? Or do you have a similar requirement and what are your bes…
I am trying to setup project timecard auto approval rule.Summary: Hello, I am trying to setup project timecard auto approval rule. Via this rule I want to approve all the employee timecard who have level 20 or 25. That is the …Palash Kumar Singh 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Florin Dumitru-Oracle Workforce Management
Generate Alert For Missing In Time Entry or Out Time EntrySummary: Generate Alert For Missing In Time Entry or Out Time Entry Content (required): Hello All, Do you have an idea how to generate alert for employee and line manage…
Time entry rules for weekend worked.Summary: Time entry rules for weekend worked. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We have a requirement where if an employee works on …Geetha Keerthi Sagar 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Geetha Keerthi Sagar Workforce Management
how to check error and warning during quickpaySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to create new absence typeSummary: We want to create a new absence type - Birthday Leave which will be granted to all permanent full-time staff Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
FYI Notification when Time Manager updates Time SheetSummary FYI Notification when Time Manager updates Time SheetContent Dear Experts Our Requirement is that when a Time Manager updates the timesheet on behalf of the empl…
Restrict overlapping of Absences of same typeSummary: How to Restrict overlapping of Absences of same type but with different status. for ex: We can enter annual leave on 1st Jun 2023 and save it. Same leave can be…
Attestation > Employee not able to view attachment’s question linked to an attestationSummary: Attestation > Employee not able to view attachment’s question linked to an attestation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All,…
Ability to add attachment on the time cardSummary: Ability to add attachment on the time card Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All, Any idea if possible for the employee to ad…
Inspection Add Item Issue - Health and SafetySummary: Hi, I configured the module following the steps from the books, but when i tried to add a item the page show Blank. Did anyone face this issue before ? Please l…
Absence balance is showing 0 while booking the leave as an employee?Summary: Absence balance is showing 0 while booking the leave as an employee? As a Admin we are able to see 1 balance for an employee but while booking the leave as an e…
How to enable the trip tab in the travel and expenses option?Summary: The Trips tab is visible only when travel is enabled for your business unit. How to enable travel for the business unit to access trip option? Content (please e…Syed Ahmed Talha 68 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Syed Ahmed Talha Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Is there any documentation on how customers can move from ADP legacy to convergence connectors?Summary: Moving from the ADP legacy to convergence connectors. Is there any documentation on how this is done? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Alternative Schedule Category Work Schedule Eligibility Profile not impacting SSP CalculationSummary: In the UK it is possible, at the absence plan level, for a stautory Sick Pay plan to use an 'Alternative Schedule Category' so that, when assigned to a Work Sch…
Evaluate Group Membership - scheduleSummary: Content (required): We have scheduled Evaluate Group Membership (HCM groups) to run 17 times as we have 17 different named criteria. We can view the last time t…
Unable to find the project details while enterting time cardContent Hi All, We are facing an issue in find the project details while enter time card. Below is scenario for the same. Exployee X is from Legal entity India Project A…
how to know which rule has been triggered in the approval flow when a transaction happened?Summary: Hi folks, How to know which rule is being triggered when a transaction is happened. Tried through diagnostic log. But in that it is showing no rule has been tri…