Category 170
Discussion List
Where can we define the Unit CostHello, where can I define this cost? Please if you can share the navigation. Thank you
How to upload mass cost elements?Summary: How to upload mass cost elements? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Cod…
Use LCM For transferring freight cost to Item Cost without EstimateSummary: We want to create a PO with a freight line. After Receiving, when we create a AP invoice, we will enable it for LCM but we don't want to go through the estimati…
IPV doesn't hit wrie off accountHello, I have a question. I have received a PO for an item with price 100, then issues all the quantity. The invoice is for 110 instead of 100, in the invoice an IPV jou…
How Accruals work for Expense PO (which are accrued at period end)Summary: For Expense destination PO (which are accrued at period end) the receipt for amount=X was created but this receipt was later corrected in the same period with a…
SLA Source for Interorg and Intercompany Transaction TypesSummary: We are using Intercompany (SCFO) in our Business ,for Intercompany accounting system generates the Class Trade Clearing (Account 123) and Interorganization rece…
Rollup cost calculation for Fixed Labor vs Variable LaborSummary: We'd like to understand the difference in Cost Rollup formula for Fixed Labor vs Variable Labor Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): F…
Costing is required for expense itemsSummary: Hello, We have implemented Inventory for supporting Procurement and don’t have any items or any transactions. Only expense item are received i.e. Direct deliver…
Update the cost after moving the SKU from one subinventory to another?Summary: In Landed Cost Management, is it possible to change or update the cost after moving the SKU from one subinventory to another? An inventory item was received and…Arizbeth Lopez 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Jagan Pakala-Support-Oracle Costing
CAPITALIZATION OF FIXED ASSETS FOR EXPENSE DESTINATION RECEIPTS IN THE PROCUREMENT PROCESSSummary: Hi the feature 'Capitalization of Fixed Assets for Expense Destination Receipts in the Procurement Process' is a new feature in 23A. This feature has to link be…
Need SQL query to fetch the details of Item Number detailsSummary: We need a SQL query to fetch the Item Number, Inventory item id, Unit cost, Total cost, Sub inventory code, organization name & Quantity of Items. Kindly let us…
Can we restrict invoices to be created for Transfer orders (NO SALES ORDER) between Business unitsSummary: Can we restrict invoices to be created for Transfer orders (Customer does not need SALES ORDER) between Business units Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
How we can include the transportation and delivery cost in a Blanket Agreement?Summary: During the negotiation process with multiple Suppliers in a Tender process, the cost of transportation and delivery cost is compared based on similar Delivery T…
Summarize Cost Transactions for Serial Controlled ItemsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
what is the joining of Journal to Inventory Tables in FusionSummary: i've journal related detail where i wanted to add inventory items as well with the Jouranls , so i'm unable to to find out any way to join these tables . Conten…
How the"Recoginized cost of goods sold percentage"calculated on the Analyze Product Gross Margins UISummary: How the "Recoginized cost of goods sold percentage" got calculated on the Analyze Product Gross Margins UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Cost Rollup Scope, limit for selecting itemHi, While creating a scenario, there is rollup scope as a "selected item". What is the limit for items to get selected. Like how many items we can choose at a time? Rega…
scrap in Standard costingSummary: Need to know how scrap is accounted in case of Standard costing Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a way to include scrap c…
Requirement from customer for PPV to be recorded but then be absorbed to Inventory valuationSummary: Customer is operating in Standard cost method and wants to see the PPV from purchases be knocked off by booking it to inventory in Oracle fusion cost accounting…
Inter org transfer without using SFOSummary: a. We have Inv Org-1 belonging to LE-1 nd PCBU-1 We have Inv Org-2 belonging to LE-2 and PCBU-2. Both the inv orgs belongs to same Management BU. b. We don't ne…
Is Sales Channel Information from Sales Orders available for SLA COGS rulesSummary: We have a business requirement to use Sales Channel information from sales orders header as input for SLA rule to generate COGS account. We want to define a map…
The latest issue transaction is not getting costed by cost distributionsSummary: As per the below note, we performed all the transactions. Everything worked fine for the old stuck transaction. But the newly created Misc Issue transaction to …
Using prior period cost for internal material transfers does not fit the company's requirementsSummary: Using prior period cost for internal material transfers does not fit the company's requirements Our company uses the PAC method, and we need to use the current …
Why the Purchase order receipt and acquisition cost adjustment events are combined togetherHi, There are two scenarios. 1.PO where Purchase Order Receipt and Acquisition cost Adjustment entries are getting created separately with different source PO and AP res…
Need privilege which shows BU's in the Lov's of Match Receipt Accrual JobSummary: Need privilege which shows BU's in the Lov's of Match Receipt Accrual Job. We can not give Cost Accountant role to the user. We need exact privilege so that we …
How to add percentage condition for Accrual RulesSummary: I need to define a condition where - Clear the accruals if Invoice amount is less than 85% of receipt accruals. Condition defined and not working - AccrualLine.…
How to cost the Work Order which is completed partially in Process Manufacturing in the Actual Cost?Summary: How to cost the Work Order which is completed partially in Process Manufacturing in the Actual Cost. We have scenario as below: Work Order created for 100 qty. …
Need a Script to find out which items are causing cost rollup errorSummary: Need a Script to find out which items are causing cost rollup error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There are over 800 components…
How are companies managing annual cost updates?Summary: Using Standard Costing in 24A How are companies managing Scenarios to do a year end cost update for items, resources, and overheads? Is there a way to see all s…
Best practice to handle the Receiving Inspection accountSummary: The Receiving Inspection Account does not always net to zero, and it has remaining balances based on the different event types. I would like to understand what …