Talent Profile
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Removing compensation details from My Team > Team Talent> Comparing ActionContent As per the current system design line manager navigate to my team> team talent he can see his team members compensation details including annual salary. We need …
Unable to make it required - LanguagesContent I only see an option to show required but no to make it required using page composer. Thanks
Where the Tasks Added to employee in Talent Review Meeting is showing to EmployeeSummary Where the Tasks Added to employee in Talent Review Meeting is showing to EmployeeContent We added some tasks to employees while conducting the talent review meet…
Unable to search Person Profile for an employeeSummary Unable to search Person Profile for an employeeContent Hi, We have a strange issue where we are not able to search person profile for an employee using the follo…
Profiles - Changing field labels via personalizationSummary Content sections with same seeded fieldsContent Hello We have mapped some seeded fields to different content sections and they both need to be re-labelled with d…
Enabling Profile Management in responsive UIContent We are in the process of enabling new responsive UI for profile management. As per the Oracle documents before migrating data we need to create 'Profile Manageme…Ayesha Thilakarathna 60 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayakrishna Paleti Career and Succession
Cannot edit Performance and Potential fields in Review Content pageContent Hello experts, Reviewers are able to see their direct and indirect reports when creating Talent Review Meeting but they do not have the possibility to select Pot…
19D ORC New Feature - Job Description from Profile for RequisitionSummary Has anyone been successful in pulling in the three sections from the job profile to a job requisition: Job Description, Job Responsibility, and Job Qualification…
Can not Edit Content Subscribers - Profile ManagementSummary Can not Edit Content SubscribersContent We are unable to edit the Content Subscribers. Have anyone come through such an issue. We are using enhanced profile mana…
ENABLE TALENT PROFILE OPTIONSummary How can enable Talent Profile Options?Content Hello All. I have tried to enable the Talent Profile Option guide by this documentation providen. https://support.o…Leonor Medrano Oñoro 64 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by David Zimmerman Career and Succession
Person profile: HDL load to add all items in the content section for employee by defaultSummary Person profile: HDL load to add all items in the content section for employee by defaultContent Hi, On customer request, we are verifying if it is possible, in t…
Need Table Name that store Talent Rating TemplateSummary Need Table Name that store Talent Rating TemplateContent Hi Team, Can you tell me the table name that store Talent Rating Template of the attached screen? Thanks…
How to create a custom content sectionSummary Since there is no DFFs to be enabled in Candidate Application FlowContent Hi Experts! I am configuring ORC 19C. I want to capture Non Related Referees details in…
Using Model profiles for Succession Plans and Finding Best FitSummary How the Best Fit person is selected for a particular jobContent We have a requirement where running succession plans based on jobs. I have a doubt here if I crea…
Area of ExpertiseSummary Area of ExpertiseContent Hello Team, How to find the Content section Properties for Area Of Expertise. We have checked in Manage Content Type and Content Section…
Content Type FieldsSummary Content Type Fields lost from setup pagesContent Hi Experts, We have a number of questions. We're on 19C HCM, configuring skills and qualifications; with "Degree…
Overall Competency Rating Displays as Performance Rating in ProfileContent In the enhanced talent profile, there are now multiple/historical performance ratings which is great. Yet it also displays both performance ratings and overall c…Rey Marques-133230 114 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Alberto Boccato Career and Succession
Custom Content Section for Position Profile in Profile Management V2Summary Custom Content Section for Position Profile in Profile Management V2Content Dear All, We are using Profile V2 in R13 19C. We want to create a Custom Content Sect…Krishna Nand Singh-61341 90 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Achala Munasinghe Career and Succession
Profile Management > Manage Content Section Access > “Edit” Unchecked for Employee > Employee can stContent Hello All, I will appreciate your support on this issue: The client does not want Employee to be able to edit their content section data (for e.g. “License and C…
Labels Don't Display On Talent ProfileContent Hi team, I see the label when I edit a content type but don't see them on the main page. Is there an issue?
Where do we see N Box Cell Assignment rating/valueContent Hi All, Just trying to understand how does this N Box Cell Assignment work in Talent Review. I have enabled this under Profile Talent Ratings but do not see any …
Find Best Fit - Changing Default results from 90% matchSummary Changing Default to 75%Content By default, the best-fit analysis results show all profiles that have 90% match or greater than the selected source profile. We ha…
Profile V2 is required for version 20bSummary Profile V2 is required for version 20bContent Hello everyone,Do you have any information about the need to have V2 profile deployed for version 20b?
HDL to load foundation and transaction data in enhanced Talent profileSummary Looking for documentation to load content items, model profiles using HDL in the new enhanced talent profileContent Hi Team, I am looking for documentation which…
Search functionality in Talent ProfileSummary How does the 'Search' functionality work in Talent Profile ManagementContent Hi, When navigating to Profile > Manage Talent Profile, how exactly does the search …
Talent Rating IssueContent Hi all, Getting this error after click on Talent Rating on Quick Actions and also Talent Rating icon is only showing in Quick Actions but not under Career and Pe…
Is it possible to translate the below highlighted text in other languageSummary Career Development FieldContent Hi, I want to know whether it's possible to translate the career development field? Regards, Moumi
OTBI > Custom Trainings Section created in Person Profile but not visible in Report and AnalyticsSummary OTBI > Custom Trainings Section created in Person Profile but not visible in Report and AnalyticsContent Hello All, For the Profile Types PERSON, we have created…
Displaying rating history for CompetenciesSummary Displaying history of competencies and ratings in Skills and Qualifications.Content Moving to Talent Profile v2.(19C). We have a business requirement to display …
Unable to see print option on Skills and Qualifications Page as an EmployeeSummary Unable to see print option on Skills and Qualifications Page as an EmployeeContent We have a custom Abstract role created which gives access to Skills and Qualif…