Core HR
Discussion List
HCM Loader: Update Error FTE recalculationSummary Error in HCM Loader: The FTE of the worker cannot be recalculated because you passed assignment work measures in the DAT file for the assignment.Content HI, I've…
What is Business Unit Short Code in HCM Loader?Summary I don't know how to fill the Business Unit Short Code Field in HCM Data Loader.Content Hi, I'm using HCM Loader to upload some data but I can't upload my data be…
The Grade step progression is getting checked automaticallySummary The Grade step progression is getting defaulted to Y automatically even after we sent N through HDLContent Problem Summary --------------------------------------…
Too many matching records found - ErrorContent Has anyone come across this error, When I search for a person, I get the result and able to open it. But I get this error message and when i click ok, it goes of…
Report on Location details like location code, Name and AddressSummary Required help on Location SQL and reportContent Hi , Can any one send the Location address table and SQL to extract Location details
Seeded Payslip is not showing the absence accrualSummary Payslip - Absence accrual is not shownContent Hi all, After running the 'Generate Payslips' to view the Payslips, the accrual information is not being printed in…
Output file nameSummary Output file nameContent Hi Team, We have a extract which has 2 output files with different name. In the delivered options, have given a report which contains 2 d…
HDL for WorkerExtraInfoContent Hi, We want to load worker extra information using HDL, We have created EFF and created the HDL file for the same , but we need to append the Parent Worker recor…
HDL Objects 'User' and 'Contract'Summary Looking for database table for 'User' and ObjectName for 'User' and its database tableContent I happen to see one of the post…
Cannot see any existing Job inside Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets for HumaSummary Unable to view any ESS Jobs from HCM whereas can view all Finance in the other taskContent I can see all existing Finance Jobs through this Manage Enterprise Sch…Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro 37 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by AshishERPCloud HCM Integrations
Access to the rolesLOV web service calls, to retrieve and allocate roles.Summary How to get access to rolesLOV REST web service callsContent How to gain access to the following 2 web service calls: * /hcmRestApi/resources/…
HCM Extract Error when changing RTF TemplateSummary HCM Extract Error when I uploaded a new rtf templateContent Hi all, I am working on a HCM extract with RTF template (excel output) and using seeded globalreports…
You can't delete this address from here. You need to delete it from the Addresses region.Summary I am getting address related error while loading worker file but in my file i am not passing address objectContent Hi I am getting HDL error 'You can't delete th…
Absence Validation FF not working from HDLSummary Wrote an absence validation FF and attached to absence Type. Working correctly in UI, but not HDLContent Hi All, I wrote a validation Fast Formula and attached t…
Unable to unlock HCM Extarct, Lock Difinition Check Box DisabledSummary Unable to unlock HCM Extarct, Lock Difinition Check Box DisabledContent Hi Experts, Unbale to unlock extract, Lock Difintion Check Box is disabled, these extarct…
Changes to Organization & Location objects starting in R13 19DSummary Organization.dat and Location.dat files encountering error messages on R13 19D, working on R13 19CContent Overall, found that passing updates to existing records…Christopher Jensen-Oracle 27 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Christopher Jensen-Oracle HCM Integrations
Termination Load Error "You must enter a valid value for the BusinessUnitId field"Summary Getting Error "You must enter a valid value for the BusinessUnitId field" while Loading TerminationsContent Can any body please advise to fix this error" You mus…
Delete employee assignment using HDL templateContent Is it possible to remove an employee's assignment using a template? If someone has faced this problem, they could share their experience. Thank you. CesarCesar Tepetla Corte 246 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Cesar Tepetla Corte HCM Integrations
Has anyone created rehire records using HCM DataLoaderSummary Has anyone created rehire records using HCM DataLoaderContent Hi, Has anyone created rehire records using HCM DataLoader? Please help me if anyone have the HDL t…
Required Employee and their Supervisors Hierachy SQL Query till CEO levelSummary Fusion Employee Supervisors list with levelsContent Hi Team, Can you anyone please post below 2 sqls if any one has. 1.Employee Supervisors Hierarchy list with l…
HDL for RehireSummary What is the common process used to maintain source system Id during rehire using HDLContent Hi Using HDL: created emp# 1517430 with the source system ID as WK_12…
You cannot supply multiple data lines for the same record in the same file because the component DocSummary You cannot supply multiple data lines for the same record in the same file because the component DocumentType is not date-effective.Content Hi All, Getting this …
Unable to update Country of person address using HDLSummary Unable to update Country of person address using HDLContent Hi All, I am unable to update the country in correction mode of person Address using HDL. I believe i…
Co-existence with EBS to Cloud Talent ManagementContent A couple of questions.. How should we map BU as there is no BU concept in EBS as well Reference Data Set? Also, if there a complete document available on data ma…
Creating a new worker via HSDLContent Hello, I've been struggling for quite some time now, i've tried predefined templates from this forum, but then i couldn't activate autogenerate on person number.…
Upload Assignment DFF Attributes 4, 5,and 6 using HSDLSummary Step by step instructions to correct the dff attributes on Manage Employment screenContent Hi, We would like to correct the Attribute 4,5 and 6 on the Manage Emp…
How to update Languages in Talent ProfileSummary Sample TalentProfile.Dat File To Update Languages In Talent ProfileContent we have a requirement,where we need to load Languages for all employees in their talen…
Query on testing a Outbound integration Web Service?Summary We would like to test an outbound integration web serviceContent Hi Team, Could you please help us with the options to test an outbound integration web service. …
2 Taleo Instance wiring to 1 Fusion InstanceSummary Taleo Fusion Wiring for delivered IntegrationJanardhan Punnamraju 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Janardhan Punnamraju HCM Integrations
HDL - Invalid Grade ID for Assignment ChangesSummary Receive The values GR9TRBH are not valid for the attribute GradeId. Error when trying to make an assignment change.Content I'm using the attached HDL to make an …