Performance - Fusion
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Manager XXXX is not in the list of valuesWe are experiencing an error in a global transfer. When making the transfer between companies, the following error appears: ''Manager XXXX is not in the list of values''…
single landing for the Goal and Performance Management modules on the homepageit is possible to create a single landing point for the Goal and Performance Management modules on the homepage is required, in order to maintain and manage a single vie…CamillaRossi 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
Talent Review meeting Load by HDLContent I am trying to create Talent review meeting through HDL. I am getting below error. Please find the dat file for referrnce. I am trying to create only parrent att…
Need example of Performance Document ExtractSummary Need example of Performance Document ExtractContent Dear all, I need to build a Performance Document Extract, does anyone have the example of Extract Definition?…
Model Profile Details for PositionsSummary: Hi All, Could you please suggest which object we need to use for HDL loading for Model Profile related to Positions? We need to upload a Job description, Job Re…
Talent Profile| HDLContent Hi All, I was able to upload Competency to the employee profile however few fields are not available in profile Item metadata. Need to know how to to upload ? We…
Trying to upload 8 competencies for single employee via hdlContent Hi All, I am getting below error when i am trying to load data via HDL. can some one please suggest.
Goal load Post GT - HDL errorSummary Goal load Post GT - HDL errorContent Hi Team, We have completed the future dated Global transfer for few employees and now we are trying to load Goals from inact…
Talent Review Mapping excelsheetContent Dear All Does anybody has Talent review meeting mapping sheet ? We need it for Uploading Talent review dat file. REgards Dev
We have loaded the Profile keyword metdata. can some one suggest where to check in UIContent Hi All, We have loaded the talent profile dat file which include talent profile, profilt item and Profile keyword. File loaded successfully. I can see the Talent…
Talent Review Meeting HDL errorSummary Talent Review Meeting HDL errorContent Hi All, I am trying to load Talent Review meeting first time, it is showing that it imported successfully but for loading …
Need TalentReviewmeeting dat file with test dataContent Hi Experts, Can someone please helpe me with dat file of talent review meeting including test data ? That will be really helpful. Best Regards Dev
We are loading talent profile data, but getting erroContent Hi All we are getting below error. no idea how to fix this, this object is not available even in dat file Below is the error . Please find the attached dat file …
HCM Data Loader Error - "More than one primary work relationship exists for the specified person."Summary Running into an error when loading bargaining units via HDLContent Good afternoon All, I am using HDL to load "Bargaining Units" into employee records but i've r…User_2025-01-30-18-34-31-440 182 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle HCM Integrations
Need to upload rating model in Performance rating model .Content Dear All, We need to create new performance rating model through HDL . can somebody please provide dat file and mapping file for uploading rating model into the …