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problems with service phoenixGood afternoon, everyone! Is anyone else experiencing a serious slowdown problem with the Phoenix server? All my applications are unable to work: ARCS, FCCS and PlanningUser_RYTJW 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumaran-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Closing entity in FCCS when ownership management is not in useSummary: Closing entity in FCCS when ownership management is not in use Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We would like to close / inact…soile.alm 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumaran-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Is it possible to copy data from base entity to parent entity?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All Can someone let me know if it is possible to copy data from a child to a parent level? How…NK2025 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Root Cause of Metadata Synchronization IssuesSummary: While creating the metadata members in Account dimension outside the BS hierarchy, we are experiencing an out-of-sync issue, which prevents us from inputting da…
CTA and FX OpeningCan someone help me understand why there is data in the intersection FCCS_CTA->FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Opening. My understanding of CTA calc is that FCCS_CTA should only have data…
The form RestDataGrid_xxxxxxxxxx is invalid.Summary: We are seeing this error when loading the data into FCCS from ERP. What does this error mean? Can you please help us? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…Divya_Masoodi 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Divya_Masoodi Financial Consolidation and Close
Map default_movement in accounts dimension to a movement member in data exchangeSummary: We have created customized movement dimension members for our current client and utilized the default movement attribute in the account dimension. However, we e…Jane Wang 62 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Drill Through from summary not working in FCCSummary: I've set Create Drill Region and Enable Drill from Summary to "Yes" and reloaded the data. Drill through works when you try drilling from a base-level member bu…Joao Carlos Monteiro 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Joao Carlos Monteiro Financial Consolidation and Close
Integration fails with not so common error msgWe have a file based data load to FCC system and it has failed with a very strange Error msg: ERROR [AIF]: The rest service request has failed: 400 - {"status":400,"deta…Mangesh K 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Enhanced Organization By PeriodSummary: In Oct'24 release there is new addition related to Enhanced Organization by Period. When we have to enable this? What are the benefits of enabling them? Content…SJ00793615 52 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
How to create Smart view report for elimination IntercompanySummary: Any body can help me to provide me how can create in Smart View the trial balance report consolidate but eliminate the intercompany accounting under ERP. Any gu…Christian Leon 26 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Christian Leon Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS Approval Unit showing "Failed" statusFCCS Approval Unit showing "Failed" status and when we click on "i" icon in Flat View, we are seeing more details related to the error "Unable to load the form as the nu…SR912 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumaran-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Enhanced organization by periodIs there more information available about this new functionality? I am looking for use cases. Thanks.Ritesch Malhoe 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Enterprise Journals ApprovalsSummary: Hello, We are using EJ in FCCS to track late adjustments and send these to the Oracle Planning (EPBCS) application which are picked up in an automated interface…Rajesh Mukhi 21 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS ConnectorsHi Team, We are in a journey of integrating Oracle FCCS to Workiva, We have some Oracle seeded connector in Workiva which can pull Data,Metadata,Mapping & Snapshot. Woul…Ramya Kalaparthi 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramya Kalaparthi Financial Consolidation and Close
Multiple levels of Reviewers in Approval UnitsSummary: We have a requirement to implement three levels of reviewers in the approval management process. User1 will load the data and promote it. Then, User2 reviews th…ApOK 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Groovy script differences between FCCS and EPBCSSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All I would like to know if Groovy scripting has more Custom Groovy Scripting with Planning th…
Support Year to date Journals on Consolidation ReportsSummary: New Release- October'24, can anyone please help on the new Release of Oct'24 related to Support Year to date Journals on Consolidation reports. Does it means th…SJ00793615 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
deconsolidate a shared entitySummary: Hello everyone! I'm a new user in the tool and we are dealing with the process of deconsolidating an entity. The deconsolidation was carried out in M7 on 07/31/…Pablo_Yanuk 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Causes of the dirty ownerships errorSummary: Understand the causes of the error, then fixed with a Recompute Ownerships Content (required): Good morning, yesterday the following error appeared in the FCCS …Alberto Parisella 383 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Klaus Andersen Financial Consolidation and Close
Inconsistent data consolidation issuesI am investigating a very strange issue where my Aug numbers for give Account and Entity combination are consolidated correctly but for Sep it does not. Checks done are:…
Would a journal in working status prevent a period from being locked?Summary: We were able to lock all periods except for Dec '23. We are receiving the error that the prior period is not locked, which it is. The only thing we can think of…LSN 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Rates data copied to period in which Global assumptions is not startedApproval Unit FCCS_Global Assumptions is not started in Manage Approvals. for example in the month of October 24. We are able to copy rates data from another period Aug …SagarR 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
When zero is loaded to a Historical Amount Override account, the zero is not recognizedWhen zero amount is loaded to a Historical Amount Override account, the zero is not recognized in FCCS in Parent Currency after consolidation runs. Instead, the Parent C…Jacalyn Munyon 17 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jacalyn Munyon Financial Consolidation and Close
Deployed Consolidation Rules for Minority Interest CalculationSummary: Hi All, Good Day! We deployed the Consolidation Rules that we believe are relevant for handling the eliminations and minority interest calculations during conso…Feluche 61 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
schedule job for consolidated journal reportSummary: I see that there are options to export / extract consolidation journals (.jlf) using EPM automate / REST API or also execute the extract via a scheduled job / p…Amarnath_Kothapalli 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
New Intercompany Matching report addressing the ICP second perimeter being impact on consolidation?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all I am checking the new October FCCS release and see this new feature: I want to know if thi…
How to restrict the "FCCS_Balance" Account values to the specific member of custom dimension?Summary: We have enabled Balance the Balance Sheet calculation for our client and it is calculating the different between Total Assets and Total Liabilities and Equity a…Harshith J Rao 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
What is the Audit and Job Retention Period for FCC (number of days)?Summary: What are the number of days the Audit and Job Console jobs are retained for FCC and where can I find a link to documentation that states the number of days reta…Stephanie Philopoulos 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by QA Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS YTD Data Extract from FCCS to a file using Data Integration produces file with only headersI am trying to pull YTD data from FCCS into a file using Data Integration. I see rows in workbench with correct periodic numbers but the data file that gets generated on…Karthiga Devi Ramanathan 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close