Talent Profile
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In which table is the issued by field for license and certificate for talent profileSummary issued by field for license and certificateContent In which table I can see the full entry for issued by field for license and certificate ? I can only see the a…
Table for Attachments under position profileContent Hi, Can someone help me with the table contains the attachment information under position profile? Regards, NivyaNivya Mathire 78 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Analysis about own Person ProfileContent Hi, it seems that Worker cannot see information about own Person Profile on analysis (Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time). Can we achieve this by cust…
Behaviors tagged under each competency in Talent profileContent Hi, Can someone help me with the database table where we get the Behaviors tagged under each competency? Regards, NivyaNivya Mathire 6 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Reporting and Analytics for HCM
TalentProfile ReportSummary Path for editable version of the TalentProfile ReportContent Hi All, Does anyone know what is the path for the editable version of the Talent Profile Report ? th…
Subject Area to determine the Legal Entity details in Workforce Succession Management Subject AreaSummary Subject Area to determine the Legal Entity details in Workforce Succession Management Subject AreaContent Hi , While building some reports for the talent Module,…Manisha Chakraborty 95 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Vidyadhark Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Subject Area to determine Reviewee Start Performance Rating, Reviewee End Performance Rating ,ReviewContent Hi, I need the subject area that provides the below information. Can anyone please suggest, a. Initial performance rating of the candidate b. End performance rat…Manisha Chakraborty 28 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manisha Chakraborty Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Talent Profile - Summary of RoleContent Hi all - I am trying to find the fields to create a report from our Talent Profile section. I am trying to find how to report on the area in Fusion going to Pers…Prudence K 93 views 13 comments 1 point Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Oracle Learning Planning Prices -> Any alternates to get previous history from 'wlf_plan_records_f'Summary wlf_plan_records_f - does not keep date-tracked rowsContent Hello, Can anyone please help? At the moment, the OLC table 'wlf_plan_records_f' does not keep date-t…SantoshKumarBhairi 8 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by SantoshKumarBhairi Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Field School Empty in Subject Area “Workforce Profiles – Person Profile Real Time”Content Hello All, We have created the following report “Report Degree” which uses the subject area “Workforce Profiles – Person Profile Real Time” and the following col…Bernard T 66 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
how to take custom dff of (IRC_OFFERS_DFF) in analyticsSummary how to take custom dff of (IRC_OFFERS_DFF) in analyticsContent how to take custom dff of (IRC_OFFERS_DFF) in analytics need subject criteriaSidhartha Wadhwa 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Harish Vummidi Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Limit on BIP LayoutsContent Is there a limit on the number of BI Publisher Layouts? We are currently using BIP to create our OLC certifications and I'm unable to load the 7 certification La…Matthew Voss 33 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Jagdish Varadraj Reporting and Analytics for HCM
SQL to get the 9 box ratingSummary SQL to get the 9 box ratingContent Can someone help with the physical SQL for this logical SQL Basically i want the 9 box rating value for the employees. SELECT …Jagdish Varadraj 236 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Syed Misbauddin-Support-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI Based Dashboard OutputSummary Multiple Employees in different Pages in Dashboard OutputContent Hi All I created a Dashboard for Talent Profile using 10 analysis (Each analysis will bring its …Jagdish Varadraj 53 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Jagdish Varadraj Reporting and Analytics for HCM
SQL Query to fetch Talent Profile History DataSummary SQL Query to fetch Talent Profile History DataContent Hi Experts, How to fetch Talent Profile History Data. Please provide SQL Query. Regards, Bala Version 20ARaviteja Sompalli 328 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI Learning - Department, job, grade... at enrollmentSummary OTBI Learning - Trying to get department, job, grade... at enrollment date (Offering Start Date) instead of actual oneContent Hello guys, As per title, I am tryi…Jean-Jacques Valery 60 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jean-Jacques Valery Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Can we create OTBI report for COmpetencies which include audit detailsContent Hi All, We have created competency, in OTBI is only showign the latest update on competency. for example we are changing rating for comp A from medium to Low on …Dev R 36 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Talent Pool DashboardSummary Example of a Talent Pool DashboardContent Hi, Does anyone have an example Talent Pool Dashboard which they are able to share? Regards, Karen Waddell Version Rele…Karen Waddell 89 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Jagdish Varadraj Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI > Workforce Profiles – Person Profile Real Time > Cannot count the Persons in different years bContent Hello, We have created the following analysis (PFA S1) The field “Years of Experience Band” first computes the total years of experience by calculating the sum o…
Custome Talent Profile Printing Sections that Employees Don't Have AccessContent We have created custom Skills and Qualification Print. First we have taken a copy of delivered RTF template and a copy of delivered data model and have created a…Misbahul Khair 27 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Changing Security on A BIP Report so that it displays whole organization data instead of just the daContent Hi All, Does anyone know the best way to modify a BIP report that's built to show manager's hierarchy view only so that the report shows full organization data? …Lauren Owen 20 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Where to find the person profile rtf template in BIPSummary In BIP, where is it possible to find the rtf template of the printed person profile, in order to edit it?Content Hi, in the Me > Skill and Qualifications page, w…Silvia Guido 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anu Subramanian Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to embed a an OTBI report in the Skill and Qualifications pageSummary How to embed a an OTBI report in the Skill and Qualifications page?Content Hi, I want to embed an OTBI report in the Skill and Qualifications page, in order for …Silvia Guido 68 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Silvia Guido Reporting and Analytics for HCM
We have defined custom content types in Talent Profile but they are not searchable or used in best fSummary We have defined custom content types in Talent Profile but they are not searchable or used in best fit ?Content We have defined custom content types in the Emplo…Ruzwan Akram 51 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Sarah Butzen Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI Dashboard Prompt: How to "Display" one meaning to User, but Presentation Variable has another mSummary OTBI Complex Prompt is used to filter the type of data within report, but user needs simple list to pick fromContent Hello All, I have an OTBI requirement to dis…Karl Zettlemoyer 83 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
add 'n box cell assignment' from Talent Review to Talent Profile seeded reportSummary We are modifying the seeded Talent Profile report and want to add the n box cell assignment value shown in Career Planning pageContent When the Talent Review is …
License and certifications Skill Area Attachments - Where are they stored?Summary Require ability to view attachments employees have added to their License and certifications in OTBIContent Hello, I am trying to view attachments employees have…Karl Zettlemoyer 87 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Karl Zettlemoyer Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Missing Talent Profiles on ReportsContent We are doing an HDL for License and Certifications and we are missing about 1200 employees when we try and pull the profile report attached. When we pull up one …Matthew Voss 91 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Matthew Voss Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Competency Gap Chart Report in 19BSummary How to find the ProfileGapReports-artificats.catalog and ProfileGapReport_PersonCompetency.jsff.xml as stated in the documentationContent Hello everyone ! We are…Nolwen Le Coz-19825 78 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Nolwen Le Coz-19825 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Display on a radar graph 2 times the same gradeSummary Display same grade on the radar graphContent Dears, In the absence of the radar graph for the competencies , I am developing on BI a "home made" version. In some…Jean-Francois Prevost 48 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Jean-Francois Prevost Reporting and Analytics for HCM