Discussion List
Accrued absence balance need to be calculated based on lastworking day.Summary: Hi All, As per the requirement employee has resigned from the organization then his absence balance need to end dated as per his last working day and the balanc…
OTBI / SQL > Absence Management Reporting > Ability to Fetch Absence Details Based on Balance CalculSummary: OTBI / SQL > Absence Management Reporting > Ability to Fetch Absence Details Based on Balance Calculation Date Content (required): Hello All, On the Absence Rec…
How to save bi reports in documents recordsSummary: Hi everyone, We did a letter to our employs by Bi reports, how I can save the letter in the documents records of the employee ? thank you:)
Can I set a default value for the 'Local-Name Language'?Summary: Content (required): Can I set a default value for the 'Local-Name Language'? like the default Global-Name Language? Version (include the version you are using, …
We are trying to implement UK Statutory Sick Leave but encounters an issue with balance deductionSummary: We are trying to implement UK Statutory Sick Leave but encounters an issue with balance deduction. The Sick absence type has two plans - one is Occupational and…
FSE Timecard are DoubledSummary: Hi All, Can anyone address this below Issue? Thanks, Ram Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…RamkumarKadhiravan 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fechete Iustin - Support -Oracle Workforce Management
Negative Balance Validation not working as expectedSummary: Negative Balance Validation not working as expected Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have a Vacation absence type where its…
Enrolment Start Date in Same Month than Anniversary Date > Carryover Is Not Considered In New TermSummary: Enrolment Start Date in Same Month than Anniversary Date > Carryover Is Not Considered In New Plan Term Content (required): Hello All, I will appreciate your su…Bernard T 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Divyalakshmi Krishnamoorthy Workforce Management
Configure procurement location so that it is not visible in HCMSummary: We need to create some new locations that are to be used for procurement only, we do not want them to be selectable in the HCM/HR set up of new employees. Does …Maria Smith- de Novo Solutions 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Workforce Management
Unable to Add Attachment for Absence TypeSummary: We're not fully on Redwood yet, so in the meantime…we have an absence type that requires an attachment, but cannot add it. I do not see any customizations while…Jessica D 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Baburaghavendra Bhat-Oracle Workforce Management
Reprocessing 'Calculate accruals and balances' process for retro periodsSummary Reprocessing 'Calculate accruals and balances' process for retro periodsContent Hi, How can I setup retro for the calculate accruals and balances process again f…
GDPR needs to setup in Oracle HCM (record retention policy)Summary: Hi All, Can anyone have a solution or sample workaround on this??? We have a record retention policy at (Client), can we develop an automatic record purging pro…RamkumarKadhiravan 254 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasan Edirisinghe Human Capital Management
How to integrate calendar events of elapsed shift to Time and LaborSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We are using Elapsed shifts for Absence Management. So we have created a calendar eve…
Absence Awaiting Approval but not able to Approve/RejectSummary: We have a few employees who have Absences seen that are in the Status of Awaiting Approval. The email the manager received does not include the Approve/Reject b…
Editing the approval notificationWhen an employee submit their timecard for Manager's approval, the manager receives a notification. We have a business requirement to edit the said notification and add …
How to calculate accrual plan balance in fast formulaSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We have multiple validations in our Absence implementation where we have to calculate…
How to define accrual based on the number of hours worked in past monthSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts, We have a sick leave plan which accrues balance every month incrementally. We have…
Loading and Migration of Historical third party timecards DataSummary: Hi All, We have a customer requirement to move from Legacy system to cloud for Time and Labor. However, there is an ask from the customer to Convert and transfe…
Modified accrual based on job and locationSummary: We are currently on 24B My customer has a requirement. Say any employee is usually eligible for 10 personal days (or any other kind of absence) based on Hourly/…
Plan Period Start Date (Accrual Plan Balance)Summary Plan Period Start Date (Accrual Plan Balance)Content Dear Expert, Which table to can we get the 'Plan Period Start Date' in the 'Accrual Plan Balance' Screen. Pl…
Approvals issue for backdated absenceSummary: Hai All, I have the below requirement for approval for Absence. Rule1: If absence Matrix manager exists ,then the approval should go to Absence Matrix Manager. …
Split of OT hours based on weighted average in the timecardSummary Split of OT hours based on weighted average in the timecardContent Hi All We have a need to split the OT hours in the employee's timecard based on the weighted a…
Can we secure a particular event within an incident by a certain role via security configuration?Summary: In our project we have 3 EHS Manager role based on departments and location, we have requirement to show event list of values (which is a lookup value) to be vi…
time card is submitted but not going for approvalWe've assigned a resource to a project and allocated a task to them, with the expectation that the resource will submit their time card. However, upon submission, the ti…
Edit button is not visible in the worker time entry profiles in setup and maintenanceSummary: In the Worker time entry profile, the edit button is not visible due to which are unable to make any changes in the " Time Entry Action" allowed for the employe…
Time Card Approval HelpContent The business requirement for approvals is that all time cards need to be approved by Line Manager unless the Regular Time Type = 40 hours. Any ideas on how to se…
On Loss of Plan Eligibility with two different parametersSummary: The scenario is when an employee is terminated, the remaining absence balance should be paid out. However, if the employee's assignment category changes (i.e. F…
Inactivate multiple users in Security ConsoleIs there anyway to Inactivate multiple users in Security Console in one Transaction? We currently need to inactivate a large number of users (70+) and having to do it on…
Need Syntax for DAVE_TIME_SCAN_SET functionContent We are trying to use the DAVE functions mentioned in Doc ID 1990057.1 in our Time Calculation rules rules and tried below syntax; Syntax 1: l_dave = DAVE_TIME_SC…