Category 282
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How to use ojDialog to display a message through a report analytics extension?Hello Community, I need to display an alert or messageBox to inform the attendant if the items they selected in the report are not valid to be processed by the add-in. H…Richard J Algarve 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sreedev S-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Receivable adjustment dff update using ERP Object DFF Update ServiceSummary: Hi Team, Is it possible to update receivable adjustment dff using ERP Object DFF Update Service Thanks, SreekanthSreekanth Mohanan 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthik Karanth-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How can we integrate OCI Identity Domain Authentication with our ADW database?I am reviewing documentation and I've watched the video's below in an attempt to understand how we link our ADW DBaaS service to one of our identity domains so we can ma…