Discussion List
Third Party integration for assessments available in Taleo recruitingSummary: Is there a feature available in Taleo where we can integrate third party like agency to do the assesment of applicant / candidate . and post it rank the candida…
CV attachment for existing candidates referring on Agency PortalHello everyone! We realized that missing CV attachment step while referring an existing candidate on agency portal is a big problem for us. Could we somehow make a manda…
Refer a candidate button missed on Internal portalHello everyone, We are wondering if it is possible to activate button "Refer a candidate" on Internal Career section, so that it would be the same as on Agency portal Sc…
Notification for AgencyHello everyone! We are implementing the agency functionality in Taleo and we already have the notification about posting requisition for agent. But how do we configure t…
can we send an Automatic notification to the referral agent?Hello we would like to have an Automatic notifications to Agents - upon changes in each step or some main steps of the candidate. is it possible to send to the agent who…
StepStone Quick Apply and TEESummary: Anyone using TEE using StepStone's ATSi for quick apply? Curious the experience and if any noticeable increase in applicant volume resulting from using StepSton…
Hello Everyone, how we can get Agent and Agencies details in Requisition Export scriptSummary: Im trying to export all Agent and Agencies details mapped to RR's from Requisition entity. But im getting data duplication and when i tried paging duplicates sc…
Would like to Make Email a Non Mandatory FieldContent We have a requirement to make the Email address non mandatory when adding a candidate. CVs are being added to Taleo and we do not have email addresses for these …
Referrals information visibilityHello everyone! I have tried to find where to configure this information about the referred candidate but not succeed. Could you please tell me where to find the right w…
My applications filteringHello team We were trying to find the way to enable the filtering on my applications page for career section (Agency). I cannot find such a setting, might you have a sug…
Identifying candidate consentHello everyone! Question related to Candidate Portal. As a recruitment admin I need to know that candidate accepted data privacy statement after he was redirected to can…
Configuring existing Requisition in other languageSummary: Hi Team, We want to check the feasibility for following question:- If an Requisition is already posted to the career site and the requirement is that if the can…
Agency Portal & Message Templates (Context)Hello everyone, We are now implementing agency portal and I'm looking for solution to send automatic message to our recruitment admins and to agent. If poosible I want t…
Ability to change source value for agentsHello everyone! Are you able to change the Source of the candidate while he/she was referred by an agent? For us would be better when referred candidate will have source…
Agency Portal: Notification for recruitingHello team! We are implementing Agency Portal and wondering how could we configure sending notification to other person per location while candidate is referred by an ag…
Number of referrals per agentHello everyone! Is there any configuration to limit referred candidates by an agent in Agency Portal? Thank you
Agency Portal and Notifications/Message TemplatesHello everyone, We are configuring an agency portal and have some dificulties with notifications. I have 3 concerns here: 1. The correspondence that is sent to candidate…
Agency Referral Validity Period per AgencyHello team! We are setting up the Agency Portal and wondering how could we make Validity Period of possibility to refer a candidate per agency. For example referal is va…
Is there a way to update the GP with the Education, Work Experience and Certifications from SPSummary: Is there a way to update the General Profile (GP) with the Education, Work Experience and Certifications from Submission Profile (SP)? Content (required): It se…
Tracking Agency/Contract/Temp workers in TaleoSummary: Hello, Does anyone use functionality in Taleo to track and capture data for temporary or contract workers? If you do, could you please share your process. Addit…
Career portal changing can we change cellular phone mapping to work phone or label change?Summary Career portal changing can we change cellular phone mapping to work phone or label change?Content Hello , Taleo information when Imported into fusion has refers …
What browser works for config now that IE is going away?Summary IE is still the only way to access many configuration itemsContent With the sunset of IE happening in many companies, what are the options to access the configur…
Unable to find staffing Agent in FluidContent Unable to find Agency in Fluid to post a Requisition. For Example, when a Requisition is posted to Ireland Location and Agency Location is on UK. The Agency is n…
Would like a free form text box for Agency Source TypeSummary Need candidates to be able to type text for Agency Source TypeContent We would like our candidates to enter the agency in a mandatory text box when they choose "…
Taleo how to restrict a candidate refering once he was already referred or applied ?Summary Taleo how to restrict a candidate refering once he was already referred or applied?Content Hello, How can we restrict referring a candidate by an agent/referral …
Recruiters wanting to create agency/modify agentsSummary We want our recruiters to own agency creation and modifying agent information going forward. Any way we can just give them access to Recruiting Administration>Ag…User_2025-01-24-00-45-42-528 29 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-24-00-45-42-528 Taleo Enterprise
Does anyone know if you can send a manual correspondence on a requisition?Summary Does anyone know if you can send a manual correspondence on a requisition?Content We get a lot of issues with agents not receiving the notifications (for various…User_2025-01-25-03-30-55-216 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-03-30-55-216 Taleo Enterprise
Reports and dashboard access to agentsSummary Is there a way to provide access to agency specific report / dashboard to agents?Content The ask from some of the staffing agents is if they could get a consolid…
Permissions to view All Onboarding processes for Org Level 2 (Company)Summary Permissions to view All Onboarding processes for Org Level 2 (Company)Content Hi, I'm wondering if anybody has a solution to view ALL Onboarding Processes for Or…
Taleo - Agent Ownership DelaySummary Taleo - Agent Ownership DelayContent Hi Guys, If we change the setting "Agent Ownership Delay" from 365 Days to 90 Days, Will it gets applied to old profiles rec…