Discussion List
Learning Content reportingSummary We could not find information on Learning content in OTBIContent Hi Team, Could you please help us to find in OTBI the information listed in these tables: wlf_li…
OTBI Report showing result in multiple rowsContent Hi All, We are looking to create a report for Fusion Learn where the columns will contain the questions and a single row will have response for each of the quest…
Learning Plans mapped to Groups ReportSummary Sample OLBRContent Select one or more Groups to see what Learning Plans are mapped to the Groups. Modify the parameters to choose the Learning Plans instead of s…
Need SQL Query to fetch Course and Course CommunitySummary I need to create one BIP Report where i need to fetch Courses and the Course communityContent I need to create one BIP Report where i need to fetch Courses and t…
Need to know Table names to get the offerings/Learning Initiative details from Learning Module in OrContent Hello All, I am developing a Report from Learning Module in Oracle Fusion HCM. I want to know the below details ,Please guide : 1) In OTBI Report: - i am using W…kanchana venkatasubramanian 1.2K views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran-HCM-Oracle Taleo Learn
Learning resources usage report neededSummary Learning resources usage report neededContent Hello, We need to build a learning resources usage report. Try to look for the resources (like classes or instructo…
Learning outcomes extractContent Hello, We are in 18B and we need to extract the Learning outcomes and pre-requisits linked to courses in Fusion learning. We checked the DB table WLF_LM_TARGET_O…
BI Report for Job Profile + Mapped Learning Plans + Mapped Courses + User Name + User Completion StaSummary I need a BI report that shows me Job Profile Name + Mapped Learning Plan Name + Mapped Course Name + User Name + User Completion Status/DateContent I need a BI r…
How start with Triggers with BI reportsSummary How start with Triggers with BI reportsContent Hi Team, Can someone advise how can use Triggers function in BI reports. Any white paper or Video training to use …User_2025-02-01-03-43-13-079 56 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Taleo Learn
Report showing Group Owners or CreatorsSummary: Hello, I am trying to find a report to run that will return the group name along with it's owner or the creator. Content (required): Is there any report that co…
Are others experiencing an issue with BI Reporting today?Summary: We are running a report that we ran on Monday without issue. It is an Enrollment report for an event with very few attendees. The report has not come out yet an…
BI Report to show Available Seats for an EnrollmentSummary We are trying to figure out how to show Available seats on a report for an ILT or VILTContent Is the Available Seats a calculation? Or is it a field stored in on…User_2025-01-23-20-02-28-929 5 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-02-28-929 Taleo Learn
Custom report on extracting history data of Learn center not working as expectedSummary Report not fetching all data at one shot when it hit multiple data of one column. Example Any event mapped with more than one category. then report stops fetchin…
Running a BI Report against an Inactive Learning PlanSummary When we try to run the Learning Plan Status or Progress Report using an Inactive LP-we receive 0 resultsContent Has anyone had a problem running the BI Report Le…User_2025-01-23-20-02-28-929 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-02-28-929 Taleo Learn
Configuring Shared Custom BI ReportsSummary Configuring Shared Custom BI ReportsContent Hi, I am using custom BI reports to report on courses in the learn center. I plan to share these reports by using the…
BI reporting in LEARN - restrict access to delivered reportsSummary BI reporting in LEARN - restrict access to delivered reportsContent hi We want to give Manager and others BI reporting but we do NOT want them to see the standar…
Report List - BI Report for Supervisors to see Direct Reports Learning Plan ProgressSummary Create a shared report that will be pulled through the Report List DO for SupervisorsContent Hello, I'm trying to build a BI report that will be shared to Superv…
Report to show if a candidate has deactivated their account and whenContent Hi All, I'm looking to build a report to show if a candidate has deactivated their account an when they have done this. To give a bit more context, from the fron…
Course and Class Progress Data ViewsContent Hi, we have a problem with the Reporting BI of Taleo Learn. I create two reports from BI Reporting > Create Custom Report. I select the "Course Progress" and "Cl…
Course Progress Data View: fields availableContent Hi, I have a question about fields that can be extracted from BI Reporting in Taleo Learn. I create a report from BI Reporting > Create Custom Report. I select t…
Report Learning Plan/ Course/ E-learning/ ILTSummary Report Learning Plan/ Course/ E-learning/ ILTContent Please advise if we can/have report to fetch details of Learning Plan/ Course/ E-learning/ ILT along with St…
BI Reporting "Oracle Learning Plan Progress Report" is showing LP completion dates but the LP statusSummary Oracle Learning Plan Progress Report in BI Reporting is showing LP completion dates but the LP status is "Not Attempted"; the completion date is accurate based o…User_2025-01-28-07-12-12-186 25 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by SantoshKumarBhairi Taleo Learn
BI Report of Questions, Answers, Classroom, and InstructorsSummary I need to provide Oracle a full list of all of our Instructors, classrooms, Assessment Questions, and Assessment Answers. I cannot find a report for those 4 area…
Users to Approve in Learning Plans, in LimboSummary Users who self map to Learning Plans but require managerial approval cannot be found on BI reports, and are in LimboContent Some of our Learning Plans (LPs) requ…User_2025-01-28-04-19-56-873 23 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-04-19-56-873 Taleo Learn
Not able to create a report for specific requirementContent Hi All, I have a requirement, I have created a dff that is "Is this eligible for reimbursement?" on course page and in this dff there are 2 values one is No and…
ILT Listing ReportSummary I'm in need of an ILT event, track, session, enrollment listing report.Content I'm looking for a way to report on ILT inventory similar to the Course List Report…
How to view assessment answersSummary I need to view participant responses to assessment questionsContent Hi Team, Can anyone tell me how I can view the answers people submit against their assessment…
Which table holds Learning Initiative DataSummary Which table holds Learning Initiative DataContent Hi All, We are missing link to identify the only Initiative enrolled for specialization. We had built the below…
OTBI Costing elementsSummary I need to include the cost account in a reportContent Hi. I need to include the cost account in a OTBI report. Does anyone the subject area and fields that will …
Modified User transcript report that totals resultsSummary Trying to get the 4th column to add the first 3 togetherContent I modified the User Transcript report and tweaked it in BI Publisher to give a sum for the differ…