Core HR
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User-Defined Tables HDL ErrorSummary While creating User-Defined Tables using HDL Getting ErrorContent Hi Experts, We are creating User-Defined tables using HDL for public holidays and we are gettin…
Loading Calculation Cards using Spreadsheet Loader (Solved)Summary Exanple of loading Taxable benefit Calc Card for UK using HSDLContent Example as well as concepts of loading calc cards using hsdl.…Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro 50 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by Murthy Kodavati HCM Integrations
HCM – Office Hour: HCM Integrations – HCM Extracts Product Updates, 10 March 2021, 10am PT - SubmitContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Office Hour: HCM Integrations – HCM Extracts Product Updates session to have them answered during the live event. Post your q…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 34 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Muthuvel Arumugam-Oracle HCM Integrations
Action/Reason not editable in page composer (structure)Summary When navigating the page using structure, the options for ACTION/REASON which are access through a button (propose salary) are not editableContent We are trying …Luke Harrison-258636 120 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Luke Harrison-258636 HCM Integrations
How to implement Active Directory IntegrationContent Hi, we would need to integrate Oracle HCM Cloud with Microsoft Active Directory (2012 R2). Oracle HCM cloud is the master for the personal / employment info and …
HCM – Product Office Hour: Technology/Integration, 18 February 2021, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Product Office Hour: Technology/Integration session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posti…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 23 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle HCM Integrations
Getting CHANGE_CONTEXTS errors in fast formulasSummary Getting CHANGE_CONTEXTS errors in fast formulas while running custom HCM extracts.Content The error we are getting is stating CHANGE_CONTEXTS in the attached fas…
Extract Behavior with Changes Only parameter as BlankSummary HCM Extract behavior when scheduled / submitted with Changes Only parameter set as blank.Content Hello, I'd like to know if anyone has come across / looked into …
Automate HSDL with TALEO (TBE) -New Hire ProcessSummary Looking for refrences (blogs/documents) for Automating Taleo(TBE) with cloud HCM using HSDL specifically.Content Hello Can we automate HSDL load process in cloud…
Employee Termination using HDLContent Recently I have terminated set of employees using HDL. I used following mentioned Metadata Values. Worker.dat METADATA|WorkRelationship|LegalEmployerName|PersonN…
Update Additional Assignment Flexfields without New RowsContent Hi all, We recently migrated some of our talent profile data to the Additional Assignment Info Flex fields with the attached template. It worked for 90% of them,…
Using Fusion environment Connector with Intelligent AdvisorSummary No context in IA session when invoked via Fusion Knowledge ArticleContent I'm trying to create a personalised interview in a Fusion session using Intelligent Adv…
Global Transfer failed - A person can have only one active primary work relationship or A primary asContent Global Transfer failed - A person can have only one active primary work relationship or A primary assignment already exists. What should I do to avoid the reject…
PPM Load ErrorContent Hi Team, We are trying to load the Personal Payment method for the Global transferred employees. We are loading the PPM with existing bank details into the Globa…
Web service integrations failure started after upgrade to 20DSummary Web service integrations failure started after upgrade to 20DContent hi Team, Our Web service integrations are failing after upgrade to 20D which was working abs…
Bulk Compile HCM Fast Formulas Process Throwing an error without producing a log file in the output.Summary Bulk Compile HCM Fast Formulas Process Throwing an error without producing a log file in the output.Content We are trying to run the bulk compile of FFs with our…
Sample HSDL Template: To Cancel the Work RelationshipSummary While creating a new HCM spreadsheet loader (HSDL) using a spreadsheet template, the User must choose "Delete Only" Action to cancel the work-relationshipContent…
How To Upload Person EIT info using web services ?Content Hello, We need to upload Person EIT information using Web services,(Update Person Or Merge Person),but we need to know how to put the info in the below tags., Sa…bashir yazbek-185945 31 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by bashir yazbek-185945 HCM Integrations
HSDL Import File ErrorSummary Error encountered when importing csv file to HSDLContent Hi All, We encountered the error below when we tried to import data from csv file to HSDL template. Anyo…
HCM – Office Hour - Integrations, 13 January 2021, 10 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Office Hour - Integrations (January 2021) session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 42 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle HCM Integrations
Table details that Store Error messages when "Load Data from PBL file" process is triggeredSummary PAY_MESSAGE_LINES table is not storing validation message when "Load Data from PBL file" process is run.Content * PAY_MESSAGE_LINES stores messages when HDL tran…
UE for Position Costing SegmentsSummary What is the UE Name to extract Costing Segments of PositionContent I need to extract Costing Segments of Position, What is the UE I can use, I checked Payroll Co…
HCM Extract Office Hours Session on Payroll Costing pleaseSummary Session covering how HCM Extracts be used to provide Payroll Costing information pleaseContent Please can you hold an HCM Extract Office Hours session on how to …
My Extract fetching duplicate records for some of the employees.Summary My Extract fetching duplicate records for some of the employees.Content Hi Experts My Extract fetching duplicate records for some of the employees. The User Enti…
Default Expense Account field on Employment Screen - Segment 2 (Cost Centre) to be picked up by theSummary Default Expense Account field on Employment Screen - Segment 2 (Cost Centre) to be picked up by the HCM ExtractContent Hi, I have to pick up segment 2, which is …Bipul Shukla-179455 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bipul Shukla-179455 HCM Integrations
SOAP or REST service to update HCM Extract Delivery optionsSummary SOAP or REST service to update HCM Extract Delivery optionsContent We have 100 HCM Extracts and every time we refresh Development and UAT instances from PROD we …Pramod Kumar Meda Kavadi 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pramod Kumar Meda Kavadi HCM Integrations
Getting Error "JBO-27008: Attribute PeriodOfServiceId in view object AllWorkTermsVO_EffDateInternalVSummary Getting Error "JBO-27008: Attribute PeriodOfServiceId in view object AllWorkTermsVO_EffDateInternalVO" while loading HDLContent Hi, When I try loading Worker.dat…
Seeded Employee HCM ExtractSummary Seeded Employee HCM ExtractContent Hi Team, Do we have any seed HCM Extract that outputs the data whenever any changes (Ex: Location or Job or Grade or Manager C…
HDL Transformation Formula Non Recurring Entry issueSummary Multiple Entry Count issue when we have two records for same element in a single fileContent Hi Team, We have a requirement to load non-recurring elements throug…
Receiving error while trying to fetch Time card details using REST APISummary Receiving error while trying to fetch Time card details using REST APIContent HI, I'm trying to fetch Timecard details using REST API but not getting any data ev…Damodar Peddakotla 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Choudem-Oracle HCM Integrations