Category 152
Discussion List
Procurement - reporting purchase order paid amountsSummary: Reporting on PO/PO line payment amounts Content (required): Hi, we have a financial audit requirement to be able to report PO/PO order lines to payment amounts …
BPA not shown in catalogSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Non-negotiated BPA Lines not rejecting as they shouldSummary: We mark some BPA line as non-negotiated so that after approval, the purchase order will be created but in a status of "Rejected." This allows us to cancel the r…
PR Location does not pick the specific sub inventory when creating a PRWe have created a new Deliver-to-Location under a specific Requisitioning BU and we have not created any sub inventories for this specific location.So,when we try to sel…
Purchasing Cloud Update 25B: What's New DocumentSummary: Hello, The Purchasing Cloud Update 25B What's New Document is available in the link below: What's New Document Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
Where to place private key file for B2B Adapter sftp connection with third partyCMK allows us to use B2B Adapter for connecting to exchange providers for Business Document exchange. B2B adapter itself requires the setup of channel for communicating …DeviPrasadPanda 121 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by DeviPrasadPanda Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
When the Redwood UI for Internal supplier registration will be made mandatory.Summary: Hi All, May i know when the Redwood UI for Internal supplier registration will be made mandatory. is it in 25A or prior to 25C, where can i check these updates?…
Idea 663417 Work Confirmation Adjustment Needs Up VotingHello, I'm asking for everyone's assistance in reading Idea 663417 and upvoting this to allow the ability to correct, update, and create negative work confirmations for …
Maintain Areas of Responsibilities Redwood page is not configurable in Visual Builder Studio?Summary: I want to configure the Maintain Areas of Responsibilities Redwood page to have some default filters and all columns selected by default when a user goes there.…
Previous approver to receive notification once the next approver rejects the PR or PO.Summary: We have a scenario where a transaction (PR or PO) has multiple approvers. The first approver approved the transaction, then the second approver rejected the tra…
How to create Buyer View only custom roleSummary: There is a need to have role where user can only view the purchasing documents (PO, Requisition, Agreements). The users should not have option of tasks Create O…
Price Change Tolerance Percentage does not workSummary: We have set the % in configure req business funciton to 0%, but when processing a requisition the buyer can increase the amount or quantity on the PO and submit…Dave Johnston 112 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sabina Sariteanu-Support-Oracle Purchasing
A person isn't associated with this user account.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Why is the PO FBDI Import validating the BPA item description against the master item descriptionSummary: We are importing 1000s of POs from a legacy system every day. We have the item from the legacy system and from this we find the active BPA and line number in Sa…
How can we send PO PDF to some user using Post approval FYI?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How we can fix the default value in a DFF if DFF type is text box.Summary: We have created a DFF under "Purchasing Document Headers" and display type of DFF is text box. Now we want to use one value to derived as DFF under DFF based on…
Guided Journey for Purchasing (Purchase Order)Summary: Can we pls know when we'll have Guided Journey for Purchasing (Purchase Order) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include t…
Purchase order event in OIC triggered when PO approvedSummary: Hello guys, We are developing an integration on OIC and we want to know how we can subscribe to the Purchase Order Event and create a filter to only trigger the…
Numbering Format for Service and Material Purchase OrdersSummary: We need to implement Service PO Number should be start with "WO-" followed by the serial number, and Material PO number should be start with "PO-" Number follow…
Display Additional Agreement Information During ShoppingSummary: In 25B update, there is new functionality release "Display Additional Agreement Information During Shopping" which allows to: View price breaks, descriptive fle…
Import Contract AgreementsHi Team, We loaded zip file with 615 requisitions and ran Import Contract Agreements job with DO Not Approve option. Now all CPA's are in incomplete status. Could you pl…
Under what conditions do contracts transition to "Closed" status & What is the impact on linked POSummary: Our clients thousands of enterprise contracts are getting closed, creating uncertainty about the status of open POs linked to those contracts. The client lacks …
We want to create custom role that only can access to Purchase OrderSummary: What priviledge to assign this custom role - to allow user to access Purchase Order Refer to below screen Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
How to restrict only one supplier user to create or inactivate other new contacts in supplier portalSummary: How to restrict only one supplier user to create or inactivate other new contacts from the supplier portal Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
How to make attachment mandatory in Purchase OrderSummary: Content (required): Requirement is to make Attachment mandatory in Purchase Order (Either at header or at line level). How to make the attachment field mandator…
How to create Purchase Order from Purchase Agreement without Purchase RequisitionHi, We want to create a purchase order from the blanket purchase agreement without linking it to the purchase requisition. How we can achieve it, I tried to create a man…
Legal entity addresses not showing while raising invoices from supplier portalHi, While raising the invoices from the supplier portal, we cannot see the legal entity address, can anyone let us know how to populate the address in the below field.
How to disable communication to Supplier for Blanket and Contract type Purchase OrdersSummary: Hi, Our business requirement is to only communicate Standard Purchase Orders on approval, to suppliers. We need to disable supplier communication if the Purchas…
The table-based DFF is not being populated at PO line levelAt Po line level, there is two table based DFF - Budget Reference Number & Budget Description Both uses the same parameter value set. However one DFF (Budget Reference N…
Blanket Purchase Agreement Retroactive Pricing for Price BreakNeed to understand the logic of using Retroactive Pricing on a Blanket Purchase Agreement via Price Breaks. Many times in our business, we need to re-price items previou…