Core HR
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Predefine Scheduled processesHi dream Team 😊! Quick question - where can I find the complete list of Oracle scheduled processes (predefine) that are managed by Oracle on a weekly or quarterly basis?…Zaneta_Zetkowski 68 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaneta_Zetkowski Fusion Applications Administration
Schedule Request loaded using HDL not reflecting in UI (Under Planned Schedule Tab)Summary: Hi Experts, I am trying to update the shifts (overriding the shifts through 'Planned Schedule' ) using HDL. HDL is showing successful and HDL status also showin…
"You need to enter a valid value for the JobLegId attribute." on JobLegislative HDLHello, I am attempting an HDL and getting this error message in the upload: You need to enter a valid value for the JobLegId attribute. The current values are 3000000074…
Not able to find 'ORA_PER_JOB_PROFILES_REDWOOD_ENABLED' profile in 24D.Summary: Hello, We have enabled Redwood for the Job page but are not able to see the Job Profiles page. Can you please guide me on how to enable the Job Profiles page in…
Errors when trying to delete a candidateSummary: Hi everyone, I am trying to do a data deletion of candidate information using Remove Person Information and HDL. I am getting two types of error for some candid…
Get employee information that has been modified since a specific date using SQL queriesSummary: Get employee information that have been modified since a date by using SQL queries and not API nor ATOM fields. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
Does anyone have done the custom integration with background vendorsWe are doing BGV with 3rd party background vendors, candidates are doing BGV form filling and upload of required docs in HCM as well as background vendors website, so we…Venkateswarlu Kothapuli 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex Joseph Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
HCM extract is calling BIP report and its failing error "fusion_apps_hcm_ess_appid, permission:2240"Summary: Could you please help in resolving below error. Error message: Failure: Due to oracle.xdo.server.ReportException: oracle.xdo.servlet.CreateException: oracle.xdo…
Can I resent a Password reset notification for pending worker again?Can I resent a Password reset notification for pending worker again? We are trying to resent a password reset email notification to pending worker again. Is this possibl…siva sai 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
Deep Link for alerts/notifications assigned to a user.We are doing an Oracle Integration with ServiceNow / Red to generate Alerts/Notifications. HCM does not allow providing a deep link to the Alerts/Notifications tab as it…
HDL Worker Data Erroring with ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceededContent Trying load a large population with about 70000 rows of worker data. However been getting this ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded Has anybody encountered t…Vidya Karnam-248660 267 views 20 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Soanca-Oracle HCM Integrations
Question related to importing bank details / Payment method through HDL TemplatesHello, Currently we are in implementation phase and there is a blocker in Data migration. There is a need to migrate bank detail information from Legacy platform to Orac…Karthik 82 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Using REST API to create/update emergency contactSummary Is it possible to create emergency contact when creating a worker using REST API?Content Hello Oracle HCM community, I'm trying to validate if i can use REST API…
Need Database item for Married filing jointly and spouse also has earned income field in State taxUnable to find database item for "Married filing jointly and spouse also has earned income" field in State tax. Navigation: 1.Choose IOWA State employee 2. Payroll-> cal…Lakshmikanth_1094 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lakshmikanth_1094 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
First-Time Password for Pending Workers with Custom Format and Integration NotificationHey, I’m working on a solution to create a first-time password for new employees as they become "Pending Worker" . The password should follow a specific format (e.g., ba…
Impact on application Performance when retaining ATOM feedHi, Business has requested to retain the ATOM feeds in Cloud HCM application for 365 days. What will be the impact on the application performance if the ATOM feeds archi…
Feasibility to send SMS/Notification via Whatsapp IntegrationWe have a business requirement to send SMS to employees after leave is applied, please help with feasibility or workaround to meet the requirements.
We have terminated contingent worker, to be rehire again as Non Worker using same person numberSummary: We have terminated employee and contingent worker, so we want them to be rehire again as Non Worker using same person number Content (please ensure you mask any…
Integration with Third Party Document Management SystemSummary Integration with Third Party Document Management SystemContent What is the best way to integrate Oracle HCM Cloud with Third Party Document Management System suc…
Adding BIP report in custom resource alerts message bodySummary: Hi Everyone , We have a requirement to add a BIP report in custom Alerts message body. Please let me know if there is any possibility. Content (please ensure yo…
How to Compose Alert of Change in Termination date?Summary: Hi Everyone, We have a requirement to send the customized alerts whenever there is a terminations. One alert - whenever we terminate employees this alert trigge…
HCM IntegrationsI am currently working with the Oracle HCM API and need an efficient way to retrieve specific employee information for integration with another system. Specifically, I n…
Adding a Common Sequence to Filename in Bursting Report Triggered via ESS JobHi everyone, I'm working on a bursting report in Oracle that generates filenames with a date and timestamp, like Grade_01012024_928282.csv. I have two different reports …
Line Manager not getting assigned when Pending Worker is created through REST APIHi All We have enabled the position hierarchy and when a pending worker is created through REST API, Line Manager is not getting allocated immediately until the process …
Unable to upload UnionName via CollectiveAgreementsHDLSummary: Currently getting error "Enter a valid value for the Union field.". Even with the right name for Unions, the error keeps showing up. Content (please ensure you …
Issue with User entitiesSummary: Hi Team, We are using the PER_EXT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_UE. Added a filter to fetch work email. But for some employees it is retrieving the home email instead of work…
Replace Grade in a Job Code using job.dat HDL loadSummary Replace Grade in a Job Code using job.dat HDL loadContent I want to replace a grade in an existing job code using HDL. Below is a sample. I want to replace E04 w…
How to unassign journeys for a group of usersSummary: We have a requirement to unassign journeys for a group of users in mass at a time. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requ…SrinivasSrikande 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Candidate Phone with UseForCommunication FieldSummary: I am loading Candidate HDL file, Any one has a Sample file for CandidatePhone Component whcih has the field UseForCommunication in it? I am getting a HDL error …
What is the recommended approach to store profile picture of employee in Oracle HCM Cloud?What is the recommended approach to store profile picture of employee in Oracle HCM Cloud? Is it possible to store the link of profile picture , and use it in real time …Pankaj.K.Singh 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations