Cost Adjustment using REST API - what value needs to be passed in TransactionID
Hi All,
We are trying to make a cost adjustment while using below REST API, but what value needs to be passed in TransactionID field and how to get it, because it's giving error like "The value of the attribute Transaction ID isn't valid."
Content (required):
Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):
R13, 22D
Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
"TransactionId" : 53115,
"CostOrganizationName": "VD XXXX",
"CostBook": "XX Cost Book",
"InventoryOrganizationId": 300000004800062,
"ItemId" : 300000006271918,
"ValuationUnit": "XXAVG-01VAL06",
"AdjustmentTypeCode": "P",
"UOMCode": "EA",
"Reason": "ASSURED",
"AdjustmentDate": "2023-01-02T12:55:00+00:00",
"AdjustmentDetail" : [
"CostElement": "Material",
"NewCost": 20000,
"UserComment" : "Test-001"
400 Bad Request