Category 218-2
Discussion List
Vulnerability Analysis for VBCS applicationSummary: Looking for different ways to analyze the vulnerabilities in VBCS application. With VB Studio and without VB Studio(bundled with OIC). Content (required): I hav…
How to show concat multiple values in combobox drop down lovSummary: How to show multiple values lov in combobox drop down LOV List like username1 email1 employee_id001 department_nameA username2 email2 employee_id002 department_…
How can we make Tables with Irregular HeadersSummary: We have a requirement we need to group the parent header column and corresponding column in the same section. Also, not all columns have a parent header how can…
Load file picker issue not able to read content of file ADP result unknownSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
How to change Label Names of webpage based Location in VBCS?Summary: Content (required): how to change labels and names into different languages based on countries or places? Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
How to apply TextFiltering in SDP Variable ?Summary: I have a select one component which displays list of Supplier Number. When I type in the number in box , the filtering works fine when I bind the ADP variable t…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 81 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
select single not populating in ADP table.Summary: I have an ADP table in which one of the columns is a Select-Single template. The select-Single has a CollectionTemplate as Table. When the data loads in the tab…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
Page Display WidthSummary: Visual Pages should be rendered in x direction. style= "max-width:100%" as given but still it shows page end there. Content (required): Hi All, Header and Page …
How to use raw value event for select single or combo boxSummary: I have a query where we need to use select single or combo box when user enters or press keys runtime we pass raw value(search with raw value like lov) to our r…
How to configurable delay in search for a Type Ahead Search Component?Summary: I have a Search Component that shows suggestions to the user as he types. I want to add a delay to the service call. Content (required): Currently, I am using r…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Preetham Kumar-Oracle Visual Builder
Select single in VBCSSummary: How to show data initial in select single and can update it with LOV showing in select single? Content (required): Hi All, We have the below required for the VB…
Way of Vanity URL VBSummary: I already set custom URL in VB setting, for example This is working, But my colleague asked me to use Load Balancer to vanity the VB URL is mo…
VBCS Application not supported in Internet Explorer IE-11Summary: We are unable to view any pages of VBCS Application when we ran the url in internet explorer Compatibility IE-11. Clientuses only IE as browser to operate Conte…
Unable to access BO in VBSSummary: Content (required): Hi All, I am trying to create BO and access it within VBS, the problem is that I'm able to create the BO and while trying to switch to the d…
Service account for VBCS like IntgeraitonSummary: I have created a service account by following steps as mentioned in below document but when I use same to access VBCS business objects or to start processes I'm…
How to make table height Auto-Adjustable depending on the Number of rows?Summary: I have a oj-table component whose data is loaded on a REST call. I want the table to automatically adjust its height based on the Number of Rows returned from t…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 262 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vishal Singh Rajpurohit Visual Builder
How to deal with large data in select single or Input Search ?Summary: We have a requirement where the customer wants a Single Select/Input Search Component on VBCS Page to Search As you type and select Item/Product Information fro…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 123 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vishal Singh Rajpurohit Visual Builder
How to make table height Auto-Adjustable depending on the Number of rows?Summary: I have a oj-table component whose data is loaded on a REST call. I want the table to automatically adjust its height based on the Number of Rows returned from t…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vishal Singh Rajpurohit Visual Builder
Issue with adding data(with input text) to the table.Summary: Issue with adding data(with input text) to the table. Content (required): I have a Form with 3 input text fields save button, Saved form data has to be displaye…Soujanya Ananthateertha 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Soujanya Ananthateertha Visual Builder
Login PageSummary: Hi, is there a way to change the highlighted text ? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code s…
Issue with adding data(with input text) to the table.Summary: Issue with adding data(with input text) to the table. Content (required): I have a Form with 3 input text fields save button, Saved form data has to be displaye…Soujanya Ananthateertha 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Soujanya Ananthateertha Visual Builder
Is it possible to have a configuration parameter created to change value at runtime in vbcsSummary: Hi, I want to create a configuration parameter that could be changed at runtime like we have in OCI function or like integration property in integration. Is sim…
String containing XML to ADPSummary: Hello, I would thank any help with the following. In VB I get an XML (after a decode64) string like this: 44 AA 33 BB I would need to know the steps to co…
Added navigation list but it gets hidden even after adding marginSummary: Hi Team I have added the navigation list at the top of page but it is partially visible, could you please help me. I tried to add margin-bottom to navigation li…
Is it possible in VBCS to Re-order Columns of a Table during runtime?Summary: I have a requirement of reordering the columns of a table when the web page is running. Content (required): I have found Row reordering functionality in OJET co…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 123 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vishal Singh Rajpurohit Visual Builder
How to close current browser tabSummary: Actually I am try close current browser tab using button and action chain via call module function. Content (required): Version (include the version you are usi…
Unable to get multiselect rows table data SDP basedSummary: Hi, I am using multi row select based table and when user select the multiple rows then on button press I want to call post rest service and insert those select…
Custom messages with the tableSummary: Hello Everyone, I am using table to display records coming as a result of Rest api. I want to show custom messages based on different scenarios like below. When…
How to update who columns from VBCS using PUT rest endpoint servicesHi I am using PUT ords rest service to update column in ATP data base I want to update who columns as well in table which user (userid)access the vbcs application and wh…
Need Help Table layout settingSummary: I am doing some changes in table style properties I am getting CSP violation errors I want to know what is the best way to set table properties like height, wid…