Category 218-2
Discussion List
How to selectively merge VBCS code changes from workspace to main branch in visual basic studioSummary: Hi All, I am working Visual Basic Studio (VBS), learning on using the VBS Workspace & how to merge the code from local repository in Workspace and the Main Bran…
Upgrade 2204 has broken my custom App, impossible to PreviewAfter release a version only upgraded with the 2204v . I can't preview my custom APP. The same behavior is not presented in Live version without the upgrade 2204. The er…
Adjust form layout spaceSummary: Hi, I am building a form I want to decrease the between spaces in text field or field can you help me to achieve this currently its looking like this : I want t…
Adding parameters to VBCS URL embed in Oracle ERP CloudHi Team, In VBCS URL which is embed in Oracle ERP cloud, we are able to add parameters and pass along with the VBCS URL using below syntax. ?ItemNumber=#{bindings.ItemNu…
Passing the context value from Fusion to a VBCS page embedded in Fusion as a Web PageSummary: Hi Team, I have a requirement like I have to add a new tab in say Purchase Order Details page. And under this new tab a VBCS Page will be embedded. Reuirement i…
Invalid expression issues in page.Summary: Content (required): Hi All, Currently we are developing DCS application with the 21c template. Since the update, there have been a number of invalid expression …
Unable to show array as drop down in componentSummary: Hi, I am trying to show a array value return ['EUR', 'AED', 'USD'] into a drop down or input search any component box but not working in any component I am usin…
How to solve Theme issues in VBCS?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, I upgraded the VBCS application to version 2204 and use ApplicationsCloudUI theme. However, my application does not work properly wh…
VBCS-PWA : Service worker is not supported/enabled in the browserSummary: Hi Team, We have embedded VBCS web app(PWA) to JDE environment. When we load the app within JDE, it throws "pwaServiceWorkerManagerClass.js:29 Uncaught (in prom…
Table Content Overlapping on Headers while ScrollingSummary: I am trying to load data on page load in ADP pointing to the table, but when I scroll on the table items the content shows on header as shown in screenshot. Is …
How to display oracle content management site url as iframe in VBCS?Summary: I tried placing the Oracle content management site url as iframe in VBCS. I am getting error as "Refused to Connect". Later I tried with just, even t…
Upload file to FTP server using OIC integration.Summary: Please, I need some help to upload zip files to FTP using OIC (requirement) from VB screen. I would provide file/directory and file content with file picker. I …
Webcast - New Features in Visual Builder's February ReleaseWe are starting to roll out a new version of Visual Builder and Visual Builder Studio and there are many new features that you'll be able to leverage. Join our monthly O…
Input search component not showing valuesSummary: Hi, I am using SDP based input search box 1st time it works fine but when the user deletes text or clear value from the input search box it does not show the li…
Action chain not defined in vbEnter of home page VBCSSummary: The above is the action chain that I have called on vbEnter of the root/shell file in VBCS. setSessionLanguage is the action chain in the same shell file. It is…
How to Create Custom Theme Template for AppSummary: I am building a new application so I want to use a new theme Template not already been given below can any1 help or have videos on how to create a new template …
Multi Select in Table in VBCSSummary: While trying to use multi Select options in table Content (required): While trying to use multi Select options in table, when I select a row I get the respectiv…
vbEnter not getting executed on page load or hard refresh in VBCS applicationSummary: vbEnter not getting executed on page load or hard refresh but it is getting executed when you visit the home page through the navigation links in the menubar of…
Multi Select in Table in VBCSSummary: While trying to use multi Select options in table Content (required): While trying to use multi Select options in table, when I select a row I get the respectiv…
Download zip file using OIC integrationSummary: Download zip file using OIC integration Able to download a csv file not no way to get a zip file. Attached detail with screenshots in separate .doc file Content…
Pagination using pdp variable by passing offset valueSummary: Hi All, I have done pagination for VBCS table through pdp variable which is working as expected. I am using OIC service to load data for table. But now I have n…Muralidharan Kanagaraj 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
OPA Interview Component - Redirect link to Web or Mobile App respectivelySummary: OPA Interview Component - Redirect link to Web or Mobile App respectively Content (required): We are using OPA-Interview component in our project. We have a lin…
Embed VBCS page in SAASSummary: We are looking to embed VBCS page in SAAS and are looking for authentication methods. We know one way is to do is through SSO but we are not opting this as an o…
$ returns Username instead EmailSummary: Hi, When we run the app from VBS-> workspace , '$' returns User Name. It returns Email when we either access shared app url or run it from…
Autocomplete of chrome is overlapping with oj-input-search in VBCSSummary: Autocomplete of chrome is overlapping with autocomplete response of oj-input-search which stays behind the chrome autocomplete. Check screenshot. Is there any s…
Facing issue building bar chartSummary: I want to build bar chart for below json rest connection but facing some issue: x- axis : unit number y-axis : HoursSinceLastMaintenance { "UnitNumber": "2WD103…
How to achieve below mentioned UI in VBCS?Summary: Hi All, How to achieve below mentioned UI in VBCS? We are getting data from OIC service. Need to display pie chart along with details. Content (required): Pleas…Muralidharan Kanagaraj 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Reset child table row selectedSummary: I am facing some issue when user switch selection of master table from 1st row to another its child table row didn't get deselected. user selects 1st row parent…
Save pdf base64 to local including an embedded img . VB-Classic.Summary: Please, I would like some help to get a pdf (from base64 string) with an image embedded selected by user. Trying to get the most basic version from this magic: …
VBCS oj-sample-calendar: Set first day of the week to Monday or any other week daySummary: How can I set first day of the week to a weekday ex. Monday? Content (required): I tried adding display-options.firstDay="3" but it is throwing syntax error. Ve…