Category 337
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Can some bsv's create journals in a closed period?Summary: The requirement is to allow some BSV's in a ledger to allow journals created in a closed period. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
General Ledger - A report that includes all prior periods opened during the past 4 weeksWe are looking for a report to accomplish the following : A report from Oracle that includes all prior periods opened during the past 4 weeks, must be generated and revi…Wilson Chelakadan 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Wilson Chelakadan General Ledger & Intercompany
Is there any way to segregate the lease asset and post two different liability accounts every year?Is there any way to segregate the leased assets into short term and long-term liability and post it into respective liability accounts every year by the system?Aishwarya gannoji 11 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by VINAY K SINGH General Ledger & Intercompany
Notification if budget exceededSummary: Need is that if funds check has got failed then the system should send a notification the designated users. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…Gutpe Srujan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sharada Beleramane-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Is there any option to secure corporate rates in oracle fusion?Summary: Currently customer have globalized business in multiple countries and conversion rates will be uploaded by separate team for all rate types. For some countries,…Karthikeyan Chendrayan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Antima Rai-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Create Balance Cube is failingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Create Balances Cubes: Transfer General Ledger Balances is ending up error. The log file is sugge…RajibPramanik 102 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Antima Rai-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
puds.pscr.anonymous.userSummary: What the description of this "puds.pscr.anonymous.user" when you run the "User Password Changes Audit Report". I could not find anything in MOS.I need to unders…
How to Reconciling General Ledger and Budget with Different Conversion Rate Types in OracleSummary: Budget Control: Set Default Rate Type: BOT Selling Transaction:Create a Transaction AP Invoice by specifying Coversion rate type as user rate. Compare Amount be…
Allocation Rule(Formula) Deployment errorHi, We got a requirement for year end allocation rule where ending balance should go to equity and non equity account. Please help with the Run time variable selection a…D Mandal 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sharada Beleramane-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Can we create Mass allocation for VATSo we have a business requirement where they are expecting Mass Allocation for VAT. E.g. We have VAT Receivables 100$ VAT Payables 20$ VAT Clearing Account 80$ (So Mass …Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala General Ledger & Intercompany
Improve GL error message for related value setWhen a journal is imported into the General Ledger (GL) and fails due to incorrect related values (when the related value set is activated at the value set level), the e…Thibault Dufnerr 110 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to convert Assets using Historical Rate in Reporting CurrencySummary: We plan to create a new Reporting Currency Ledger with the Conversion Layer as Journal, currently their is an existing Reporting Currency tied to PL with Conver…
Multiple COA mapping from source to targetSummary: Hello, We have a situation where our primary ledger COA source is our Global COA and the secondary ledger is our statutory book that has its own COA. The primar…Sherri Sweeney 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Getting error when trying process Reverse multiple Journal Batches using REST ( Doc ID 2739516.1 )Summary: Getting error when trying to process Reverse multiple Journal Batches using REST ( Doc ID 2739516.1 ) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…Shikha_Singh12 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to modify Journal batch name for all journals and add period and created by objectsSummary: Our client is using EBS R12 as their legacy system and currently they have to automate the journal batch name user need not provide the details automatically sy…Basant Parihar 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Basant Parihar General Ledger & Intercompany
Unable to create allocation rule between 2 balance cubesSummary: I am not able create allocation rule between 2 different balance cubes. Is it possible to select source from 1 balance cube and target from another balance cube…Phaneendra PVN 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Antima Rai-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
can we read the data by placing cursor on the value for segments like as EBS unable to find the spacIn EBS we can place cursor the chart of Account segment values. in fusion we are unable to do so and also not able to find the space. attached the above screen capture t…Akhila.Allagadda 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Antima Rai-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
FBDI - importBulkData REST API to trigger multiple import jobs with different parametersSummary: We are using importBulkData operation of "/fscmRestApi/resources/" REST API (non OIC as middleware) to import journals data into orac…Shail369 162 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Antima Rai-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Segregate access of Transfer to Payables / Receivables in IntercompanySummary: Hello. I don't want one user to be able to access both Tranfer to Payables and Transfer to Receivables in Intercompany. Is there any way or privilage to acheive…
What are the 'archive tables' of feature 'ACCOUNTING DATA ARCHIVE AND PURGE'Hi All, As we know, there is a new feature named 'ACCOUNTING DATA ARCHIVE AND PURGE' in 24B. Ref: It says 'This action will move the data from the transaction tables int…
General Ledger Journal and Subledger Transaction Mapping ReportIt looks like Oracle has provided this report for China localization only, we have a similar requirement for US operations, is it possible to run this report for Non Chi…
Our business requirement is to have two different Avg rates and Period-end Rates for one ledgerOur business requirement is to have two different Avg rates and Period-end Rates for consolidation and FRS reporting. But in Oracle we have only one type of Avg and peri…Zakir Hussain 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Is it possible to batch create allocation rulesSummary: Currently, we create allocation under General Ledger → Create Allocation Rules, and all the rules can only be edit and created one by one at a time. We are goin…
Unable to create the new employee number under the Employee segment due to Child Values are ExhaustSummary: Unable to create the new employee number under the Employee segment due to Child Values are Exhausted Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Intercompany transactions between different ledgersWe currently have 4 ledgers configured, and we need to be able to make intercompany transactions between them, can you tell us if this is possible. Best regards.
Revaluation Journal- Forex account balance and Asset Account balance needs to be nullifiedSummary: An incorrect revaluation journal was posted in Nov-19 to the unrealised Forex and Asset account, during Data migration, while conversion from AUD to USD. which …Saumyashri 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Karun_Jain-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to change Amount Masking Per Millions in Oracle Fusion?Summary: Right now, the amount masking format is 1,000,000 but we need to change the format to 10,00,000 at the instance level. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
FX Revaluation - Conversion from Transaction Currency (Non-USD) to Functional Currency (USD)Hi, It is required to achieve conversion from Transaction Currency (Non-USD) to Functional Currency (USD) In a third party tool (Non-Oracle system), for all those transa…SaurabhSinghal 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by CristinaV1-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Journal approval assignee top participantSummary: We currently have a journal approval rule (FinGlJournalApproval) where the journal will go to the submitter's line manager for approval, then if it's not action…Fraser HES 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Report for Unused Natural AccountSummary: We would like to find list of unused natural accounts (if a account was not used for booking/journal entry in any entity for a certain period of time). Is there…Sathish Ravi 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany