Discussion List
Best Practice on extracting full population and succeeding data changes out of Oracle HCMSummary: Hi, we are revisiting how we are extracting Core HR data (specifically Personal Data and Assignment Data) out of Oracle HCM both full population and succeeding …
Loading Time Card data in HCM Cloud using REST APISummary Loading Time Card data in HCM Cloud using REST APIContent Hi Experts, I have a requirement.We need to load bulk data -related to Time card (things like Person ID…
recruitingCandidates API not fetching Email and Phone Number even though it exists in the backend.Content As part of the Talemetry integration, we are using /hcmRestApi/resources/latest/recruitingCandidates REST end point to fetch the Candidate details. We are able t…Tarun Prakash T-Oracle 85 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vinod Ronold Jose HCM Integrations
SOAP payload to get the Content Id used in 'Load Data from File' Payroll FLowSummary SOAP payload to get the Content Id used in 'Load Data from File' Payroll FLowContent Hi Experts, We are trying to automate the payroll flow 'Load Data from File'…
Write a Fast Formula for Extract Rule to pull Lookup CodeSummary Write a Fast Formula for Extract Rule to pull Lookup CodeContent Hi Friends, Hope this would be helpful for those who wants to call a FF of type Extract Rule to …
How to get all the values returned by GET_VALUE_SET_VALUES in Fast FormulaSummary: Hi Experts We are trying to print multiple records from the output of value set by using fast formula. Can someone provide an example to use GET_VALUE_SET_VALUE…
How can I make a field Select Many?Summary: I'm working on an App Extension in Oracle HCM Cloud, and I need to change the field type of several fields, including "Dets SQs Access," from "Input Text" to "S…
How to report on Scheduled Process/HCM Extracts/BIP reports that are in ErrorContent Hi Team, There are number of scheduled process, HCM extracts and BIP reports for our customer. Now, if any of these scheduled process goes into error, how can we…
Unable to Purge/Delete Employee calculation cards through HDLContent Hi All, We are unable to delete/purge Employee calculation card through HDL. We are able to see different transactions for the calculation cad in the UI/applicat…
How we can disable or end date the FTP delivery option in the Seeded HCM extract Post 24DAs we know for the custom HCM extract we can delete report Category or Report delivery mode and it will allow to disable the particular delivery options. Is there any wo…
Deep Link for alerts/notifications assigned to a user.We are doing an Oracle Integration with ServiceNow / Red to generate Alerts/Notifications. HCM does not allow providing a deep link to the Alerts/Notifications tab as it…
Need Database item for Married filing jointly and spouse also has earned income field in State taxUnable to find database item for "Married filing jointly and spouse also has earned income" field in State tax. Navigation: 1.Choose IOWA State employee 2. Payroll-> cal…Lakshmikanth_1094 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lakshmikanth_1094 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
HCM BI Publisher - How to download archive file via web serviceContent Hi,I'm considering to automate below archive process through web service. 1. Navigate to report path in HCM BI catalog 2. Click Archive I found there is web serv…
SUI Tax code and Worked State code not populating on the seeded ADP Workforce now ExtractSummary: The Seeded Extract populates the SUI tax code with "No Value" and null value for Worked State code. I have created the Tax withholding Calculation card for the …Balaji Badrinarayanan 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Balaji Badrinarayanan Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Has anyone successfully used the Document of Records delivery option in HCM Extracts?Summary Has anyone successfully used the Document of Records delivery option in HCM Extracts?Content Hello Experts, Has anyone used the Document of Records delivery opti…
Line Manager not getting assigned when Pending Worker is created through REST APIHi All We have enabled the position hierarchy and when a pending worker is created through REST API, Line Manager is not getting allocated immediately until the process …
Balance Group Usage does not show data in payroll interface HCM ExtractSummary Balance Group Usage does not show data in payroll interface HCM ExtractContent Hi All, I have followed the Oracle document Doc ID 2454467.1 to create a HCM Extra…
HCM Extract with Custom Balance Group not returning values when joined to employeesI have the need to create a HCM Extract with all employees and their 401k period balance values. Some employees may not have a 401k balance but still need to be in the e…
How do I retain the file uploaded to UCM through automated JAR fileSummary How do I retain the file uploaded to UCM through automated JAR fileContent Hi, I am using a HDL Automation App to automate teh uploading of Worker.dat to UCM. Bu…
Position Org Hierarchy in HCM ExtractContent Hi, We are currently developing a Position centric HCM extract. We have a requirement wherein along with the common Position field (Position name, etc) we are to…
Enhance Multi-Record Regions with Inline EditingSummary: The current functionality for multi-record regions forces users to edit one record at a time. This process becomes cumbersome and time-consuming when dealing wi…
Generating a .csv file from HCM extract using BIP Etext templateSummary Generating a .csv file from HCM extract using BIP Etext templateContent Hi, We have a requirement, wherein we need to generate a .csv file from an HCM extract. W…
Delete Latest Salary from employees using HDLSummary Delete Latest Salary from employees using HDLContent Scheduled Run Grade Step Progression ran on 6/29 and increased salaries for 877 employees. Most of them are …
HDL SET command option ListSummary Is there a list of HDL SET command options?Content The HDL User Guide list a few SET command options (FILE_ESCAPE, FILE_DELIMITER, etc.) Does anyone know if ther…
HCM Extract - How to avoid sending blank fileContent Hi Everyone, We are developing a HCM extract to send email with attachments. The interface will be a changes only interface and will be scheduled daily. We don't…
Using the context set in the parent DG user entity in the child DG filter criteria in HCM extractSummary: Hello Cloud Community, In my HCM extract I'm having PAYROLL REL ACTIONS RANGE UE in the parent DG and PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_V2_UE in the child DG. The parent DG…
How to pull Costing of Department attributes in HCM ExtractSummary How to pull Costing of Department attributes in HCM ExtractContent Hi Team, I wanted to capture the following Costing of Department attributes in my HCM Extract.…
Does an ATP network glitch prevent records from being loaded to SaaS?Interfaces: Connection between Kronos(UKG) and Fusion (Time and Labor) Summary: There were 10 time files loaded for 15th PP. 1 file got processed completely without any …
Rest API to hit Rehire Cases to FusionSummary: Rest API to differentiate Hire from Rehire cases Content (required): Hi All: We are hitting Worker API to send Hire records, but we need to send the rehire case…
HDL to upload ParticipantEnrollmentSummary Im trying to change the Option for a Plan not in a ProgramContent METADATA|ParticipantEnrollment|PersonId|PersonNumber|ParticipantLastName|ParticipantFirstName|B…