Category 170
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Oracle maintenanceSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snip seepet (add any code snippe…
Current dated transaction, Cost has generated the Costed and transaction dates with different valuesSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! When we run the Cost Processor for an In-transit Inter Organization transfer Shipment Transaction, one of the depletion layer for Shipment…
How to get similar columns in CST_COSTED_VU_COSTS_V since it is deprecated from 23C?Summary: Hi All, I have developed a query using CST_COSTED_VU_COSTS_V view but since it is deprecated from 23C I need a new table to get the columns. The replacement tab…
After running the Roll up Costs, an error message occurred in View Scenario Exceptions.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 23C Code Snippet (add any code snippe…
Units Assigned * Usage- Cost Roll Up IssueHello Team, We have a scenario wherein there are 14 units of a specific resource that are involved in the manufacturing process of a SKU. While setting up the Work defin…
Incorrect category on the period inventory valuation reportSummary: Incorrect category on the period inventory valuation report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are running the inventory valu…
Why non standard prototype work order is expense in costingSummary: Inventory item used in non-standard prototype work order is costed as expense Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include th…
Inventory Valuation report is not showing any data after 24A Patch is appliedSummary: Hi Team, Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Inventory Valuation report is not showing any data after 24A Patch is applied. We were t…
Maximum Open Periods can't updateSummary: Hello Oracle Experts, I created a Cost Organization Relationship and, accidentally, I defined the Maximum Open Periods as 1. I would like to update this informa…
Please give an explanation with example for Cost Elements and Cost Component MappingsSummary: Significance and usage of Cost Elements and Cost Component Mappings with an example , this will give better understanding for implementation Content (please ens…
In Receipt Accounting, CMR_RCV_TRANSACTION_ID colmn in CMR_RCV_EVENTS tbl for EXPENSE PO's is blankSummary: Hello Everyone, In Receipt Accounting, While querying the PO data in the 'CMR_RCV_EVENTS' table , for 'EXPENSE' the 'CMR_RCV_TRANSACTION_ID' column is blank whe…
Negative By-Product Cost: Process ManufacturingHello All, In the EBS Process Manufacturing costing world, we had a provision to setup Negative by-product cost which would imply that the business spends money to dispo…
shall we use standard cost for the financial accountingSummary: Is it possible to consider the standard cost method as a primary transactional cost and to use it in the financial accounting. Content (please ensure you mask a…
Where is the Source Combination Identifier for accrual taken from ?Summary: We are doing some test of purchase order in receipt accounting, we put the accrual mapping set empty but when we did a Po transaction and run the distribution a…Lázaro Prieto-Oracle 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Jagan Pakala-Support-Oracle Costing
Cost rollup questionsSummary: Hello All, I have following questions regarding item attributes / structure for cost rollup. 1. In finished good (FG) work definition, if there is a phantom and…
what are sources considered to check review supply availability in Oracle Fusion.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Amasa De Silva 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by NareshT Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Process Manufacturing Costing- EBS v/s FusionHello Team, We are in the process of Implementing Process Manufacturing for a client that is currently on EBS. EBS World's Recipe, Formula and Routing have converged to …
FBDI Cost upload File is not getting loaded for Multiple records.Summary: FBDI Cost upload File is not getting loaded for Multiple records. Same file is uploaded successfully for one record, but for more than 1 record the file is gett…
Is it possible to freeze the ledger just for a few days to avoid further posting from receipt accounSummary: Is it possible to freeze the ledger just for a few days to avoid further posting from receipt accounting module? Actual receiving date: Jan 28 Cut-off: T+2 (Feb…
Workarounds idea(s) for outbound freight (or similar) costs related to sales ordersSummary: Currently the functionality to interface shipping costs to cost management is not supported. However to understand the real customer profitability, there should…
Accrual Clearing Rule Definition Inconsistent Across User Login SessionsWe are facing issue with "Accrual Clearing Rules" defined under the navigation "Supply Chain Execution" --> "Receipt Accounting" --> Task : "Manage Accrual Clearing Rule…
The receipt quantity is not update in the Trade Operation after a Correct ReceiptSummary: We received the full amount of the Purchase Order, we ran Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing, Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing and A…
Business case Costing behaviour for Interorganization and Intercompany Transfer?Summary: For a specific item, Quantity = 100 Org =A has On hand Qty Cost in Org = $ 1 /Item 100 qty transferred from Org A to Org B through transfer Order( Both cases i.…
The item shows availability as "in stock," but the actual item is not available to reserveSummary: When creating a back-to-back order and entering order lines, the item shows availability as "in stock," but the actual item is not available to reserve and is n…
What is the recommended number of cost elements to be used?Summary: There is a requirement to include multiple cost elements to record various types of freight and overhead costs. And also use of two cost books for costing- 1.Pr…
During which process the Unit cost will get updated in the Costing back end tableSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! Recently we faced an issue in fetching the Unit cost from the back end costing table. When we do an Intransit receipt for a particular ite…
exceptions while running the validation- Pending cost processingSummary: We have been facing the Pending cost processing while cost accounting period is closing . we are struck with the below 4 transactions. we are unable to find the…
Unable to see 'Costing - Inventory Valuation Real Time' under OTBI subject areaSummary: I am unable to see 'Costing - Inventory Valuation Real Time' under OTBI subject area. Here is the document I am referring to. I do have Cost Accountant role tha…
How can we update the valuation structure to apply to both new and existing items.Summary: Our current cost profile (valuation structure includes cost organization, inventory organization, and sub-inventory). We aim to transition to a new cost profile…
Cost Adjustment using REST API - what value needs to be passed in TransactionIDSummary: Hi All, We are trying to make a cost adjustment while using below REST API, but what value needs to be passed in TransactionID field and how to get it, because …