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Performance Tiles in OBISummary I would like to show 1 performance tile = 0Content Hello, I have a dashboard that shows many different performance tiles on it. Each of the tiles have their own …
Open Requisition HistoryContent I need to be able to show by month, how many requisitions were open during the month. So for instance if a req was fully approved in April, and filled in July, i…User_2025-01-24-00-31-09-157 53 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Case statement for "CONTAINS"?Content I would like to have a case statement that I can use to find a specific text in a field. I can do this through a report filter using the contains any/contains al…User_2025-01-24-00-31-09-157 86 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-24-00-31-09-157 Taleo Enterprise
what's wrong with this formula?Content Trying to get the percentage of applicants who haven't been moved in more than 14 days, individually the counts work fine, but when I try to divide it gives me z…User_2025-01-24-00-31-09-157 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-24-00-31-09-157 Taleo Enterprise
OBI Reporting- General ProfileSummary General Profile- Master ReportContent Hello, I am trying to set up a report showing all General Profiles created over a certain timeframe. The issue I'm having i…
OBI - Pulling max item for reportContent Hello, I am working on a recruiting report in OBI in which the system will pull multiple rows if the data is duplicated (or, there are several pieces of informat…User_2025-01-23-22-24-54-342 59 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-22-24-54-342 Taleo Enterprise
Question regarding building a report using the "Reviewed Date" with multiple "Reviewed" reference moContent I am trying to build a report that will effectively show the time frame from which a candidate was shared with a Hiring Manager to when a decision was made to ei…
Taleo Reporting - Backend accessSummary How would our Technical team go about requesting Reporting Backend access from OracleContent Hi Team- I am new to Taleo Reporting and this forum but have a quest…
Connecting Taleo data to MySQL & PostgreSQLSummary Connecting Taleo data to MySQL & PostgreSQLContent Is anyone connecting their Taleo data to MySQL or PostgreSQL? Curious to hear how that’s being managed, what w…User_2025-01-22-20-08-32-098 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-20-08-32-098 Taleo Enterprise