Category 336
Discussion List
New Line added to an existing orderSummary: Suppose we have an order which is sent to RMCS and the RMCS transaction is allocated. Now we have a new line added to the same order. In that case, will it be a…
Prospective Re-allocation in RMCSSummary: Let's say we have a revenue contract consisting of POBs of different satisfaction measurement models like Quantity, Period & Percent. If the POB with Period Sat…
Is there a way to skip certain lines from Cloud OM to RMCS?Summary: We want to skip certain lines from sending into RMCS from OM. I think there is a way to skip subscription lines from sending into RMCS, but is it possible for O…
What Is the Setup Required For Oracle Cloud AR To RMCS Billing Integration?Goal: What Is the Setup Required For Oracle Cloud AR To RMCS Billing Integration?Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle 63 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Revenue Management
How To Import Historical Data Into RMCS?Goal: How To Import Historical Data Into RMCS?Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Revenue Management
Revenue Management Cloud Service (RMCS) solution for Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)Goal: Revenue Management Cloud Service (RMCS) solution for Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Revenue Management
How To Integrate Revenue Management Cloud From Fusion Contract ManagementGoal: How To Interface Fusion Contracts to RMCS?Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Revenue Management
Unit SSP is not being derived from Standalone Selling Price ProfileSummary: The issue is related to Revenue Management Cloud Service. For the revenue Contracts which got created against a DOO order, Unit SSP is not being derived from St…
Uploading SSP For ItemsSummary: Content (required): we have more than 10000 items and we need to enter SSP for each item but without assignment , I have to assign 100000 item and, item classif…Omar Adel Mohamed Dawoud 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alex D-Oracle Revenue Management
Contract Discount Accounting IssueSummary: Content (required): -Let's assume I have two items in Sales Order one First Item with Price (1000000) Second Item with Price (0) as it's considered as a free it…Omar Adel Mohamed Dawoud 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ElenaP-Oracle Revenue Management
Import AutoInvoice process ends with errorSummary: Import AutoInvoice upload Program Error, Attached log. We are able to upload using Transaction source (enabled Automatic transaction numbering). but when I use …Purushothama Kancham-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marius Neagu - Oracle Support-Oracle Revenue Management
Our RCAA report download into excel is now failing after 22c. Does anyone have a workaround?Summary: Content (required): Our RCAA report is now longer working when downloaded to excel which is critical for our Financial Close coming up this weekend. It will be …
Functionality of Calculated Observed standalone selling priceSummary Content (required): Functionality of Calculated Observed standalone selling price, can someone provide some insight into this? Version (include the version you a…
Item Description in Promised Details TabSummary: Hi All, I see Item Number but Item description is not available in promised details tab. Any ideas on how we can get it. Content (required): Version (include th…
Accelerate Your Revenue ProcessSummary: Would you like to understand how you can utilize Oracle Cloud Applications capabilities to address accounting standards ASC 606 and IFRS 15 Revenue from Contrac…Helle Hennings-Oracle 41 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management
Stand alone selling price derivation - ProcessSummary: Team, can anyone explain how a stand alone selling price is derived. Currently client is using EBS and is interfacing the Orders to RMCS and they are manually u…
Does RMCS cover the Implicit Financing scenarios?Summary: Our client has a requirement where RMCS has to treat the difference between the Transaction Price and Allocated Transaction Price (if it exceeds a certain %age …Subhash Valiveti 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management
Adjust the revenue for OT linesHi Helle Hennings We are converting the revenue contract from legacy. we wanted to understand what are the possible options we have yo adjust the revenue without modifyi…
why can't i see contracts that are discarded??Summary: Once the contracts are discarded , we are not able to find them again. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snip…
Multiple Revenue Schedule - Subscription to RMCSSummary: Multiple Revenue Schedule - Subscription to RMCS Content (required): Hi team, We have a requirement to derive multiple revenue scheduling rules (performance sat…
Item Classification- where is derrived fromSummary: I try to define some SSP profiles and I was wondering where from are coming the item classification values which we can choose while defining the profile for a …
Additional contract line added to the existing contract is failing.Summary: Contract modification is failing for new line addition scenario through FBDI template. Content (required): I have created a contract with 3 lines through FBDI u…
Automatic Defaulting of Pricing segment value in RMCS contractSummary: We have defined SSP ( Stand alone selling Price) profile and associated the pricing dimension structure which is single segment ( Bill To Country). We are impor…
Map DFF attributes from project contract to Revenue Management contractSummary: Map DFF attributes from project contract to Revenue Management contract Content (required): Revenue Management line descriptive flexfield (VRM Source Document L…Alexandra Mihaila 64 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management
Need to know how Promised Detailed Amount gets calculated in RMCSSummary: We have an integration from PPM to RMCS and rev rec done in PPM. Same pushed into RMCS (where in RMCS Contract is already created) we ran all the jobs and got p…Vidyasagar.Ramaraju 211 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management
Performance obligation billing accounting is not being createdSummary: Performance obligation billing accounting is not being createdContent (required): Hi, We have created sales order, ar invoice, created accounting for those invo…
Deferred Revenue ReportingDoes anyone know of reporting for Deferred Revenue in RMCS. I can see data for revenue recognized to date for a contract and billings to date, but we need to add a step …User_2025-02-12-05-11-55-609 235 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management
Guidance on Import Billing FBDISummary: Guidance on Import Billing FBDI file Content (required): We are uploading the billing data through Import Billing FBDI. I would like to know how the billing dat…