Discussion List
Update Element using HSDLContent Hi, I have scoured the internet for a way to update a created element using HSDL. Is this possible? I have a template that was created for the purpose, and it lo…
HCM Extract Import - Infected file found during virus scanning operation.. ErrorContent Hi Team, I am facing a very weird issue only for couple of my extracts. When I try to export them to another instance I am getting below error: Infected file fou…
Talent Meeting HDL - Update IssueContent Hi Experts, Trying to update Meeting details like Business Manager using HDL. Using SourceSystemID but still if I am updating Business Manager Person Number gett…
ORC (Recruiting Cloud) Candidate - CandidateProfile ImportSummary Mapping for CandidateProfile i.e. Experience, Education, Certifications Import unclearContent Evening! I can see how to define my different content items for Deg…
Talent Meeting HDL - ErrorSummary Talent Meeting HDL - ErrorContent Hi Experts, We are trying to create Talent Meeting using HDL. We are able to successfully create meeting. We are facing issue i…
Delete Latest Assignment and Assignment Grade Step from employees using HDLSummary Delete Latest Assignment and Assignment Grade Step from employees using HDLContent Grade Step Progression process has incorrectly added 877 new assignment record…
HDL Taking too long for Importing a single worker recordContent Hi Team, I am facing serious performance issues with HCM Data loader. I am trying to load a single worker record but the process in taking around 60 minutes to i…
HCM extract - Refine ParametersSummary HCM extract - Refine Parameters - Deployment / MigrationContent Experts, Do we have an option to migrate refine parameters also along with HCM extract when we mi…
Purge Salary data in Test EnvironmentContent Hi all, After a refresh from Prod to Test, I want my Test Environment to be clean from real Salary data. 1 solution : I would like to use the feature Purge data …
Need HDL to load results of a BI report regularlyContent Hi, Is it possible to schedule an HDL ran regularly, wherein the file it processes is the output of a BIP report that is sent over to webcenter? I have seen this…
Transformation fast formula - Document of RecordsSummary Transformation fast formula for generating Document of Records with attachment HDL fileContent We are getting a file (contains person number and PDF file name) a…
HCM File Transfer Automation - white paperSummary Sharing a doc on automating file transfer between HCM and UCMContent Hi I wanted to share the HCM File Transfer Automation white paper that explains how to autom…
Security roles for GenericSoapPort/CHECKIN_UNIVERSALSummary Security roles for GenericSoapPort/CHECKIN_UNIVERSALContent We're looking to create a user account with the bare minimum access to upload files to the UCM (File …
HCM Data Loader Transformation Formula using Position based input data fileSummary HDL Transformation Formula using Position based input data fileContent Hello, We are trying to load data using HCM Data Loader Transformation Formula. The input …
Secured List View in PER_PERSON_HISTORY_ASSIGNMENTS_UEContent We have a Fast Formula which is built a year back and uses a DBI form PER_PERSON_HISTORY_ASSIGNMENTS_UE . Is Oracle changed the query behind this UE? because I s…
As a part of Migrating the existing Integration from EBS to Oracle Fusion for the State & Federal TaSummary As a part of Migrating the existing Integration from EBS to Oracle Fusion for the State & Federal Tax Upload and Employee AssignmentsContent Hi Team, We have the…Krishna Kodamasimham Hanumanth 22 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishna Kodamasimham Hanumanth HCM Integrations
Seeded Payroll Flow Pattern to copy and read Zip (HDL) from UCM?Summary Seeded Payroll Flow Pattern to copy and read Zip (HDL) from UCM?Content hello, I need to perform some Fast Formula on an Inboud integratioin and need to know whi…John White-Oracle 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Venkateswaran Murali-Oracle HCM Integrations
Worker.dat Assignment Supervisor new and old in one fileSummary Is there a way to load new supervisors and existing supervisors in in one worker,datContent Hi all, I am loading a file of new workers not in system over 100. Ou…
Worker.dat PersonAddress address typesSummary Worker.dat Entity PersonAddress wont let me load HOME address and TC address without errorContent Worker.dat Entity PersonAddress wont let me load HOME address a…
Worker.dat for WorkerExtraInfoSummary When trying to load Worker.dat with Business Entity WorkerExtraInfo I get errrorsContent Hi When Loading a new employee with Worker.dat I am trying to add Busine…
HDL AoR ErrorContent Hello Guys, When I try to load the HDL file about the Area of responsibility, the system show the following error: An error occurred. To review details of the er…
How to extract the HDL file lines loaded to system along with Set operations passed in the HDL fileSummary Identify the employee assignment records whose future changes are purged due to set operations in HDL file loaded.Content We regularly upload bulk assignment cha…
How to import Implementation /Super Users with role in HCM cloudContent I want to import roles for super users or implementation users which doesn't have person number associated in cloud. Is there any way to do it through file load?…
User-Defined Tables HDL ErrorSummary While creating User-Defined Tables using HDL Getting ErrorContent Hi Experts, We are creating User-Defined tables using HDL for public holidays and we are gettin…
Loading Calculation Cards using Spreadsheet Loader (Solved)Summary Exanple of loading Taxable benefit Calc Card for UK using HSDLContent Example as well as concepts of loading calc cards using hsdl.…Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro 52 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by Murthy Kodavati HCM Integrations
HDL Error Report (BIP)Summary HDL error report based on BIPContent This document outlines the usage of HDL error report based on BIP. This report is not a replacement for the out of the box f…Prasanna Borse, CISSP, CISM-Oracle 1.1K views 10 comments 7 points Most recent by AshishERPCloud HCM Integrations
How to re-process/re-validate an existing HDL file from OIC serverSummary How to re-process/re-validate an existing HDL file from OIC serverContent Hi forum: I'm new to modifying Payroll flows and need to perform following: 1) Read HDL…
How Upload Fast formulas with HDLContent Hello Guys, Are there some guideline in order to upload a lot of fast formulas differentiated by legislative data group? Where could I find documentation about i…
Which Payroll Flow Pattern and Tasks to use - Load / Read an HDL file and perform validations, etc..Summary Which Payroll Flow Pattern and Tasks to use - Load / Read an HDL file and perform validations, etc... ?Content RESTATING: Pseudocode for my flow: 1) Read in PIPE…
Account type is showing as blank if we load Personal Payment Method data through HDLSummary Account type is showing as blank if we load Personal Payment Method data through HDLContent Hi All, When I am trying to load personal payment method, unable to c…